Methamphetamine: History,
Pathophysiology, Adverse Health
Effects, Current Trends, and Hazards
Associated with the Clandestine
Manufacture of Methamphetamine
David Vearrier, MD,
Michael I. Greenberg, MD, MPH,
Susan Ney Miller, MD, Jolene T. Okaneku, MD, and
David A. Haggerty, MD
Developed as an amphetamine derivative, methamphetamine quickly
became a popular medication during the 1940s and 1950s, prescribed for
a variety of indications. Extensive diversion of methamphetamine during
the 1960s and an increasing awareness of the adverse health effects
associated with methamphetamine led to the withdrawal of most of the
indications for licit methamphetamine use and declines in legal produc-
tion of the drug. However, the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine
increased to meet the demand for methamphetamine, and methamphet-
amine abuse has increased with variable geographic penetrance over the
last 30 years.
Methamphetamine is an indirect sympathomimetic agent that is distin-
guished from amphetamine by a more rapid distribution into the central
nervous system (CNS), resulting in the rapid onset of euphoria that is the
desired effect for those abusing the drug. Increases in monoamine
neurotransmission are responsible for the desired effects—wakefulness,
energy, sense of well-being, and euphoria—as well as the excess
sympathetic tone that mediates many its adverse health effects.
Methamphetamine is associated with adverse effects to every organ
system. Although the most significant morbidity and mortality occur
because of cardiovascular effects, such as myocardial infarction and
hypertensive crisis, no organ system remains unscathed by methamphet-
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amine abuse. Methamphetamine abuse is a serious public health problem
because of both costs associated with treatment of methamphetamine-
associated adverse health effects and crime and violence perpetrated to
obtain methamphetamine or because of methamphetamine-related aggres-
sive behavior.
Of further concern are the hazards and environmental effects of “meth
labs,” frequently small operations housed in residential buildings, where
methamphetamine is manufactured from precursor chemicals. Hazards
associated with methamphetamine laboratories include blast injuries,
thermal burns, chemical injury, and toxic exposures. Unfortunately, a
significant percentage of methamphetamine laboratories are housed in
residential buildings where children are present, potentially resulting in
pediatric exposures to methamphetamine, precursor chemicals, and drug
use paraphernalia.
This article reviews the history of methamphetamine use and abuse,
describes its mechanism of action and pathophysiology, delineates
adverse health effects, and describes current epidemiologic trends. It also
discusses the process and precursor chemicals involved in the manufac-
ture of methamphetamine and hazards associated with clandestine meth-
amphetamine laboratories.
The History of Methamphetamine
Discovery and Early Methamphetamine Use
Amphetamine-type stimulants, which include methamphetamine and
amphetamine, were developed as synthetic alternatives to ephedra.
Ephedra is a botanic extract of
Ephedra sinica and has been used in
traditional Chinese medicine as ma huang for over 5000 years. In 1885,
ephedrine, the active alkaloid present in ephedra, was extracted and
studied. Ephedrine was recognized to be similar to epinephrine, which
was also isolated around the turn of the 20th century, but could be taken
orally, had a longer duration of action, produced more pronounced and
dependable CNS stimulation, and had a larger therapeutic index. The
search for a synthetic ephedrine substitute resulted in the development of
amphetamine-type stimulants, produced via modification of the ephedrine
skeleton with the pharmaceutical goals of CNS stimulation, bronchodi-
lation, or nasal
vasoconstriction.1-3 Japanese chemist Akira Ogata first
synthesized methamphetamine in 1919 using ephedrine as a precursor.
Early amphetamine use was primarily via nasal insufflation. In 1932,
Smith, Kline, and French began marketing the amphetamine inhaler
Benzedrine for use in asthma and congestion. The insufflated amphet-
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amine caused vasoconstriction of the nasal mucosa, decreasing mucosal
swelling and edema, and the inhaler was initially available without a
prescription. In 1959 the S. Pfeiffer Company began producing Valo
inhalers that contained 150-200 mg of
The Heyday of Licit Methamphetamine Use
Desirable “side effects” associated with amphetamine-type stimulant
inhalers were noted, resulting in expanding indications for amphetamines
and the introduction of oral amphetamine-type stimulant medications. For
example, the side effect of wakefulness suggested its value in treating
narcolepsy and conditions of drowsiness or exhaustion. Its appetite-
depressant effects led to the use of amphetamines, including metham-
phetamine, for weight
loss.4 Other early indications and off-label uses for
methamphetamine included schizophrenia, asthma, morphine addiction,
barbiturate intoxication and narcosis, alcoholism, excessive anesthesia
administration, migraine, heart block, myasthenia gravis, myotonia,
enuresis, dysmenorrhea, Meniere’s disease, colic, head injuries, hypoten-
sion, seasickness, persistent hiccups, heart block, head injuries, infantile
cerebral palsy, codeine addiction, tobacco smoking, pediatric behavior
issues, Parkinson’s disease, and
epilepsy.5 Amphetamines and their
analogs were being presumptively promoted as effective and safe without
risk of addiction. In 1940, methamphetamine tablets under the commer-
cial name Methedrine were introduced to the market by the Burroughs
Methamphetamine was also used by the military. In World War II,
methamphetamine was available to military personnel as Pervitin in
Germany and Philopon in Japan. Temmler Pharmaceutical Company
introduced Pervitin in 1938 to the European market. Pervitin was
available as 3 mg tablets that physicians could provide for the German
military units. Dainippon Pharmaceutical Company made Philopon avail-
able in Japan in 1941. Methamphetamine in Germany and Japan and
amphetamine use in the USA were used to increase alertness, reduce
fatigue, and suppress the appetite of
soldiers.4,5 Use of methamphetamine
extended to include war-related industry workers to improve shift work
abilities. Later, the USA military used amphetamines in the Korean War
and the Vietnam War. Today, the use of stimulants, like amphetamines
and methamphetamine, is permitted to treat combat fatigue and promote
wakefulness in combat. A survey of Persian Gulf War pilots reported
substantial use of stimulants to decrease fatigue during
During the 1940s and 1950s, methamphetamine was liberally prescribed
for numerous indications and large quantities of it were licitly produced.
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A broad segment of the population used methamphetamine for a variety
of reasons. Housewives, truck drivers, students, and professionals used
amphetamines and methamphetamine to promote wakefulness, improve
mood or attention, and lose weight. Numerous users gradually increased
the doses they used as they developed tolerance to the effects of the
The ways in which the medications could be misused spread quickly.
Inhalers could be broken open and the contents ingested directly or filters
could be soaked in alcohol or coffee to reduce irritation of the mouth.
Extracting drugs from inhalers for intravenous injection was another
method of abuse, first being reported in 1959. Reports of robberies,
murder, and other violent acts were linked to inhaler
misuse.4,5 Prison
populations also abused these inhalers, which could be smuggled within
containers or letters. Methamphetamine abusers would combine the drug
with illicit substances, such as heroin or barbiturates. Use in conjunction
with a barbiturate produced what was referred to as “bolt and jolt,” a
street term for the increased pleasure associated with this combination of
In response to a Food and Drug Administration warning of misappli-
cation of the inhalers, some pharmaceutical companies responded by
adding a denaturant to deter ingestion. Abusers adapted by injecting the
product after boiling off the denaturant. In 1959, the Food and Drug
Administration restricted amphetamine and dextroamphetamine inhalers
to prescription-only distribution. Methamphetamine inhalers, such as
Valo, continued to be marketed until 1965. Starting with Benzedrine in
1949, most of these nasal inhalers were removed from the market by
The Gradual Recognition of Adverse Health Effects
Reports of serious adverse health effects of amphetamines began
appearing as early as 1935. One early study reported that even at the
recommended therapeutic dose of an amphetamine inhaler, most subjects
experienced pallor, flushing, palpitations, and increases in pulse rate and
blood pressure. Six of the 20 subjects in that study developed multiple
extrasystoles and chest pain. Other studies reported convulsions, coma,
loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, tremor,
tetany, tachycardia, pallor, psychosis, and
As an early response to recognition of potential dangers associated with
amphetamine use and misuse, state and federal restrictions were enacted,
halting the over-the-counter sale of oral amphetamine preparations. These
restrictions required that amphetamines be marketed under a label
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TABLE 1. Street names for methamphetamine
Crystal meth
Poor man’s cocaine
Biker’s coffee
Black beauties
Stove top
Methlies quick
Yellow barn
warning against use except under medical supervision. However, inhalers
containing amphetamines or methamphetamine were not covered under
As the abuse of methamphetamine increased, so did the number of
monikers associated with the drug
(Table 1). During the 1960s, the term
“speed freaks” became popular to describe high-dose, compulsive users
of amphetamine and methamphetamine.
1,5 Demographically, amphet-
amine-type stimulant abuse at that time was most common among
Caucasians with a middle-class socioeconomic status. The prevention
slogan “speed kills” was introduced by antidrug activists during the
1960s, prompted by the serious medical and psychiatric consequences of
abuse, although some argue that the slogan may have done as much to
popularize the abuse of amphetamines as to prevent it.
In response to the burgeoning diversion of legally produced amphet-
amine-type stimulants to the criminal underworld, the USA federal
government passed the Drug Abuse Control Amendments of 1965, which
required record keeping throughout the manufacture, distribution, pre-
scription, and sale of these medications. Ultimately, this bill was
ineffective in preventing diversion of amphetamine-type stimulants to the
black market. Subsequently, the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention
and Control Act of 1970 limited the accepted medical uses for prescribed
amphetamines and classified amphetamines as Schedule II medications.
