Section 9(2)(a) Official Information Act 1982
Lower North Recruiting
Section 9(2)(a) Official Information Act 1982
NZ Police Constabulary Recruitment Assessment Day
Application ID:
Kia ora TAG4,
I hope your preparations for your assessment day onXXXXare going well.
We need some further information regarding your education level to enable us to determine if you
need to complete the Literacy Assessment. Please reply to this email to confirm whether you have
a minimum of NZ UE English Literacy or equivalent. Click here for more information about NZ UE
English Language Literacy standards. You need to email me a copy of your highest educational
qualification byXXX.
If you have any questions, or if you are unable to attend assessment day, please email or callXXX
XXXX. It is also important to let us know if you become unwell or if there are any other factors
which may affect your performance on the day. If you do not notify us, this could result in your
application being declined.
All the best for the assessment day.
Nga mihi,
NZ PoliceConstabularyRecruitment