November 2003
New Zealand Police Specifications: DSR
Operating Frequency 34.7 Ghz +/- 100 Mhz New Zealand Radio Spectrum Band Ka
Operator displays are to be of three colours, green for patrol speed, amber for target speed and
red for lock speed.
Accuracy better than 1 Kmh for all modes
All rounding of any part of one full digit shall take place at 0.95kmh through out the total speed
range e.g.: 75.8 Kmh shall read 75 not 76 Kmh.
Stationary range of speeds from 16 Kmh to 300 Kmh
Moving mode patrol speed set for 32 Kmh only and not selectable on NZ Police models
The same lane mode has been removed from Stalker Duals.
Internal sensitivity or range has been reduced, to the lowest range possible, operators can still
select sensitivity levels on remotes controls, but only within the radars pre set internal low range
The unit must lock the patrol speed when target vehicles speed is locked, some USA models
do not have this feature or lock only when the patrol vehicles drops speed by 10 Kmh.
Stopwatch mode has been removed.
Fastest vehicles cannot be locked until they become the target vehicle.
Doppler audio produced from the unit must be true audio and not simulated by electronic
Speed-readings must be updated at least twice per second and not held for 1 or 2 seconds for
the next updated reading.
The latest NZ models from November 2002 do not have a beep when changing modes on the
remotes; this has been removed and only produces a beep when conducting internal testing.
During “TEST” the displays indicate 10, 35 and 65 but the temperature displays in centigrade.
Antenna cables used by NZ Police have extra shielding to prevent interference to Police cross
band radio equipment.
NZ Police do not use speedometer pulses to confirm ground speed, this option is not included
in our sets.
All units supplied by Applied Concepts to NZ Police have special product numbers and software
numbers to identify these units.