Over the course of the 1970s, there was a gradual decrease in the number
of amphetamines prescribed and decreasing legal production of the drugs
was resulting in less diversion to the street. A 90% decrease from
prelegislation level was accomplished by the mid-1980s; the rate at which
amphetamines was being prescribed had decreased by 90% from the
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heyday of the 1960s and continued to decrease by another one-third by
Diversion of Pharmaceutical Products and Illicit
It has been estimated that legal pharmaceutical production of amphet-
amine was 3.5 billion tablets in 1958, enough to supply every person in
the USA at the time with 20 standard
doses.4 Prescriptions peaked in 1967
at 31 million, whereas amphetamine production increased to 10 billion
tablets by
1970.7 A consequence of the overproduction of amphetamines
was diversion to illegal traffic. Supplies of amphetamine and metham-
phetamine from legal production found their way to the black market via
pharmaceutical companies, wholesalers, pharmacists, and
Illegal manufacture of methamphetamine emerged as a new source of
the drug and became increasingly important as a diversion of licitly
produced methamphetamine became more difficult. The first known illicit
production of methamphetamine occurred in 1962 in San Francisco, CA.
During the late 1960s, the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood of San Fran-
cisco became a center of methamphetamine abuse, particularly among
young adults and college students. Illegal manufacture was imperfect and
the methamphetamine contained substantial amounts of impurities. How-
ever, by the mid-1980s, virtually all street methamphetamine was
manufactured in clandestine laboratories rather than diverted from legally
produced pharmaceutical
Association with motorcycle gangs led to the early reputation of
methamphetamine as a “biker drug” in the 1960s and 1970s. The
nickname “crank” originated from the bikers’ tendency to transport the
methamphetamine in the crankcases of their motorcycles. Motorcycle
gangs, including Hell’s Angels, were responsible for manufacturing and
distributing methamphetamine along the Pacific Coast and have been
associated with distribution networks that contributed to a rise in
methamphetamine use in the 1960s. These motorcycle gangs contributed
up to 90% of methamphetamine produced in the USA in the 1970s and
1980s. Their customer base was primarily in Southern California and
Oregon and much of the distribution involved the intravenous or
crushable tablet
form.1 Eventually, as illicit production of methamphet-
amine shifted to Mexico, the motorcycle gangs transitioned to purchasing
methamphetamine from Mexican manufacturers and focused their profit-
making on the distribution of the
Following a lull in amphetamine and methamphetamine use during the
1970s and early 1980s because of declining prescriptions and licit
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TABLE 2. Selected methods of self-administration of methamphetamine
Method of
Slang Terms Associated
with Technique
Anal suppository
Butt rocket, plugging
Chasing the white dragon
Intravenous injection
Banging, mainlining, slamming
Vaginal suppository
production, methamphetamine use in the West Coast began to increase
again in the mid-1980s and steadily spread into the Midwest through the
1990s. The Northeast and Mid Atlantic were relatively spared up until just
this past
decade.1 Epidemiologically, methamphetamine abuse in the
1980s occurred predominantly among Caucasian males, many of whom
were truck drivers, construction workers, and other blue-collar workers.
During this period, a new form of methamphetamine, methamphet-
amine hydrochloride, was popularized. “Ice” or “crystal meth,” as
methamphetamine hydrochloride was called, could be smoked, resulting
in an almost immediate onset of euphoria and contributing to its
increasing popularity among amphetamine abusers. The epidemic started
in West Honolulu and included those from the working class, public
housing projects, and Filipino community, but over time expanded to
Hawaii and the West Coast and then throughout the
USA.7,8 Table 2
describes some of the more popular methods of methamphetamine
self-administration. More legislation was passed during this period, which
included the Federal Controlled Substance Analogue Enforcement Act of
1986 and Chemical Diversion and Trafficking Act of 1988, with the latter
act regulating precursor chemicals in an attempt to stem the illicit
production of
The 1990s experienced an expansion of local manufacture and regional
distribution of methamphetamine. Manufacturing in both “mom-and-pop
labs” and large-scale “super labs” became widespread throughout the West
Coast and Midwest states. In areas with adequate illicit drug infrastructure
and high methamphetamine demand, like the Central Valley of California,
organized networks of producers and distributers predominate. In areas with
less established infrastructure, the methamphetamine supply is produced by
local “cooks” and distributed by a relational network of people. Clandestine
laboratories are often, although not exclusively, set up in rural areas because
of the strong odors associated with methamphetamine production and are
moved frequently to prevent detection.
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In response to an epidemic of methamphetamine abuse, the federal
government has passed measures designed to stem rising methamphet-
amine manufacture and abuse. The Methamphetamine Control Act of
1996 was passed to strengthen penalties and tighten controls on precur-
sors.7,8 The most recent federal law is the Combat Methamphetamine
Epidemic Act of 2005, which regulates the purchase of products contain-
ing pseudoephedrine, ephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine, all of which
can be used in the manufacture of methamphetamine. Specifically, drugs
containing these precursors must be stored behind a pharmacy counter;
purchase requires proof of identification, and purchases are limited to a
maximum of 3.6 g of pseudoephedrine per
day.1 Despite this recent law,
methamphetamine manufacturers circumvent these restrictions by
“smurfing” or sending multiple people to make several pseudoephedrine
purchases at different retail centers.
Currently, most of the methamphetamine available in the USA is
produced domestically or in Mexico. Since the early 1980s, Mexican drug
cartels have trafficked both methamphetamine and its precursors into the
USA. Cartels in Mexico purchase bulk ephedrine or pseudoephedrine
from countries with less strict oversight of methamphetamine precursor
chemicals, such as India, Germany, and China. Despite efforts by both the
USA and the Mexican governments to prohibit the import of precursor
chemicals, methamphetamine production continues to
Methamphetamine is a member of the phenylethylamine class of
psychostimulants. Similar in structure to amphetamine, an added N-
methyl group confers added lipid solubility, allowing for more rapid
crossing of the blood– brain barrier
(Fig 1). This property of metham-
phetamine causes a higher ratio of central to peripheral action and a more
rapid onset of central
effects.9 The pathophysiology of methamphetamine
primarily relates to its effects on multiple neurotransmitter systems.
Dopamine (DA), a catecholamine, is the major neurotransmitter impacted
by methamphetamine use. However, methamphetamine also affects
serotonergic, noradrenergic, and glutamatergic systems as
well.10 The
acute adverse effects of such neurotransmitter dysregulation are predom-
inantly because of catecholamine excess. Specifically, this involves
cardiovascular activation via norepinephrine release from sympathetic
nerve endings as well as psychoactive stimulation from large quantities of
DA release into brain synapses, including the caudate, putamen, and
ventral striatal
regions.11,12 In contrast, chronic methamphetamine use
has been shown to cause persistent dopaminergic deficits.
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FIG 1. Structures of methamphetamine and selected other psychostimulants.
Methamphetamine’s main mechanism of action is its ability to increase
neuronal release of monoamines, particularly DA
(Fig 2). Much of this
release is mediated via alterations in both the plasmalemmal dopamine
transporter (DAT) and the vesicular monoamine transporter-2 (VMAT-2).
The function of VMAT-2 in normal cells is to sequester cytoplasmic DA
into vesicles for storage and subsequent release. As such, it is an
important regulator of cytoplasmic DA
levels.13 Methamphetamine inter-
feres with the function of VMAT-2, impairing its ability to store DA into
vesicles. This effect has been shown to occur in rats as early as 1 hour
post-administration using repeated, high doses of
This mechanism is in contrast to other sympathomimetics that act as
synaptic reuptake inhibitors, such as cocaine or methylphenidate, where
DA uptake into vesicles is
increased.15,16 Both decreased vesicular
binding and decreased vesicular uptake of DA have been demonstrated in
the presence of
methamphetamine.17,18 These actions are believed to
occur via a subcellular redistribution of vesicles containing VMAT-2. In
the presence of methamphetamine, VMAT-2 relocates from a synapto-
somal to a nonsynaptosomal location within the
neuron.19 This relocation
impairs the neuron’s ability to sequester DA within vesicles for storage
and later deposition into the synapse.
In addition to VMAT-2, cytoplasmic DA levels are also highly
regulated by DAT. Under normal conditions, DAT clears extracellular
DA from the synaptic cleft back into the nerve terminal. This reuptake of
DA is then stored into synaptic vesicles via VMAT-2 for later release.
Evidence suggests that several factors impair the normal function of DAT
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FIG 2. Mechanism of action of methamphetamine on dopamine neurotransmission.
in the presence of methamphetamine. Phosphorylation of DAT via protein
kinase C occurs in response to methamphetamine, leading to internaliza-
tion of
DAT.20 Once internalized, DAT oligomers and higher molecular
weight DAT-associated protein complexes form, impairing the normal
function of
DAT.21,22 In a phosphorylation-independent mechanism,
methamphetamine also interferes with DAT reuptake of DA through
inhibition.23 Methamphetamine exists as an enantiomeric
mixture of d- and l-stereoisomers, with d-methamphetamine 3- to 10-fold
more potent at inhibiting DA reuptake via DAT than l-methamphet-
amine.13 Correspondingly, l-methamphetamine has minimal CNS effects,
whereas d-methamphetamine is the rotamer responsible for the euphoria
associated with methamphetamine abuse.
Concurrent with reuptake inhibition, methamphetamine also causes
efflux of DA into the synapse. Although the exact mechanism of this has
been debated, recent evidence suggests 2 distinct processes are involved.
