Restraint Events - Other Locations (not Mental Health Service)
1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017
With (Incident Classification: RESTRAINT/SUPPORTIVE DEVICES) And (Service: Mental Health Service) And (Incident Date: Friday, 1 July 2016 - Friday, 30 June 2017)
File ID
51767 holding limbs while
patient laying down
51832 holding limbs while
patient laying down
52069 holding limbs while
patient laying down
52125 full restraint
52156 holding limbs while
patient laying down
52171 holding limbs while
patient laying down
52286 holding limbs while
patient laying down
52382 holding limbs while
patient laying down
52521 holding limbs while
patient laying down
52565 holding limbs while
patient laying down
52794 environmental
restraint (seclusion),
full restraint
52855 full restraint, police
53039 environmental
restraint (seclusion)
File ID
53242 full restraint, holding
limbs while patient
laying down, police
assistance, police
handcuffs required
53243 holding limbs while
patient laying down
53338 holding limbs while
patient laying down
53525 environmental
restraint (seclusion),
full restraint, holding
limbs while patient
laying down
53526 full restraint, police
assistance, police
handcuffs required
53931 holding limbs while
patient laying down
54080 full restraint
54134 full restraint
54168 full restraint
54253 holding limbs while
patient laying down
54568 full restraint, holding
limbs while patient
laying down, holding
limbs while patient
54777 full restraint
55091 holding limbs while
patient laying down
55302 holding limbs while
patient seated
File ID
55443 holding limbs while
patient laying down
55452 full restraint
55640 holding limbs while
patient laying down
55854 full restraint
55962 holding limbs while
patient laying down
56118 holding limbs while
patient seated
56300 holding limbs while
patient laying down
56514 full restraint, holding
limbs while patient
laying down
56533 full restraint
56827 holding limbs while
patient laying down
56844 full restraint
56986 full restraint
57536 figure four hold
57630 holding limbs while
patient laying down
58109 full restraint
58419 holding limbs while
patient laying down
58625 holding limbs while
patient laying down
58760 holding limbs while
patient laying down
File ID