This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Recruitment Summary'.
Section 9(2)(a) Official Information Act 1982
Recruitment Medicals
Section 9(2)(a) Official Information Act 1982
NZ Police Constabulary Recruitment - Completed Phone Screen
Application ID: 
Kia ora TAG4, 
We are pleased to advise you that recruitment staff have completed the initial vetting stage and 
you have been cleared to proceed to the next stage of recruitment initial medical clearance. 
Health Questionnaire 
Please to complete your onlineHealth Questionnaire by the . 
You need to provide as much detail as you can - please be specific in your answers. Once you 
have completed your Health Questionnaire, click on the submit button at the bottom of the form. 
Any supporting documents that relate to any injury or illness should be submitted to the medical 
team via email to [email address]. Ensure you insert your Last Name, First 
Name in the email subject line. 
If you answer "Yes" to any of the questions relating to asthma or eyesight, please Click 
here to download the relevant forms (asthma, visual). Please note that your health 
questionnaire cannot be processed until relevant additional forms have been received.
Once the medical team have received your relevant Health forms, they will assess your health and 
whether you are suitable to join NZ Police. This usually takes up to three weeks. Please note 
while guided by external medical opinion, the decision regarding your medical suitability sits with 
NZ Police. 
You can not proceed to an Assessment Day until your inital medicals have been cleared. 
For more information on preparing for Police Selection pleaseclick here. 
Physical Appraisal Test (PAT) 
A reminder that it is compulsory to attend at least one PAT rehearsal before attending an 
Assessment Day, so if you haven't already done so, please book into a PAT rehearsal by ringing 
0800 NEWCOPS or 0800 639 2677. 
To learn what is involved in the PAT rehearsal, click here. 
Nga mihi, 
NZ Police ConstabularyRecruitment