Studies using amphetamine demonstrate a slow process in which amphet-
amine is transported intracellularly down its concentration gradient via
DAT in exchange for cytoplasmic DA. This transports DA out of the cell
and into the synapse in a reverse fashion through DAT compared with its
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normal physiological role of DA reuptake. A second proposed mechanism
involves amphetamine inducing rapid millisecond bursts of release of
intracellular DA through DAT via a channel-like mechanism. Such a
process releases quantities of DA analogous to calcium-dependent exo-
cytosis of synaptic vesicles, and this may play a role in the psychostimu-
lant properties of
amphetamines.24 Presumably, similar mechanisms of
action occur with methamphetamine.
Synaptic DA release by methamphetamine is dependent on both
depletion of DA from vesicles and reversal of the physiological role of
DAT, with vesicular DA release being the rate-limiting
step.18,25 Impair-
ment of VMAT-2 causes relative elevations in cytoplasmic DA levels,
thus allowing transport of DA down its concentration gradient into the
synaptic cleft in the presence of methamphetamine. The chemical
properties of methamphetamine also contribute to such cytoplasmic DA
elevations. As a highly lipophilic molecule, methamphetamine freely
diffuses into nerve terminals and across vesicular membranes at high
concentrations to accumulate in synaptic vesicles. Further, as a weak
base, the accumulation of methamphetamine within these vesicles leads to
a disruption of the electrochemical gradient necessary for DA storage.
This consequently leads to elevated cytoplasmic DA concentrations and
eventual reverse transport through DAT into the
In contrast to the acute effects of increased synaptic DA efflux, repeated
high-dose administration of methamphetamine has been demonstrated to
cause persistent dopaminergic deficits in both animals and humans.
Through methamphetamine-induced aberrant cytosolic DA accumulation,
DA-associated reactive oxygen species are formed and believed to
contribute to this
depletion.18 Methamphetamine-associated reactive ox-
ygen species cause eventual activation of the Jun N-terminal kinase/
stress-activated protein kinase (JNK/SAPK) pathway, leading to neuronal
apoptosis.27 Deficits in DA nerve terminal markers (including decreases
in DA, DAT, and tyrosine hydroxylase) have been demonstrated in
postmortem studies of human
striatum.28,29 PET studies have also shown
significant loss of striatal DAT in chronic methamphetamine users.
Although abstinence has been reported to lead to some recovery in DAT,
particularly in the caudate and putamen regions, this has not been reported
to correlate with functional cognitive recovery on neuropsychological
testing.30,31 These fundamental changes underlie the neurotoxic effects
believed to cause persistent dopaminergic deficits in chronic abusers.
Chronic methamphetamine abuse has been reported to result in histo-
pathological changes in the brain. Chronic methamphetamine abuse leads
to gray- and white-matter density changes and altered concentrations of
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metabolites in the frontal gray and white matter and anterior cingulated
gray matter that are dose-dependent and that may only be partially
reversible with
abstinence.32-36 Damage to striatal dopamine and fore-
brain serotonin terminals and degeneration of somatosensory cortical
neurons have been demonstrated in
rats.37 One of the mechanisms
thought to be responsible is methamphetamine-induced dopamine release,
resulting in reactive oxygen species, causing striatal neurotoxicity,
caspase-dependent apoptosis, and glial
activation.38-44 Advanced age and
male gender may be risk factors for more pronounced neuronal damage,
perhaps because of increased susceptibility to damage from reactive
oxygen species and the lack of protective effects of estrogen, respecti-
vely.45-47 The degree of degeneration of frontal gray- and white-matter
integrity and frontal white-matter hypometabolism has been reported to
correlate with poor performance on some neuropsychological
Chronic methamphetamine abuse causes histopathological changes to
cardiac myocytes. Treatment of rats with methamphetamine over a period
of weeks has been reported to cause subendocardial myocytic degenera-
tion and necrosis followed by extensive myocytic degeneration, necrosis,
fibrosis.49 Electron microscopy of these lesions shows degeneration
of the
mitochondria.50,51 Other histopathological lesions associated with
methamphetamine abuse include myocyte hypertrophy with disorganiza-
tion of myofibrils, microtubules, and actin
structures.52 Histopathological
cardiomyocyte changes are associated with release of lactate dehydroge-
nase and creatine phosphokinase, 2 markers of cardiomyocyte damage.
Additionally, this damage may occur in the presence or absence of
beta-blockade, suggesting that methamphetamine is directly myotoxic in
addition to the toxicity that may result from sympathetic overstimula-
tion.53-55 Some of these histopathological changes may be gradually or
partially reversible following discontinuation of the
drug.56 The histo-
pathological lesions seen with chronic methamphetamine abuse are
consistent with lesions seen in cardiomyopathy and may explain the
development of cardiomyopathy in chronic methamphetamine
Adverse Health Effects of Methamphetamine
Chest pain is a common complaint associated with methamphetamine
administration. Chest pain accounts for 38% of emergency department
visits and 28% of admissions in methamphetamine-intoxicated
Tachycardia and hypertension are common clinical findings in metham-
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intoxication.59 Although in some patients, chest pain is due
solely to methamphetamine-induced hypertension and tachycardia or
anxiety, acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is common among methamphet-
amine users and patients with chest pain in the context of methamphet-
amine abuse should be evaluated for
In 1 small series of patients presenting to an emergency department with
chest pain after methamphetamine use, 25% were found to have ACS and
8% suffered a cardiac complication, including ventricular fibrillation,
ventricular tachycardia, and supraventricular
tachycardia.61 Putative
mechanisms for myocardial infarction in the setting of methamphetamine
abuse include accelerated atherosclerosis, rupture of preexisting athero-
sclerotic plaques, hypercoaguability, and epicardial coronary artery
spasm.62,63 Methamphetamine abusers have significantly higher rates of
coronary artery disease than the
public.64 Even patients with normal
coronary arteries are at risk for methamphetamine-induced myocardial
infarction because of coronary spasm, which may be refractory to
intracoronary vasodilator
therapy.63 Acute myocardial infarction follow-
ing methamphetamine use may be severe, resulting in cardiogenic shock
Methamphetamine is also associated with cardiac dysrhythmias. In 1
case series of methamphetamine-intoxicated patients, a prolonged
corrected QT interval (QTc ⬎440 ms) was found in 27.2% of
participants, suggesting that methamphetamine-induced alterations in
cardiac conduction may be partly responsible for its dysrhythmogenic
effects.66 Premature ventricular contractions, premature supraventric-
ular contractions, accelerated atrioventricular conduction, atrioven-
tricular block, intraventricular conduction delay, bundle branch block,
ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, and supraventricular
tachycardia all have been reported in the setting of methamphetamine
intoxication.55,61,66 Methamphetamine-induced dysrhythmias may
also occur because of myocardial ischemia or infarction.
Methamphetamine abuse is associated with an acute dilated cardiomy-
opathy with global ventricular dysfunction. This cardiomyopathy occurs
in the absence of cardiac ischemia or infarct as measured by nuclear
myocardial perfusion study and in the absence of coronary stenosis as
measured by cardiac
catheterization.67 Methamphetamine-associated car-
diomyopathy may result in acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema and may
reversible.65,68,69 Several putative mechanisms by which methamphet-
amine may induce cardiomyopathy include recurrent coronary artery
spasm, small vessel disease, or diffuse myocardial toxicity because of
overstimulation of cardiac adrenergic
receptors.67 Methamphetamine-
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induced cardiomyopathy has been reported to resemble transient apical
ballooning syndrome (previously known as Takotsubo cardiomyopathy),
a specific cardiomyopathy caused by transient left ventricular dysfunction
thought to be linked to excessive
Methamphetamine use may be associated with aortic dissection, likely
because of its hypertensive effects resulting in increased wall shear
stress.71 Methamphetamine appears to carry a greater risk for aortic
dissection than cocaine and may be second only to hypertension in its
importance as a risk factor for aortic
dissection.72 Aortic dissection
associated with methamphetamine abuse is also associated with cardiac
tamponade and sudden
Intravenous methamphetamine abuse has been associated with endocar-
ditis. As with other intravenous drugs of abuse, methamphetamine-
associated infective endocarditis is frequently right-sided and may result
Methamphetamine abuse predisposes to repetitive, stereotypical skin-
picking, resulting in excoriations on the face and
extremities.76 In some
cases, skin picking may be related to methamphetamine-induced formi-
cation or delusions of
parasitosis.77 Both skin-picking and the use of
nonsterile needles in intravenous methamphetamine abusers may result in
skin and soft-tissue infections. In 1 series of methamphetamine abusers
presenting to an emergency department, skin infection accounted for 6%
of emergency department visits and 54% of subsequent admissions to the
hospital. Methamphetamine-related skin infections may take the form of
cellulitis or cutaneous
Methamphetamine users may have a higher risk of contracting human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) because of unsafe sex practices or use of
contaminated needles during methamphetamine administration. Metham-
phetamine users have been reported to be more likely to engage in risky
sexual behaviors than nonusers. Men who have sex with men (MSM),
heterosexual men, and heterosexual women who use methamphetamine
report more sexual partners than nonusers and more casual or anonymous
partners.78 Methamphetamine users are more likely to participate in
sexual activities that confer a higher risk of HIV transmission, such as
anal sex and sex with known injection drug users, and are less likely to
use condoms during vaginal and anal
intercourse.79 Additionally, meth-
amphetamine use is associated with paying for or being paid for
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Methamphetamine use is associated with a higher risk of sexual HIV
infection.79 The use of contaminated needles is another source of HIV
infection in methamphetamine users. As with other intravenous drugs of
abuse, the sharing of needles and the corresponding risk of contracting a
blood-borne disease, including HIV, is not
Methamphetamine abuse is associated with necrotizing angiitis. Histo-
logic features include fibrinoid necrosis of the intima and media of blood
vessels with destruction of vascular smooth muscle.
