26 July 2018
To: R Leveson
Via email
: [FYI request #8259 email]
Dear Sir/Madam
Local Government Official Information and Meeting Act 1987 Request
I refer to your Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act ‘LGOIMA’ request
dated 6 July 2018 requesting information on library wage levels.
The information you have requested is below:
The number of people employed in your public library service: 47 people
The number of people employed in your public library service being paid less than
$20.55 per hour: 18 people
If you wish to discuss any aspect of your request or this response, or if you require any
further assistance please contact the writer of this letter.
If you are not happy with our response in relation to your request, you have the right to seek
an investigation and review by an Ombudsman.
The Ombudsman
Office of the Ombudsmen
PO Box 10-152
Yours faithfully
David Ward
Chief Executive
2 Norman Kirk Drive, Rolleston | PO Box 90, Rolleston 7643 | P: 03 347 2800 | F: 03 347 2799
E: [email address] | W: www.selwyn.govt.nz | Facebook.com/selwyndistrictcouncil