Council Minutes
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences - Manaakitia
Room 503-019, 85 Park road Grafton
30 April 2018
Mr St John (Chair), Professor McCutcheon (Vice-Chancellor), Mr Daniell, Ms
Dawson, Mr Ferrier, Ms Tarrant, Mrs Dunphy, Associate Professor Kawharu,
Mr Kiely, Associate Professor Sims, Ms Cusack
In Attendance:
Professors Metson and Morrow,
Mrs Cleland, Mr Gudsell, Mrs Verschaeren
and Professor Brand, Ms Roberts and Mr Phipps for item 4 in Part B
PART A – Open Minutes
APOLOGIES Sir Ralph Norris
RESOLVED (Chancellor/Vice-Chancellor): that the apologies be
No further disclosures were made.
Council, Draft Minutes (Part A), 12.03.18
A typographical error needed to be corrected in the name of Ms McNaughton who was
in attendance at the meeting
RESOLVED (Chancellor/Mr Daniell): That the Minutes (Part A) of the
Council meeting held on 12.03.18 be taken as
read and
confirmed, subject
to the above correction.
Matters arising from the Minutes (Part A), 12.03.18 not elsewhere on the Agenda.
No matters arising.
The report was taken as read.
The Vice-Chancellor drew Council’s attention to section 3 and commented that we were
slightly behind with domestic enrolments and significantly ahead with international ones.
There was currently a shortfall in predominantly domestic EFTS for Semester two following
unusual student enrolment patterns.
With regards to section 4, he commented that the Go-Live phase of IRiS had got off to a
good start. Most support staff had been appointed or would be appointed shortly to assist
researchers in the Faculties and Liggins. UniServices had the new model up and running and
would be focusing on increasing revenue. The Research Operations Centre had been created
and was underway.
Council Minutes 30.04.18
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Under section 4.2 the Vice-Chancellor acknowledged the extraordinary amount of work that
had been undertaken by many staff across the University in preparation for the PBRF under
the leadership of Professor Merryn Tawhai and Distinguished Professor Jane Harding.
With regards to section 5, the Vice-Chancellor commented that the University was on track
budget wise and that it would be interesting to see what the Government was planning to do
in the May Budget. So far there had been little information about Government plans.
The Vice-Chancellor also advised Council that the Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori, Mr Jim Peters,
would be retiring on 30 June 2018. Candidates for the role had been long- listed and an
advisory committee had been established; shortlisting was expected to happen in the next
few weeks and the new appointee would hopefully be in place by 1 July 2018.
RESOLVED(Chancellor/Mr Ferrier): that the Vice-Chancellor’s Report be
Memorandum, 19.04.18 of the Vice Chancellor regarding the Assessment
The Assessment Policy was discussed at the meetings of Senate of 26.02.18 and
16.04.18. At the meeting in February it led to a number of questions and the
responses to these questions, as outlined in the memorandum, were presented to
the Senate meeting in April. This led to further discussion and in the end Senate
voted not to support the recommendation.
The Working Party that worked on the Assessment Policy in 2017 identified a
number of weaknesses in assessment practices at the University and its report
was designed to address those issues. The Assessment Policy also related to the
Retention Strategy, as a focus on assessment was a crucial part of student
retention. It was essential for students to get early feedback on their work
through assessment, so they could understand what was expected of them and
how they might improve.
Council was of the opinion that the intention of the Assessment Policy was
appropriate and that it was important to address the issues that currently existed
with regards to assessment practices. However, it also noted that Senate had not
actually given it any advice on the issues. It would be appropriate to refer the
matter back to Senate so that it could provide advice to Council.
RESOLVED(Chancellor/Mr Ferrier):that the Memorandum, 19.04.18 of the Vice-
Chancellor regarding the Assessment Policy be
received and that the item be
referred back to the Senate meeting of 28.05.18 so that Senate may
give advice to Council.
Report of Senate, 16.04.18
This item was presented by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Professor John
Morrow. The following were highlighted:
With regards to Part A, item 1 – Review of the School of Music:
The School’s response to the recommendations of the Review Panel was considered
first by Education Committee and then by Senate. A major part of the response
regarded the change in the curriculum and the results of this exercise were included
in CUAP amendment 2018/201 which was part of Part A, item 3. This amendment
included a revised Bachelor of Music (BMus) programme.
RESOLVED (Chancellor/Mr Ferrier): that the Review of the School of Music
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With regards to Part A, item 2 – Review of the School of Biological Sciences:
Year-on Progress Report
As there were a few outstanding issues that were dependent of the restructuring of
the Bachelor of Science (BSc), a further brief report would be required in 2019.