81,82 Macroscopically,
affected arteries display segmental narrowing with aneurysm formation,
resulting in a “beaded”
appearance.81 Drug-induced necrotizing angiitis
may result in target organ damage to the heart, brain, liver, kidney, bowel,
and pancreas with clinical manifestations of myocardial infarction,
ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, renal failure, hepatic necrosis, bowel
infarction, and pancreatitis, among
Methamphetamine users are at higher risk for contracting viral hepatitis
than nonusers because of risky sexual behavior and the use of contami-
nated needles. Methamphetamine users are more likely to be infected with
hepatitis A and B than nonusers and, among methamphetamine users,
injection users have a higher prevalence of both diseases than noninjec-
users.85 Use of contaminated needles puts methamphetamine users at
particular risk for hepatitis C infection, although hepatitis C infection is
also more common among methamphetamine users who smoke or
insufflate the drug than it is in the general
Even in the absence of viral hepatitis, methamphetamine abuse has been
reported to cause acute liver injury with hepatic necrosis and centrilobular
degeneration.88 Additionally, methamphetamine enhances the hepatic
toxicity of other agents, such as carbon tetrachloride. Although the cause
of the hepatic injury is unclear, it has been proposed that an adrenore-
ceptor-related mechanism or stimulation of Kupffer cells may be respon-
Mesenteric infarction requiring total proctocolectomy and resection of
the ileum and jejunum has been reported following methamphetamine use
with microscopic examination showing changes consistent with acute
vasculitis.91 Segmental ischemic colitis in the absence of thrombosis,
vasculitis, or vasospasm with spontaneous resolution has also been
reported.92 Methamphetamine may cause mesenteric ischemia or infarc-
tion by several mechanisms, including necrotizing vasculitis, cardiovas-
cular shock, sympathomimetic vasospasm, or splanchnic vasoconstric-
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tion.93-95 It remains unclear how important each of these mechanisms is
to methamphetamine-induced mesenteric infarction.
Severe acute necrotic hemorrhagic pancreatitis has been reported in
cases of sudden death in chronic methamphetamine abusers. Histopathol-
ogy studies of the effect of chronic methamphetamine abuse on pancreatic
tissues suggest that methamphetamine may cause regional hemorrhage,
acinal cell death, and fibrosis possibly because of tissue hypoxia or
Methamphetamine users are more likely to be diagnosed with a sexually
transmitted disease (STD) than nonusers because of an increased likeli-
hood of engaging in risky sexual
behaviors.78,79 Prolonged sex while on
methamphetamine can lead to chafing or soft-tissue injury to the genitals
with correspondingly higher risk of transmission of an STD or blood-
borne infection.
98 Injection methamphetamine abusers have a higher
prevalence of STD infections than noninjection methamphetamine abus-
ers.99 Among methamphetamine-dependent gay men, an elevated preva-
lence of chlamydia, syphilis, and genital and oral gonorrhea has been
reported with a lifetime prevalence of genital gonorrhea of 40%. Psychi-
atric comorbidity may be associated with a higher prevalence of STD
infection in methamphetamine-dependent individuals.
100 In 1 study in
Thailand, methamphetamine users were reported to have higher rates of
chlamydial infection than opiate
Perhaps the most publicized adverse health effect of methamphetamine
abuse, by both governmental agencies and the lay media, is “meth mouth”
(Fig 3).102,103 Methamphetamine induces dental decay through multiple
mechanisms, including xerostomia from sympathetic overstimulation and
bruxism, resulting in multiple dental
caries.104,105 Also of concern is the
consumption of large quantities of sugared soft drinks in an attempt by the
user to resolve the xerostomia and lack of oral hygiene during extended
periods of drug
abuse.106,107 Although dental decay because of metham-
phetamine abuse is well documented, 1 study found that the degree of
dental decay in methamphetamine users as compared to other substance
users in an inpatient chemical dependency treatment unit was similar,
suggesting that at least some of the dental decay associated with
methamphetamine abuse is due to factors common to substance abuse in
general, such as poor personal hygiene and
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FIG 3. “Meth mouth.” Severe dental caries because of methamphetamine abuse. (Reprinted
with permission from Hamamoto DT, Rhodus NL. Methamphetamine abuse and dentistry. Oral
Dis 2009;15:27-37.) (Color version of figure is available online.)
Methamphetamine abuse is also associated with rhabdomyolysis. In 1
series of patients presenting to an emergency department with rhabdo-
myolysis, 43% had urine drug immunoassays positive for methamphet-
amine. Methamphetamine-induced rhabdomyolysis may be due to psy-
chomotor agitation or
Methamphetamine-intoxicated patients are at increased risk for trau-
matic injury. In 1 case series of methamphetamine-positive patients
presenting to an emergency department, the most common chief com-
plaint was blunt trauma, accounting for 33% of emergency department
visits and 74% of subsequent
admissions.58 Among a case series of
consecutive trauma patients, methamphetamine was the most commonly
used illicit drug. Trauma patients with positive urine drug immunoassays
for methamphetamine are more likely to suffer from violent mechanisms
of injury, including assault, gunshot wound, and stabbing than trauma
patients testing negative for methamphetamine. They are also more likely
to have attempted suicide, be a victim of domestic violence, or have an
altercation with law
enforcement.110,111 Methamphetamine users have
also been reported to be more likely to have severe injuries, to leave
against medical advice, and to die from their
Pott’s puffy tumor (osteomyelitis of the frontal bone) has been associ-
ated with intranasal methamphetamine use. Local methamphetamine-
induced ischemic injury to the sinus mucosa is thought to produce an
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environment conducive to the development of frontal bone osteomyelitis
and subperiosteal
Methamphetamine is associated with many neurological adverse health
effects, although the most devastating is intracranial hemorrhage. Meth-
amphetamine-induced hypertension and tachycardia may lead to intracra-
nial hemorrhage, in patients with or without preexisting cerebrovascular
disease.114 Methamphetamine may be more toxic than cocaine in induc-
ing intracranial hemorrhage, possibly because of its more prolonged
effects.115 Methamphetamine-induced necrotizing angiitis
may also play a role in methamphetamine-associated intracranial hemor-
rhage with fibrinoid necrosis of the intima and media of vessels
predisposing to vessel
rupture.81,116,117 Intraparenchymal bleeds in the
cerebrum, cerebellum, corpus callosum, basal ganglia, and brainstem
have been reported and may result in
death.81,114,116-119 Fatal intraven-
tricular hemorrhages have also been
reported.120 A number of intracranial
berry aneurysm ruptures related to methamphetamine intoxication have
been reported, frequently with fatal
results.73,115 Subarachnoid hemor-
rhage in the absence of berry aneurysm or arteriovenous malformation
has also been
Methamphetamine abuse is also associated with ischemic
As with intracranial hemorrhage, methamphetamine-induced hyper-
tension, tachycardia, and necrotizing angiitis may contribute to the
development of ischemic
stroke.121 For intravenous methamphetamine
use, fillers, such as talc, may also contribute to ischemic or hemorrhagic
stroke.94 Methamphetamine-induced ischemic stroke may occur in the
absence of evidence of chronic hypertension or cerebral vasculopa-
Methamphetamine intoxication also causes seizure. Methamphetamine-
induced seizures may occur in persons with or without any past medical
history of seizure disorder. In 1 series of methamphetamine-intoxicated
patients presenting to an emergency department, 7% of patients with
altered level of consciousness had tonic-clonic seizure and, of those
patients, 75% had no previous history of
seizure.58 Limited evidence
suggests that chronic methamphetamine exposure may lower the seizure
threshold more than a single acute
Methamphetamine abuse also results in cognitive impairment, which
may be persistent. Current methamphetamine users have impaired per-
formance on tests of memory, the ability to manipulate information,
attention, and abstract thinking as compared to matched controls, al-
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though they showed no impairment in psychomotor speed, intelligence, or
verbal fluency. Heavier methamphetamine users have greater cognitive
impairment than less frequent
users.125 Methamphetamine may selec-
tively impair visual memory more than verbal memory, perhaps
because of executive function
damage.126 Conversely, at low admin-
istered doses, some studies have reported that single doses of
methamphetamine may improve reaction times, cognitive perfor-
mance, and verbal
Following methamphetamine abstinence of 1-2 weeks, chronic
methamphetamine abusers show persistent impairment on neurocog-
nitive measures of attention, psychomotor speed, verbal learning and
memory, and executive system
measures.128 Following prolonged
methamphetamine abstinence (mean abstinence of 20 months),
chronic methamphetamine abusers still display impaired attentional
control that may be related to changes in neurochemicals in frontos-
triatal brain regions and to microstructural changes in the white matter
of the corpus
Patients with HIV or hepatitis C may be particularly at risk for
developing cognitive impairment because of methamphetamine abuse.
