14 March 2018
Amanda Ashley
[FYI request #7386 email]
Dear Ms Ashley,
Official Information Act (1982) request
I write in response to your Official Information Act request, dated 07 March 2018. You requested the
following information, and we note our responses under each question.
For clarity, we note that CM Health is not performing gender reassignment surgeries at this time.
Should a decision be made at a future date by the Ministry of Health to provide this surgery in New
Zealand, the DHB wil work with the Ministry of Health to ensure there is access to this service for our
I would like to inquire about the fol owing, now that Rita Yang has been employed.
What types of surgery wil Rita be performing? (FFS, Breast Augmentation, MtF, FtM {etc})
Ms Yang has been employed by CM Health as a Consultant (Senior Medical Officer) Plastic
Surgeon, and will not be carrying out surgeries associated with a gender assignment service.
What MtF Vaginoplasty procedures is Rita able to perform / wil perform? (Penile Inversion,
Rectosigmoid, peritoneal graft {etc})
At CM Health, Ms Yang wil not be performing any of these procedures at this time.
What FtM procedures is Rita able to perform / wil perform?
Ms Yang will not be performing any of these procedures at CM Health.
When is a Multi-Disciplinary surgical team likely to be appointed?
At this point in time, there is no plan regarding a multidisciplinary surgical team for gender
How long after a Multi-Disciplinary surgical team is appointed wil the waiting list be resumed?
There is no plan on this.
Counties Manukau District Health Board
19 Lambie Drive, Manukau, Auckland 2104 | Private Bag 94052, Manukau, Auckland 2241
T: 09 276 0000 | cmdhb.org.nz
I trust this information satisfactorily answers your request. If you are not satisfied with this response
you are entitled to seek a review of the response by the Ombudsman under section 28(3) of the
Official Information Act.
Yours sincerely
Gloria Johnson
Chief Executive (Acting)
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