Section 9(2)(a) Official Information Act 1982
Lower North Recruiting
Section 9(2)(a) Official Information Act 1982
NZ Police Constabulary Recruitment - Distance Learning
Application ID:
Kia ora TAG4,
We hope your preparations for SCOPE and initial PAT are going well.
The pre police college distance learning course is a key component to the police selection process, usually
starting after interview. However we’d like to take this opportunity to see if you would like to enrol
early.Check out dates we are running the course here.
The course will run alongside the remainder of your selection process including SCOPE, interview and
reference checks.
The 12-week long course will require part-time study for approximately 12-15 hours per week.Please note
you must be able to commit to the workload consistently, for each and every week of the course.
Please note: Ifyou do not meet the required standards of any of the remaining steps in the selection
process, your application may be declined. If your application is declined, you willnotbe reimbursed
for the cost of the distance learning course.
Course Cost:$715 (non- refundable) payment will be due during the enrolment period prior to the course
start date.
Please reply to this email to let us know if you wish to enrol early, and which course date you are
interested in. On the first day of the enrolment period, we will email you with instructions on how to enrol.
If you are not ready to enrol in Distance Learning at this stage, you do not need to reply to this email. You
will be offered the opportunity to enrol in future cohorts.
All the best for your next stage in the selection process.
Nga mihi,
NZ Police Constabulary Recruitment