Hepatitis C infection augments methamphetamine-induced cognitive
deficits in the areas of learning, abstraction, and motor skills as well
as global neuropsychological
impairment.131 HIV similarly interacts
with methamphetamine to produce cognitive
deficits.132 HIV-positive
chronic methamphetamine users display additional neuronal injury
and glial activation in the frontal cortex and basal ganglia as compared
to HIV-negative methamphetamine
users.133 This effect is amplified in
patients with high HIV viral
loads.134 A combination of methamphet-
amine and HIV proteins has been implicated in causing significant
neuronal toxicity, possibly by activating caspase-dependent cell death
pathways leading to neuronal
Rarely, methamphetamine abuse has been associated with choreoathe-
tosis. This may be due to central dopaminergic effects of methamphet-
amine and has been reported only in the setting of acute methamphet-
intoxication.138,139 Other reported neurological sequelae of
methamphetamine intoxication include photophobia and
Acute unilateral vision loss has been reported following intranasal
methamphetamine abuse. The vision loss is believed to be due to ischemic
optic neuropathy secondary to methamphetamine-induced vasospasm and
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Methamphetamine abuse is associated with psychiatric disease. Meth-
amphetamine intoxication is associated with restlessness, insomnia,
hallucinations, paranoia, and disturbance of
consciousness.143 Abstinence
following methamphetamine intoxication is associated with depression,
anhedonia, irritability, and poor concentration, although these symptoms
are frequently mild and transient.
144 Methamphetamine users are more
likely to carry a psychiatric diagnosis and be prescribed psychiatric
medications than cocaine
Chronic methamphetamine abuse is associated with depressive symp-
toms and suicidal ideation.
145,146 Among adolescent methamphetamine
users, 16% reported suicidal
ideation.147 Suicide attempts during meth-
amphetamine intoxication are common and may involve overdose, slash
wounds to the extremities, and jumps from
heights.58,148 In methamphet-
amine-dependent gay men, 25% report a history of at least 1 suicide
100 In 1 series of completed youth suicides, alcohol and metham-
phetamine were the most common substances found in the
blood.149 Risk
factors for methamphetamine-related suicide attempt include female
gender, intravenous methamphetamine use, history of methamphetamine-
induced psychosis, methamphetamine-induced depressive disorder, and
family history of psychotic disorders.
Methamphetamine abuse may be associated with self-injurious behavior
and self-mutilation. Methamphetamine-intoxicated individuals may be
motivated by bizarre religious, sexual, or neurotic thoughts and self-
mutilation may take a variety of forms, such as eye enucleation or genital
self-mutilation.152 In some chronic methamphetamine abusers, self-
mutilation may be recurrent or
Chronic methamphetamine abuse may result in psychosis with predom-
inant auditory hallucinations, persecutory delusions, delusions of refer-
ence, and pathologic hostility.
154-157 Methamphetamine-induced psycho-
sis mimics paranoid schizophrenia and patients with either disease have
been found to have similar deficits in neurocognitive
functioning.158 In 1
sample of methamphetamine abusers, 13% screened positive for psycho-
sis, whereas another 23% had at least 1 psychotic symptom (eg,
unusual thought content). Dependent methamphetamine abusers were
3 times more likely to have psychotic symptoms than nondependent
abusers, and the prevalence of psychosis in methamphetamine abusers
was reported to be 11 times higher than in the general
In Thailand, 10% of psychiatric hospital admissions are for metham-
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Chronic methamphetamine abuse results in behavioral sensitization to
the drug where even small doses may then trigger a relapse of the
psychosis and the duration of vulnerability to relapse progressively
longer.161,162 Although in some patients methamphetamine
psychosis may be transient, in others psychosis may persist despite
months of abstinence and be resistant to antipsychotic
Young age at onset of methamphetamine abuse, heaviness of metham-
phetamine abuse, schizoid or schizotypal personality disorder, and history
of preexisting neurological disorder (eg, learning disorder or attention-
deficit/hyperactivity disorder) are risk factors for the development of
persistent methamphetamine-induced
psychosis.155,164 In addition, the
extent of neuronal damage in the basal ganglia correlates with severity of
Acute noncardiogenic pulmonary edema may occur after smoking
methamphetamine despite normal pulmonary artery and pulmonary
wedge pressures. Respiratory failure and hypotension requiring mechan-
ical ventilation and vasopressor support have been reported and have been
reported to be
Methamphetamine is strongly associated with idiopathic pulmonary
arterial hypertension
(PAH).166 Methamphetamine intoxication has been
shown to cause an acute rise in pulmonary arterial
pressures.167 Although
the role methamphetamine plays in inducing PAH remains unclear,
proposed mechanisms include toxic endothelial injury, hypoxic insult,
direct spasm, vasculitis, and dysregulation of vascular
tone.168 One
favored hypothesis is that methamphetamine induces PAH by the same
mechanism as fenfluramine, through interaction with serotonin transport-
ers resulting in serotonin
An additional concern in methamphetamine-induced PAH is the use of
outpatient intravenous therapy. In severe cases of PAH, continuous
epoprostenol or treprostinil infusions may be indicated and infused in the
outpatient setting through an indwelling central intravenous catheter. Use
of such indwelling catheters in methamphetamine users may be compli-
cated by homelessness, inability to properly care for the catheter, or
infection because of the patient accessing the catheter to administer illicit
Acute renal failure may be reported following methamphetamine abuse
and may be due to myoglobinuria, hypotension, or necrotizing
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Myoglobinuric renal failure because of methamphetamine-associated
rhabdomyolysis is frequently self-limited, although hemodialysis may be
temporarily necessary. Rarely, methamphetamine-associated myoglobin-
uric renal failure may be persistent, resulting in end-stage renal dis-
ease.109 Methamphetamine-associated necrotizing angiitis has also been
associated with renal insufficiency culminating in end-stage renal disease
Methamphetamine is increasingly a drug of choice among substance-
dependent pregnant
women.171 Methamphetamine abuse during preg-
nancy is concerning both for the risk of adverse pregnancy outcome and
for possible damage to the developing fetus. Methamphetamine abuse is
also associated with perinatal maternal death and has been implicated as
a possible contributing factor to amniotic fluid embolism.
Several adverse pregnancy outcomes have been associated with prenatal
maternal methamphetamine use. Methamphetamine use is associated with
fetal growth restriction and premature
delivery.172-175 Placental insuffi-
ciency, hemorrhage, and abruption have also been associated with
maternal methamphetamine
abuse.175,176 Prenatal methamphetamine ex-
posure is thought to put a fetus at higher risk for intraventricular
hemorrhage and cavitary lesions in the
brain.175 Additionally, maternal
methamphetamine abuse is associated with inadequate prenatal
Prenatal exposure to methamphetamine has been suggested to increase
the risk for adverse postnatal outcomes. Prenatal methamphetamine
exposure has been linked to neonatal neurobehavioral outcomes of
decreased arousal, increased physiological stress, and poor quality of
movement in a dose–response
relationship.178,179 Prenatal methamphet-
amine exposure has been reported to cause neonatal toxic hepatitis with
cholestasis.180 Children with prenatal methamphetamine exposure have
been noted to have structural and chemical brain differences as compared
to healthy controls and structural differences correlate with poorer
performance on attention and verbal memory
tests.181,182 Animal studies
have also suggested that prenatal methamphetamine exposure may
adversely affect the myelination
process.183 Rats exposed prenatally to
methamphetamine are reported to have lower seizure threshold, lower
birth weights, and impaired sensory-motor
coordination.184,185 Rat stud-
ies have also suggested that some methamphetamine-related deficits, such
as sensory-motor correlation, may affect 2 generations of
Although methamphetamine has been reported to be teratogenic in animal
studies, no human studies have confirmed this
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Exploratory Methamphetamine Exposure in Children
Inadvertent pediatric exposure to methamphetamine may be increasing.
In 1 series of methamphetamine-dependent patients presenting for drug
rehabilitation, 44% had children in their home. Of children found in
methamphetamine laboratories by police or child protective services, 45%
have a positive hair specimen for 1 or more illicit drugs with the most
common positive result being
methamphetamine.189 Common signs and
symptoms of methamphetamine poisoning in the pediatric population
include tachycardia, agitation, inconsolable crying, irritability, and vom-
iting. Rhabdomyolysis is a common complication.
190,191 Seizure is a less
common symptom of pediatric methamphetamine
poisoning.191 Transient
cortical blindness secondary to methamphetamine poisoning has been
reported in an
infant.192 Pediatric methamphetamine poisoning may be
difficult to distinguish from scorpion envenomation, resulting in unnec-
essary exposure to
Children may also be at risk of traumatic injury or abuse because of
parental behaviors while using methamphetamine. Parental supervision
while on a methamphetamine binge may be lax and caregivers may sedate
their children with benzodiazepines or diphenhydramine while engaging
in methamphetamine abuse. In addition, children in homes where meth-
amphetamine is abused are reported to be at higher risk for exposure to
age-inappropriate material, such as pornography.