RESOLVED (Chancellor/Ms Tarrant): that the Review of the School of
Biological Sciences: Year-on Progress Report be
With regards to Part A, item 3 – CUAP proposals
Amendment 2018/201 comprised the academic restructure of the BMus.
This included the creation within the BMus of two strands: a performance strand
(in classical music, composition, jazz and popular music) and a musical studies strand
which included a range of side specialisations including electronic music and music
The BMus would also include a common core of courses that students in both strands
would be required to complete and there would be some capacity in the programme
for students to move from one strand to the other.
The purpose of the proposal was not only to provide students with high level
instrumental or voice training, but also to expose them to a range of activities that
would be beneficial to advancing their professional careers.
Amendment 2018/700 and 701 comprised a radical restructuring of the BSc with the
introduction of a range of specialisations and the creation of a Bachelor of Advanced
Science. The latter would be an integrated Honours programme; students would enroll
in it and graduate with Honours after their fourth year.
Students completing a BSc would continue to have an Honours option at the end of
their three year programme.
With regards to Part A, item 7 – Student Survey Policy and Procedures
It was important to note that small scale surveys conducted by the Auckland
University Students’ Association were included under point 4 of the Policy.
Part A, 3, 4 & 6-8: Policy and other matters requiring Council approval
Part B, 1:
Matters for noting by Council
Part C, 1-2:
Matters handled under Delegated Authority
RESOLVED (Chancellor/Ms Tarrant): that the recommendations in: Part A 3, 4 & 6-8
of the Report of Senate, 27.11.17 be
RESOLVED (Chancellor/Mr Kiely): that the recommendations in Parts B and C be
No items received.
Since the Council meeting on 19.10.16 the seal had been applied to the following
documents in accordance with the Council resolution of 18.02.1991:
1. Deed of Assignment of Trade Marks and Copyright – The University of
Auckland (Hangzhou Innovation Inst Co Ltd) (the “Assignor”) and the
University of Auckland (the “Assignee”)
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2. Deed of Variation of Lease – Nineteen Princes LLC (Landlord) and University of
Auckland (Tenant) – Synagogue Building, 19A Princes Street, Auckland
3. Master Mandate (Deed) between ANZ and the University of Auckland on the
Account Number 230779 (FC and FD)
4. Amendment to Master Mandate (Deed) between ANZ and the University of
Auckland on all ANZ Products including deposit and loan accounts but
excluding Global Markets and Trade ANZ products
RESOLVED (Chancellor/Mr Kiely): that the affixing of the seal to the above
documents be
The Chancellor advised Council that the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) would
organise two courses on governance of tertiary education institutions in Wellington.
He was of the opinion that these courses were not designed for this University. He
invited any members who were interested to contact him for more information.
Council noted the following 2019 meeting and Graduation
Council Meeting dates:
29.04.19 10.06.19 26.08.19 21.10.19 09.12.19
Finance Committee dates:
29.05.19 24.07.19 25.09.19 27.11.19
Audit and Risk Committee Dates:
Graduation Dates:
Autumn Graduation:
06.05.19, 08.05.19, 10.05.19
Spring Graduation:
LEAVE OF ABSENCE (for Council meeting of 18.06.18)
Ms Dawson and Ms Tarrant advised that they would not be able to attend the
Meeting of 18.06.18.
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RESOLVED (Chancellor/Vice-Chancellor): That the public be excluded from Part B of this meeting.
The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for
passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of
the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution
are as follows:
General subject of each matter to be considered:
Item No. 1.1
Council Meeting Minutes (Part B), 12.03.18
Item No. 2.1
Animal Ethics Committee, Annual Report 2017
Item No. 2.2
University Honours Committee Reports, 21.03.18
Item No. 3.1
Financial Performance to 28 February and Interim Forecast for 2018
Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter:
The protection of the interests mentioned below.
Grounds under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution:
Those in Section 9 of the Official Information Act 1982 namely:
i) To protect the privacy of the persons referred to in the recommendations and to
maintain the confidentiality of those recommendations;
ii) To enable the University to carry on without prejudice or disadvantage negotiations;
iii) To prevent the disclosure or use of Official Information for improper gain or
AND THAT Adrienne Cleland, Professors Diane Brand, Jim Metson and John Morrow, Peter Gudsell,
Sue Roberts, Mr Phipps and Wendy Verschaeren be permitted to remain for this part of the meeting,
after the public has been excluded, because of their knowledge of, or need to be briefed about, the
matters to be discussed. This knowledge, which will be of assistance in relation to the matters to
be discussed, is relevant to those matters because it relates to aspects of the administration of The
University of Auckland for which those persons are responsible.
The Meeting moved into Public Excluded Session at 5.00pm
The Meeting closed at 6.35pm
Approved as a true and correct record.
_____________________ ________
Scott St John, Chancellor Date
Council Minutes 30.04.18
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