Southern District Health Board
Dunedin Hospital
201 Great King Street
Private Bag 1921
Chief Executive Officer
Phone 03-476 9456 Fax 03-476 9450
20 July 2018
Corinda Taylor
FYI Website request
Email: [FYI request #8147 email]
Dear Ms Taylor
Official Information Act Request
I refer to your Official Information Act request received by email on 29 June 2018 in which you specifically
requested the following:
Can you please supply the following information under OIA on the number of security cameras and their
exact locations on mental Health wards in Invercargill and Dunedin (9A, 9B and 9C) as well as EPS. What
was in place in 1 January 2012? What is in place right now on 29 June 2018 and has anything changed since
1 January 2012? If so can we please have a breakdown?
Security cameras are located in communal areas such as foyers, hallways and towards front entrances.
The forensic mental health inpatient unit has cameras located in communal areas as well as seclusion
lounge, nurses’ station and a secure courtyard.
The exact location of each camera is being withheld under section 9(2)(c) of the Official Information Act,
in order to avoid prejudice to measures protecting the health or safety of members of the public.
Ward 9A at Wakari Hospital is a medium secure forensic inpatient unit. There are 16 cameras in this unit
which are installed to maintain the safety of staff and patients, as well as, contributing to security
measures within this environment. Ward 9B which is adjacent to Ward 9A has a single camera within the
ward. These cameras are all primarily part of Ward 9A’s security system but Ward 9B may be notified of
any observed concerns by the Support Centre if required.
Ward 9C does not have any cameras installed on the ward. Emergency Psychiatric Services (EPS) has a
single camera, installed in 2016. Within Invercargill’s Inpatient Mental Health Unit (IMHU) the security
cameras were installed to ensure the safety of patients and staff within IMHU; it is a closed circuit system.
They are especially used in the evenings to see who might be coming in, and also for supporting the
Southland Mental Health Emergency Team who, often do after-hour assessments in the Whanau Room
situated near the front entrance of the IMHU.
Cameras in Dunedin mental health clinical areas
Cameras in Dunedin mental health clinical areas
as at 01/01/2012
as at 29/06/2018
Ward 9A- 14 cameras
Ward 9A- 16 cameras
Ward 9B- 1 camera
Ward 9B- 1 camera
Emergency Psychiatric Service- 1 camera
You have the right to seek an investigation and review of our decision by the Ombudsman. The
at Yours sincerely
Chris Fleming
Chief Executive Officer