Methamphetamine-Associated Death
Methamphetamine abuse may be directly or indirectly fatal. Direct
methamphetamine-related mortality is frequently due to catastrophic
neurological or cardiac complications, while indirect methamphetamine-
related deaths are frequently traumatic in nature. In 1 series of metham-
phetamine-related fatalities, the cause of death was categorized as natural,
accidental, suicidal, homicidal, or uncertain in 13%, 59%, 11%, 14%, and
3% of cases, respectively. In another series, homicide and suicide
accounted for 27% and 15% of methamphetamine-related fatalities,
respectively.194 In a series of autopsies in methamphetamine-positive
patients, the most common cause of death was multiorgan system
dysfunction, followed by cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease,
traumatic shock, asphyxiation, and
Methamphetamine-related fatalities constitute a significant public
health problem in areas where methamphetamine abuse is prominent: in
Taiwan, 12.1% of all autopsy cases in 1 year were related to metham-
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phetamine. Males may be more likely to suffer methamphetamine-related
death than
Concomitant abuse of another drug, eg, cocaine or ethanol, has been
identified as a factor in some methamphetamine-related fatalities and
varies in frequency depending on cultural
norms.197 Although animal
studies have suggested that concomitant ethanol ingestion is protective
against some of the toxic effects of methamphetamine, ethanol intoxica-
tion may simultaneously increase the risk of accidental or traumatic
A frequently reported cause of direct methamphetamine-related fatality
is multisystem organ failure secondary to methamphetamine toxicity,
which is characterized by hyperthermia, pulmonary congestion, coma,
shock, hyperthermia, acute renal failure, metabolic acidosis, and hyper-
kalemia.195,198-200 As with other illicit drugs, body packers and body
stuffers are at risk for death in the event of package
Methamphetamine-induced agitation and hyperactivity can cause death
secondary to metabolic acidosis and
Intracranial hemorrhage is a commonly reported neurological compli-
cation of methamphetamine abuse resulting in
death.118 Methamphet-
amine-related status epilepticus may also contribute to
death.202 Cardiac
complications of methamphetamine abuse that are frequently reported to
result in death include arrhythmia and acute myocardial
Methamphetamine-related hypertension and tachycardia may cause sud-
den death because of berry aneurysm rupture or aortic dissection with
Indirect methamphetamine-related fatalities are frequently traumatic
and may be due to accident, assault, or
suicide.205 Methamphetamine-
related traffic deaths could result from riskier driving behavior while
intoxicated, and blood amphetamine concentration is positively correlated
to traffic-related
impairment.194,206,207 In 1 study of traffic-related fatal-
ities, methamphetamine was found in the blood of 5% of fatally injured
Methamphetamine Abuse-Associated Toxicologic
Most reported toxicologic exposures because of methamphetamine are
in the context of production of methamphetamine, discussed below.
However, methamphetamine abuse has been linked to acute lead poison-
ing. Depending on the method of synthesis used, methamphetamine
manufacture may involve lead acetate. Lead poisoning due to metham-
phetamine abuse may be due to a high lead content in the drug because
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of inadequate processing during manufacture or deliberate contamina-
tion.209 In 1 outbreak of methamphetamine-associated lead poisoning, 14
confirmed cases occurred in 1 year because of intravenous use of a batch
of methamphetamine that was 60% lead by
weight.210 However, lead
poisoning is not thought to be widespread among methamphetamine users
and may occur only episodically with batches of contaminated
Current Trends
Domestic Trends
Several agencies collect data useful in identifying trends in metham-
phetamine use. A frequent limitation in these data sets is the inclusion of
methamphetamine in a general category labeled “non-cocaine stimu-
lants,” making it difficult to track trends in methamphetamine as opposed
to trends in stimulant abuse in general. Examples of national data sources
include the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, Monitoring the
Future, Youth Behavior Risk Surveillance System, Treatment Episode
Data Set, Drug Abuse Warning Network, Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration, and Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring
A 2004 report issued by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration estimates that, in 2004, 12 million or 2.9% of the US
population aged 12 years or older have tried methamphetamine in their
lifetime; 1.4 million used it in the past year, and 600,000 used it in the
past month. The highest rates of past year methamphetamine use were
found among Native Hawaiians or Pacific Islanders (2.2%) and American
Indians or Alaska Natives (1.7%), whereas lower rates of past year use
were found among whites (0.7%), Hispanics (0.5%), blacks (0.1%), and
(0.2%).1 Another survey estimates rates of past year methamphet-
amine use among persons aged 12 or older were highest in Nevada
(2.0%), Montana (1.5%), and Wyoming (1.5%), while the lowest rates
were in Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New
York.212-214 The highest rates of amphetamine- or methamphetamine-
related emergency department visits are reported in San Francisco,
Seattle, San Diego, and Los Angeles. In the 2002 Drug Abuse Warning
Network database, white patients were responsible for 65% of amphet-
amine- or methamphetamine-related emergency department visits; 58%
of visits were men, and most visits involved patients aged 18-34
Subpopulations at disproportionate risk for methamphetamine use
reportedly include criminal offenders and MSM. Currently, men and
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women abuse methamphetamine equally, unlike many other illegal drugs
where there is a male predominance among abusers. Methamphetamine
abusers frequently engage in criminal and/or violent behavior and many
have been involved with the criminal justice system.
Among MSM, methamphetamine abuse is associated with high-risk
sexual behaviors. Methamphetamine is increasingly abused by MSM
while engaging in sexual activity, termed “party and play” or “PnP,” and
abuse is common in sex clubs and “circuit
parties.”1,8,217 The number of
methamphetamine laboratories seized by USA law enforcement agencies
increased by 25% between 2001 and
2004.214 Methamphetamine labora-
tory incidents, defined as discovery of laboratories, dumpsites, or meth-
amphetamine manufacture equipment, also continue to increase. In March
2009, 966 methamphetamine laboratory incidents were reported nation-
ally, an increase from 756 in March 2008 and 596 in March 2007. A total
of 11,239 methamphetamine laboratory incidents were reported nation-
ally in calendar year 2010, with the majority of incidents and the largest
increases occurring in the Midwest and the South
(Fig 4).218,219
Global Trends
International trends show increasing amphetamine use. The 2011
United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime estimates annual prevalence of
amphetamine-type stimulants as the second most widely used illicit drug
in the world, following cannabis. Amphetamines, which include meth-
amphetamine, amphetamine, and methcathinone, are used by 14-56
million people worldwide in 2009, with more specific estimates made
difficult by uncertainty in abuse rates in China and India. Of the
amphetamine-type stimulants, methamphetamine is estimated to be the
most widely manufactured. Asia manufactures a substantial proportion of
the worldwide production of methamphetamine, with methamphetamine
manufacture being particularly prevalent in East and Southeast Asia,
including the Philippines, China, Myanmar, and Malaysia. Global sei-
zures of amphetamine-type stimulants have more than tripled between
1998 and 2009, a much faster rate of increase than has been seen with
seizures of cocaine, heroin, morphine, and cannabis. Methamphetamine
seizures were most common in Oceania, Africa, North America, and
Asia. It is estimated that the majority of methamphetamine laboratories
dismantled worldwide are located in North
Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratories
Clandestine methamphetamine laboratories are operated throughout the
USA and make up over 80% of clandestine drug
laboratories.221 In 2008,
DM, February 2012
FIG 4. Trends in meth clandestine laboratory incidents in the USA in (A) 2010 and (B) 2005.
(Source: (Color version of fig-
ure is available online.)
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FIG 5. Illicit meth lab in a bedroom. (Reprinted with permission from Methamphetamine
Awareness and Prevention Project of South Dakota
[].) (Color
version of figure is available online.)
6783 methamphetamine laboratories were found, predominantly in the
Midwest.61 Laboratories vary in size from “mom-and-pop” operations to
large-scale “super labs”
(Fig 5).222
Illicit drug manufacturers, also known as “cooks,” may obtain their
“recipes” from other cooks, the chemistry literature, underground culture/
resources, or the
Internet.222 Methamphetamine can be made using
several different techniques, none of which are safe outside the clinical
laboratory. The first method used in the manufacture of illicit metham-
phetamine was developed in the 1960s and involved the precursor
chemical phenyl-2-propanone (P2P). P2P was combined with alcohol and
an aluminum amalgam, usually aluminum foil or wire mixed with a small
amount of mercuric chloride, and allowed to react
overnight.223 The
methamphetamine is then isolated using hydrochloric acid, organic
solvents, and
A second method using the precursor chemical P2P combined it with
N-methylformamide and formic acid in the Leuckart reaction; the
intermediate is then refluxed with hydrochloric acid to form methamphet-
amine.222-224 In 1980, the Drug Enforcement Administration made P2P
a Schedule II controlled substance, which led to the illicit manufacture
P2P.225 Phenylacetic acid can be combined with acetic anhydride,
lead acetate, or acetic acid with pyridine to form
P2P.222-224 Other
methods of manufacturing P2P involve thorium oxide and pumice or
benzyaldehyde and
nitroethane.222,223 The Chemical Diversion and
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Trafficking Act of 1987 placed restrictions on P2P precursors, forcing
illicit methamphetamine producers to manufacture their own pheny-
lacetic acid. This can be accomplished using benzyl cyanide or
The Drug Enforcement Administration classification of P2P as a
Schedule II controlled substance also led methamphetamine manufac-
turers to seek out new methods by which to produce the
drug.225 In the
early 1980s, methamphetamine manufacturers found that reacting
ephedrine and pyridine with hydrogen iodide and red phosphorus in
carbon disulfide was effective in producing
Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine remain the most popular precursor
chemicals today, because of ease of procurement in common over-
the-counter cold
medicines.222 E sinica can also be used as a source
for ephedrine and
Currently, there are 2 methamphetamine-manufacture methods using
ephedrine or pseudoephedrine as a precursor chemical, both with the
common goal of removing a hydroxyl group from the precursor: the
cold or red phosphorus method and the Nazi or Birch method. The
ephedrine or pseudoephedrine is extracted from over-the-counter
medications using water or alcohol and
heat.222 The cold method uses
red phosphorous and hydriodic acid to convert ephedrine/pseu-
doephedrine to
methamphetamine.227 Historically, Freon was used to
extract the finished product, but other organic solvents may be used as
well.222 Hydriodic acid frequently must be illicitly manufactured
because of restrictions placed on it as
well.222 In the Nazi/Birch
method, an alkali metal (typically sodium or lithium) is combined with
anhydrous ammonia and the ephedrine or pseudoephedrine and then
subsequently with water or alcohol and hydrogen chloride gas to form
methamphetamine.222-224 This method is called the Nazi method
