31 July 2018
Iola Haggarty
11 Nash Parade
Foxton Beach.
[FYI request #8049 email] Dear Ms Haggerty
I refer to your request for information received on 17 June 2018. Your request has been considered
under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA) and I provide the
following information.
Information requested:
Can you please confirm for the Ratepayers of Horowhenua District Council that Ratepayer assets will
not be transferred to the Horowhenua NZ Trust 2705851 without consultation and legal scrutiny by
HDC Ratepayers.
The sale or assignment of Council property assets to the Horowhenua New Zealand Trust (HNZT) will
be governed by consideration of a number of policies, strategies, procedures and legislative
requirements including the following:
a) Previous resolution of Council to sell or assign surplus properties, reference Appendix 1, resolution
of Council 5 August 2009 (see extract of meeting Minutes).
No consultation will be required for the sale or assignment of those property assets.
b) The determination on a case by case basis for each property asset being considered for sale or
assignment to HNZT of the significance of the proposal or decision against Council’s
and Engagement Policy adopted in June 2017, Appendix 2.
The Significance and Engagement Policy outlines Council’s general approach to determining the
significance of the proposals and decisions. It sets out how Council will engage the community in
its decision making relative to the significance of the decision.
The sale or assignment of property assets will not be deemed to be significant i.e. requiring
community consultation unless the asset in question is deemed a strategic asset, involves an
activity that will significantly affect capacity or cost to Council, or is a change to the Long Term
An asset, such as Focal Point Cinema, would not be deemed significant and would therefore not
be consulted on should there be a proposal to sell or assign this building.
c) Horowhenua District Council – Property Strategy, November 2015, Appendix 3.
The purpose of this strategy is to provide an overarching framework which assists Council in future
decision making with regard to its property assets.
The Property Strategy provides a process that facilitates an evaluation of property assets to
determine whether they are core or non-core assets. Only non-core assets would be deemed as
suitable for consideration for sale or assignment to the HNZT.
d) Should a non-core asset be considered for sale or assignment a Council resolution would be
required as per the Local Government Act. Please refer to:
If you have any queries regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
David Clapperton
Chief Executive