15 March 2018
Rachael Harris
By email:
[FYI request #7302 email]
Dear Ms Harris
Request for information
I refer to your Official Information Act 1982 (
OIA) request dated 19 February 2018 requesting
the following information:
“Please provide the statistics for the number of Southern Response policyholders
who have died while awaiting full and final settlement of their claims.
We refuse this request on the following grounds:
Section 18(e) of the OIA – A request can be refused because the document alleged
to contain the information requested does not exist. In
some cases, we have no
knowledge of whether or not a claimant has passed away, for example, because the
property is legally owned by a trust or a body corporate. As such, in some cases we
do not hold the information requested.
Section 18(f) of the OIA – A request can be refused because the information
requested cannot be made available without substantial research or collation.
Although we are aware of
some claimants having passed away, given the nature of
our records, preparing a summary of this information would involve substantial
research and collation.
You have a right to ask the Ombudsman to review this decision. To do so, you can visit their
website -
http://www.ombudsman.parliament.nz/ .
Yours sincerely
Victor Wells
Legal Risks Adviser