because of the widespread belief that it was invented by the Nazis
during World War
The most recently reported method for making methamphetamine is
called “shake and bake.” The “shake and bake” method requires less
pseudoephedrine, a 2-L soda bottle, and no heat source. The pseu-
doephedrine is crushed and ammonium nitrate is added. This method
can be done anywhere, including in a moving vehicle. A small amount
of methamphetamine is produced using this method, making it useful
for individuals attempting to manufacture their own methamphetamine
but not for larger scale
laboratories.229,230 Tables 3 and
4 list common
chemicals and equipment used in the manufacture of methamphet-
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TABLE 3. Chemicals used in illicit methamphetamine
Where It Is Used
Common Sources
Acetic acid
P2P synthesis
Acetic anhydride
P2P synthesis
Paint thinner, nail polish
Acetylene gas
Gas purge
Welding gas
P2P synthesis
Aluminum foil/wires
Anhydrous ammonia
Methamphetamine synthesis
Farm fertilizer
Ammonium nitrate
Methamphetamine synthesis
Fertilizer, cold compress packs
P2P synthesis
Phenylacetic acid synthesis
Benzyl cyanide
Phenylacetic acid synthesis
Methamphetamine precursor
Cold preparations
Ethyl ether
Engine starting fluid
Formic acid
Refrigeration systems
Hydriodic acid
Methamphetamine synthesis
Hydrochloric acid/gas
Solvent (acid),
Swimming pool supplies
(muriatic acid)
synthesis (gas)
Hydrogen gas
Gas purge,
synthesis byproduct
(lithium reacting with
Hydrogen sulfide
Hydriodic acid synthesis
Hypophosphorous acid
Methamphetamine synthesis
Hydriodic acid synthesis
Farming and health care
Rubbing alcohol
Lead acetate
P2P synthesis
Methamphetamine synthesis
Photo batteries
Magnesium sulfate
Methamphetamine synthesis
Epsom salts
Mercuric chloride
Methamphetamine synthesis
Heet®, gasoline additives
Methamphetamine precursor
Methamphetamine precursor
P2P precursor
Petroleum distillates
Coleman fuel, kerosene, lacquer
thinner, mineral spirits,
naphtha, lighter fluid
Phenyl-2-propanone (P2P)
Methamphetamine precursor
Phenylacetic acid
P2P precursor
Phosphine gas
Methamphetamine synthesis
Phosphoric acid
Methamphetamine precursor
Rust remover, colas
Methamphetamine precursor
Cold preparations
P2P synthesis
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TABLE 3. Continued
Where It Is Used
Common Sources
Red phosphorous
Methamphetamine synthesis
Road flares, matchbook strikers
Methamphetamine synthesis
Sodium acetate
P2P synthesis
Sodium chloride
Methamphetamine synthesis
Table salt
Sodium hydroxide
Methamphetamine synthesis
Red devil lye
and byproduct
Sulfuric acid
Methamphetamine and P2P
Battery acid, drain cleaners
Thorium oxide
P2P synthesis
Brake cleaner
Methamphetamine synthesis
Gun scrubber/cleaner
TABLE 4. Equipment frequently used in illicit methamphetamine
Aluminum foil
Coffee filters
Gas cans
Hot plates
Ice chests
Jugs and bottles
Kitty litter
Laboratory beakers/glasses
Measuring cups
Paper towels
Plastic storage containers
Propane cylinders
Rubber gloves
Rubber tubing
Tempered glassware
Hazards Associated with Methamphetamine
An estimated 30% of clandestine laboratories are found after an
explosion or
fire.231 Patients injured in these incidents reportedly have
more severe inhalational injury, are more likely to require endotracheal
intubation, and spend a longer period on mechanical ventilation than case
controls.230,232-234 It has also been reported that these patients require
more fluid resuscitation that other burn patients, with estimates between
2 and 3 times the Parkland
formula.233,235 These patients also had higher
rates of pneumonia, respiratory failure, and sepsis when adjusted for
percentage involvement of total body surface area (TBSA), age, and
injury.234 Agitation was also more common in the clandes-
tine-laboratory-related thermal burn patient than in case controls, requir-
ing higher doses of sedation and/or psychiatric
evaluation.233 Burns to the
face and eyes are
One study reported a 100% mortality rate for clandestine-laboratory-
related thermal burn patients with TBSA of 40% or more. Comparatively,
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non-methamphetamine-related burn patients with TBSA of 60% or
greater are uniformly fatal. It has been theorized that the lower fatal
TBSA in clandestine-laboratory-related thermal burn patients may be due
to chemical injuries as well as toxicity from the methamphetamine
Other characteristics of clandestine-laboratory-related thermal burn
patients are that they are more likely to be unemployed, uninsured, on
Medicare/Medicaid, or receiving some type of government assis-
tance.232,233,237 Treatment of these patients costs more than treatment of
other thermal burn patients, even after controlling for
Chemical Injuries
Persons involved in clandestine methamphetamine manufacture may
also be injured by exposure to the chemicals used to manufacture
methamphetamine.232 The type and severity of chemical injury vary with
the substance and the route of exposure (eg, dermal absorption, inhala-
tion, ingestion).
Table 5 lists selected chemicals and their potential
hazards. Two substances that are commonly implicated in clandestine-
laboratory-related chemical injury are anhydrous ammonia and phosphine
The primary use of anhydrous ammonia is as a farm fertilizer. It is also
used in the Nazi/Birch method with an alkali metal to convert ephedrine
or pseudoephedrine into
methamphetamine.223,224 To obtain anhydrous
ammonia, methamphetamine manufacturers may steal it from storage
containers at farms and subsequently store it in propane
Clandestine-laboratory-related anhydrous ammonia injuries are reported
to involve higher TBSA, longer length of mechanical ventilation, and
longer inpatient stays and have a higher overall complication rate than
other anhydrous ammonia chemical
injuries.239 Injuries may be sustained,
not just by the manufacturers themselves, but also by others living in the
same household. Simulations of functional clandestine laboratories have
reported ammonia vapor concentrations that approached or exceeded
those deemed immediately dangerous to life and health, even at remote
sites within the
Anhydrous ammonia causes severe chemical injury to the skin, lungs,
eyes.242 Anhydrous ammonia is an alkali that quickly penetrates the
skin, causing liquefaction necrosis. Decontamination should be accom-
plished by copious irrigation. Dermal injury may require mechanical
debridement and skin grafting.
Pulmonary injury due to ammonia may be classified as acute or chronic,
depending on the nature of exposure. Acute pulmonary exposure occurs
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TABLE 5. Hazards of selected chemicals found in clandestine
Acetic acid
Acute—eye irritation, airway inflammation, pulmonary edema,
severe burns, corneal ulcers, permanent eye damage;
chronic—upper airway irritation, eye irritation; flammable
when heated
Acetic anhydride
Vapors—eye, mucus membrane, and skin irritation; high
concentrations of vapors can lead to mucosal ulceration
and bronchospasm; liquid—immediate burning, corneal/
conjunctival edema, corneal opacification, vision loss, red
to white/wrinkled skin; skin burns may be delayed
Eye, skin, and upper airway irritation; prolonged exposure—
coughing, blurry vision, tremors, seizures, stupor, bizarre
behavior, coma, death; flammable/explosive mixed with air
at room temperature; explosive when heated
Anhydrous ammonia
Burns to eyes, upper airway, and skin; conjunctivitis,
lacrimation, corneal irritation, blindness (temporary and
permanent); bronchospasm, wheezing, dyspnea, chest
pain, pulmonary edema, chemical pneumonitis
Narcotic at moderate doses; induces seizure at higher
doses; eye and airway irritation; contact dermatitis; may be
absorbed through skin
Acute—headache, dizziness, breathing difficulties, coughing,
pulmonary edema, coma, lung/liver/kidney damage, death;
chronic—irritation of eyes and airway, allergies, confusion,
short-term memory loss, bone marrow suppression, coma
death; flammable, may cause flash fires
Eye, mucus membrane, skin irritation; headache, lacrimation,
pulmonary edema, corneal injury, contact dermatitis
Headache, hypertension, tachycardia, stroke; eye, lung, and
skin irritation
Inhalation—irritation or upper airway, headache
nausea/vomiting, drowsiness, confusion;
ingestion—confusion, dizziness, seizures, blurry vision,
blindness, coma, death; chronic—headache, decreased
coordination, nervous system/liver/stomach/heart damage
Ethyl ether
Headache, “drunkenness” vomiting; spontaneously explosive
in sunlight or oxygen or heat
Formic acid
Absorption through skin can cause systemic effects; severe,
painful burns, bloody diarrhea, pulmonary edema, shock,
death; explosive with contact of oxidizing agents
Eye irritation; vomiting, slurred speech, drunkenness, coma,
death; inhalation can cause sudden cardiac death
Hydriodic acid
Irritation of upper airways at low concentrations and dyspnea,
chest pain, bronchospasm, pneumonitis, pulmonary edema
at high concentrations; eye and skin irritation and burns
Hydrochloric acid/gas
Skin burns and allergies; inhalation may lead to pulmonary
(muriatic acid)
edema and permanent lung damage
Hypophosphorous acid
Burns especially to mucus membranes
Vomiting, delirium, headache, hypotension, shock; mucus
membrane irritation, can lead to pulmonary edema; skin
DM, February 2012
TABLE 5. Continued
Lead acetate
Mostly a chronic exposure concern; abdominal pain, nausea/
vomiting, difficultly concentrating; increased exposure risk
to children due to developing nervous system
Eye, skin, upper airway, and lung irritation; water-
reactive, generates hydrogen gas, explosive
Mercuric chloride
Acute—abdominal pain, vomiting, hematemesis, renal
failure; bizarre behavior, lung damage; chronic—
builds-up in brain/liver/kidneys; harmful fumes when
Eye and airway irritation; headache, nausea/vomiting,
abdominal pain, blindness, loss of consciousness,
damage to brain/pancreas/kidneys
Eye, mucus membrane, skin irritation; allergic or
chemical bronchitis; conjunctival hemorrhage,
superficial corneal opacities, corneal edema
Eye, mucus membrane, skin irritation; nausea/vomiting/
diarrhea, mental status depression, ataxia, seizures
Petroleum distillates
Eye and skin irritation; delayed lung injury, depressed
mental status, seizures, loss of consciousness;
flammable mixed with air at room temperature
Phenyl-2-propanone (P2P)
Eye and skin irritation; nausea, headache, dizziness
Phenylacetic acid
Eye and skin irritation; nausea, headache, dizziness
Phosphine gas
Delayed pulmonary edema; dizziness, tremors, vomiting,
seizures; flammable, explosively reacts with air
Phosphoric acid
Eye, skin, and upper airway irritation; chronic—allergies,
lung/liver/bone marrow damage; releases phosphine
gas when contacts metal
Headache, hypertension, tachycardia, stroke; eye, lung,
and skin irritation
CNS depressant, liver/kidney damage, low back pain without
kidney damage, headache, nausea/vomiting, vertigo
Red phosphorous
If heated, produces yellow phosphorous (skin burns); if
heated with acid, produces phosphine gas
Thermal and chemical skin burns; eye, mucus
membrane, lung, and skin irritation; water-reactive,
produces hydrogen gas and sodium hydroxide
Sodium hydroxide
Severe burns to eyes and skin; inhalation can lead to
burns in air passages; carcinogen; metal or fire
contact produces hydrogen gas
Sulfuric acid
Severe burns to eyes and skin; inhalation can lead to
lung damage, respiratory failure; chronic—lung/liver/
kidney damage, skin allergies; carcinogen; water-
reactive, produces harmful and corrosive fumes
Thorium oxide
Radioactive alpha emitter; carcinogen
Inhalation—irritation or upper airway, headache nausea/
vomiting, drowsiness, confusion;
ingestion—confusion, dizziness, seizures, blurry
vision, blindness, coma, death
Eye, skin, upper airway, and lung irritation; pulmonary
edema, pneumonia, death; corneal damage
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with the inhalation of high concentrations of ammonia vapor over a short
period (eg, ammonia discharge from a storage container) and is associated
with facial and upper airway
injury.243 Early intubation should be
undertaken because of the risk for glottis and supraglottic swelling
resulting in compromise of the airway.
