14 March 2018
Antony Andrews
[FYI request #7347 email]
Dear Mr Andrews
Official Information Act (1982) Request
I write in response to your Official Information Act request, dated 28 February. You requested the
following information:
The data you provided to MOH on 'Outsourced Support Personnel' for June 2015 and June 2016
showed a credit of $121('000) and $119 ('000) respectively.
Please clarify the following points clearly:
What is the reasoning behind this credit? Did Counties outsourced its own staff to an
external entity and received income?
If it did, please specify how much it spent on outsourcing (if it did in that month), and how
much it received by outsourcing its staff to other providers. In other words, please break
down the above credits.
Or was there an error in reporting this amount to MOH?
If there was, please provide the updated amount for al of the 2014/15 and 2015/16
(break down month by month) financial year for Outsourced support personnel.
Our response:
Each month, an accrual of estimated costs for locum Anaesthetics Technicians (an outsourced
personnel support cost) is provided in the general ledger. At year end the final costs are assessed, and
any additional accruals are reversed back to profit and loss, triggering the credits referred to above in
the months of June 2015 and June 2016.
I trust this information satisfactorily answers your request.
Yours sincerely
Gloria Johnson
Chief Executive (Acting)
Counties Manukau District Health Board
19 Lambie Drive, Manukau, Auckland 2104 | Private Bag 94052, Manukau, Auckland 2241
T: 09 276 0000 | cmdhb.org.nz