Te Komihana O Nga Tari Kawanatanga
22 March 2018
Mr Mark Hanna
fyi-req uest-7269-b5fe854f@requests. fyi. org. nz
Dear Mr Hanna
Official Information Request
Our Ref: SSC2018/0021
I refer to your official information request received on 13 February 2018 where you have
asked for:
"the following information, from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017, broken down by request:
The date and time at which the request was received.
The date and time at which the request was answered.
Whether or not the request was extended under section 15A of the OJA.
If the request was extended, the date and time at which notice of the
extension was communicated to the requester.
If the request was extended, the duration of the extension.
The outcome of the request (e.g. all information released, transferred to another
For the period 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017, the State Services Commission (SSC) received
96 official information requests. Please find enclosed a table that provides for each .of the 96
• the date and time each request was received
• the date and time each request was answered
• whether or not the request was extended under section 15A of the OIA
• the date and time the extension was notified to the requester
• the duration of the extension
• the outcome of the request
While the SSC has been able to provide the information in relation to your request, it should
be noted that not all agencies will routinely log, or be able to readily extract, this level of data
related to dates, times, extensions and outcomes without substantial collation due to the
volume of requests they receive.
If you wish to discuss this decision with us, please feel free to contact
Ministerial. [email address].
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PO Box 329 Wellington 6140
New Zealand
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