This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Recruitment Summary'.
Section 9(2)(a) Official Information Act 1982
Lower North Recruiting
Section 9(2)(a) Official Information Act 1982
NZ Police Constabulary Recruitment - Recruit Additional Information form received 
Kia ora TAG4, 
Thank you for submitting the Recruit Additional Information form and your CV. The next step in the 
selection process is to attend an assessment day. 
It is expected you will be available to attend an assessment day within 8 weeks of receiving initial 
medical clearance. Due to the high demand and limited places available it is important to be ready 
to complete the academic assessments within this time frame. We will contact you as soon as we 
have available places. 
Nga mihi 
NZ PoliceConstabularyRecruitment