Conversely, chronic pulmonary exposure because of exposure to lower
concentrations over a prolonged period (eg, ammonia fumes during
methamphetamine manufacture) is associated with injury throughout the
pulmonary tree. Chronic ammonia inhalational injury can be divided into
2 phases. The early phase is hallmarked by sloughing of pulmonary
epithelium resulting in hypoxia, edema, and airway obstruction. Aggres-
sive pulmonary toilet is necessary. The later phase presents with an initial
improvement in ventilation, followed by the gradual onset of fixed
obstruction that may be prolonged in nature. Bronchodilator and cortico-
steroid therapy may be of benefit, with antibiotics reserved for bacterial
Ocular exposure may result in severe corneal injury. Immediate copious
irrigation should be instituted and the effectiveness of irrigation can be
monitored by serial measurements of the pH of ocular secretions.
Permanent vision loss from cataracts, atrophy of the iris, and acute angle
closure glaucoma are potential adverse effects associated with ammonia-
induced corneal injury. Corneal transplantation may be attempted; how-
ever, failure of transplantation secondary to scarring during the original
injury has been
Phosphine gas is used as a grain fumigant, a precursor chemical, and a
chemical warfare
agent.244-246 Phosphine gas is a byproduct of illicit
methamphetamine manufacturing via the cold or red phosphorus
method.227 Phosphorous acid is formed when iodine and red phosphorus
are combined to form hydriodic acid and readily decomposes into
phosphine gas and phosphoric
acid.244 Heating of solutions containing
red phosphorus also produces phosphine
gas.240 During simulations of
functional clandestine laboratories, phosphine gas concentrations were
reported to exceed recommended upper limits of
Inhalational phosphine exposure causes irritant effects with dyspnea,
cough, delayed noncardiogenic pulmonary edema, ventilator-dependent
respiratory failure, and, in severe cases,
death.244-246 Exposure to phos-
phine gas may also result in ocular and dermal
irritation.245 A particularly
insidious aspect of phosphine gas exposure in clandestine laboratories are
case reports of law enforcement personnel being injured because of
phosphine gas exposure during
raids.248 Patients with suspected phos-
phine exposure should be observed for a 24-hour period to monitor for
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delayed-onset pulmonary edema. Supplemental oxygen and mechanical
ventilation with positive end expiratory pressure may be necessary and
corticosteroids have been reported to be of benefit in animal
Phosphine exposure in workers exposed to phosphine in industrial
applications has been reported to result in prolonged pulmonary com-
plaints, including exertional dyspnea, decreased exercise tolerance, and
abnormal pulmonary function testing for years after exposure; these
symptoms were seen in patients with a history of tobacco use or
preexisting lung
Methamphetamine manufacturers are not the only persons who could be
harmed by the hazards present in clandestine laboratories. Other persons
living or working in the same building may be exposed to chemicals
involved in the manufacturing
process.240,241,247,249,250 First-respon-
ders and law enforcement personnel are also at risk for harm. First-
responders (eg, police or firefighters) may be particularly at risk if there
is no advance warning that caustic chemicals are present at a
site.251 The
appropriate use of personal protective equipment and training in the
recognition of clandestine laboratories is important in reducing risk for
these civil
servants.251 Clandestine laboratory investigators are at risk of
injury during the processing phase of a laboratory, where samples are
taken and chemicals are
removed.221 Hospital personnel are also at risk if
patients from clandestine laboratories are not appropriately identified and
decontaminated before entry into the
hospital.251 Symptoms reported by
first responders and law enforcement personnel include respiratory
irritation, dyspnea, headache, skin irritation/burns, mucous membrane
irritation, nausea/vomiting, and
Pediatric Issues
In 17%-44% of discovered clandestine laboratories, children are living
in the same
building.252-255 Children may be exposed to chemicals used
in the manufacture of methamphetamine even if they are not in the
area where the methamphetamine is being produced, because of either
stances.240,241,247,249,250 Exposure can be to the methamphetamine
itself or to precursor chemicals or
solvents.256,257 Preschool children
are particularly at risk for exploratory ingestions due to hand-to-mouth
behavior and the significant portion of the day they spend in the
home.254,255 Improper storage of chemicals near food items or in
refrigerators increases the likelihood of pediatric
exposures.258 Environ-
mental persistence of chemicals following the manufacture of metham-
phetamine in kitchens or food preparation areas also puts children at risk
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toxicity.259 Children living in buildings containing clandestine labo-
ratories are at risk for injury or death due to other nontoxicologic hazards:
lack of running water, improper maintenance of the building or building
contents, insect infestation, poor sanitation, booby-traps, loaded firearms,
and drug paraphernalia (eg, butane lighters, used hypodermic needles); all
may be present in buildings housing clandestine laboratories.
Parents or other adults may be more focused on manufacturing or using
methamphetamine than in child care, resulting in neglect, while chronic
abuse of methamphetamine may impair their judgment or hinder their
ability to care for
children.259,261 Protocols are useful in directing health
care providers in the assessment and treatment of these children. A
multidisciplinary approach involving health care providers, emergency
departments, social workers, law enforcement, and governmental children
services departments is likely to yield the best results, with the health and
physical safety of affected children being the utmost concern.
Environmental Contamination
For every pound of methamphetamine produced, it has been estimated
that up to 6 pounds of hazardous waste are generated.
258 Following the
seizure of a clandestine laboratory, extensive environmental remediation
may be necessary. Currently, extensive debate still exists regarding the
extent of remediation necessary and who is responsible for funding
it.222,231,263-265 Reported costs for environmental remediation vary from
$2000 to $100,000, depending on the size of the laboratory and the
practices of the
manufacturers.266 More research is necessary to deter-
mine the extent of remediation that must be performed and if there are any
long-term health or environmental effects related to former clandestine
methamphetamine laboratories and how these effects are moderated by
environmental remediation.
Methamphetamine abuse results in numerous adverse health effects,
including myocardial infarction, aortic dissection, pulmonary edema,
intracranial hemorrhage, ischemic stroke, mesenteric infarction, rhabdo-
myolysis with renal injury, necrotizing gingivostomatitis, psychiatric
disease, persistent cognitive impairment, sexually transmitted disease,
and transmission of blood-borne disease. Use in pregnant women has
been associated with fetal loss and perinatal maternal death. Metham-
phetamine increases the risk of traumatic death, which may be a result of
accident, suicide, or homicide.
DM, February 2012
Increases in methamphetamine abuse make methamphetamine a signif-
icant public health problem. Population morbidity and mortality, health
care costs, and law enforcement costs associated with methamphetamine
abuse are significant. Children living in clandestine laboratories or simply
in homes where methamphetamine is abused are at risk for abuse, neglect,
and toxicologic exposures.
The manufacture of methamphetamine also results in significant mor-
bidity and mortality because of thermal and blast injuries, caustic injury,
and other toxicologic exposures. Of additional concern is the risk posed
by these laboratories to first responders and law enforcement personnel.
Environmental persistence of hazardous waste generated by methamphet-
amine manufacture and the extent of necessary remediation efforts are
further important issues that continue to generate debate.
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