Extracts from Board of Trustees meeting papers relating to the selection decision for the Student
Management System
November 2008 Board Meeting
SRP Report
Executive Summary
Tenders closed on 15 September and the responses are presently being evaluated.
We have received only one compliant proposal for the SMS. The initial meeting of the SMS Functional
Evaluation Team concluded that the proposal is thorough and addresses most of our requirements, though
some questions inevitably remain. Contingent upon similar views from the Finance and Business Evaluation
Teams, it is considered worth pursuing to the next stage of asking the vendor to prepare a presentation.
December 2008 Board Meeting
SRP Report
Executive Summary
The SMS tender response has been initially evaluated and is considered worth pursuing further.
One on one briefing sessions with a number of the School’s subject matter experts have been arranged for
24/25 November, to brief ITS staff on the more specialised details of our business processes, preparatory
to their presentations.
ITS will formally present their proposal to TCS on 1 December, followed by a structured, scenario-based
presentation on 2 December, and an informal “open house” product demonstration on 3 December.
To facilitate timely approval to proceed during the potentially difficult December-January period,
it is requested that the Board authorise the Chair, Patricia McKelvey, to approve contract
negotiation and, potentially, sign-off, with Integrated Tertiary Software Inc., without further
formal reference to the full Board of Trustees, provided the best current cost estimate for the
SMS and OTLE initiatives combined do not exceed the $5,506,650 “highest estimate” presented in
the Business Case signed off by the Board in August.
Minutes of December 2008 Board Meeting
Authorised the Chair and one other Trustee to approve contract negotiation and, potentially, sign-off,
with Integrated Tertiary Software Inc., without further formal reference to the full Board of Trustees,
provided the best current cost estimate for the SMS and OTLE initiatives combined do not exceed the
$5.5M “highest estimate” capital cost presented in the Business Case signed off by the Board in August.
February 2009 Board Meeting
SRP Report
Executive Summary
Since the last written report prepared for the BOT (written 19 November 2008, for the 3 December meeting):
ITS has been selected as the School’s preferred SMS supplier. Further work is underway to resolve as
many of the contractual questions as possible, preparatory to the ITS team returning to New Zealand to
agree any last points and finalise a contract.