This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'The status of HDC in relation to the Horowhenua NZ Trust 2705851'.

20 June 2018 
Iola Haggarty 
11 Nash Parade 
Foxton Beach 
[FYI request #8049 email] 
Dear Iola 
I refer to your request for information received on 17 June 2018.  Your request has been considered under the 
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1097 (LGOIMA) and I provide the following information. 
Regarding the consultation and legal requirements relating to the transfer of assets to the Horowhenua NZ Trust: 
The level of consultation (if any) in respect of the sale / transfer of property to the Horowhenua NZ Trust will be 
determined on a case-by-case basis according to the requirements of our Significance and Engagement Policy.  
This Policy states that Council will determine all decisions to be significant unless the impact on the: 
Current or future cultural, economic, environmental and social well-being of the district is minimal 
Achievement of, or ability to achieve, Council's stated levels of service as set out in the current Long 
Term Plan (LTP) is minimal 
Capacity of Council to perform its role and carry out its activities, now and in the future is unaffected 
Financial resource and other costs of the deviation are minimal or included in an adopted LTP.  
If the decision to sell / transfer property to the trust does not meet the above criteria then the decision will be 
deemed to be significant, and consultation will be undertaken. 
Council will seek appropriate legal advice for property sales / transfers to the Horowhenua NZ Trust.  The extent 
of legal advice requested will be assessed on a case-by-case basis according to the nature of the sale / transfer.  
If you have any queries regarding this information, please contact Sharon Grant, Group Manager People and 
Community [email address]  
Yours sincerely 
David Clapperton 
Chief Executive