This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'The status of HDC in relation to the Horowhenua NZ Trust 2705851'.

18 June 2018 
Iola Haggarty 
11 Nash Parade 
[FYI request #8049 email] 
Dear Iola 
I acknowledge receipt of your request for information under the Local Government Official Information and 
Meetings Act 1987 in regards to your request for information regarding the status of Horowhenua District Council 
in relation to the Horowhenua New Zealand Trust 2705851. 
Your request was received on the 17/06/2018 and has been passed to the appropriate Council Officer(s) for a 
response within 20 working days. 
If you have any enquiries regarding the progress of your request, do not hesitate to contact me. 
Yours faithfully 
Ian Winks 
LGOIMA Officer 
H_211 – Version 2, 4 April 2011