15 October 2018
Teri Marie Brown
By email:
[FYI request #8697 email]
Dear Teri Marie
Official Information Act Request – supplemental response 1
We refer to your message dated 17 September 2018, timed at 9.55pm, addressed to Victoria
University of Wellington (
the University), in which you requested the following
information under the Official Information Act 1982 (
the Act):
“In your response to my OIA you referred to my communications with yourself on the
9/2/2018 and [ ] on the 13/2/2018. Could you please provide a copy of these
communications. In the interest of Privacy other than your names I expect all person
details to be retracted (sic).
Yours faithfully
Teri Marie Brown”
I confirm that the reference to such communications was incorrect and caused by a
transcription error. No communications exist with you on these dates between you and the
individuals referred to in the University’s previous response to you. I apologise to you on
the University’s behalf for this error.
Yours sincerely
Pam Thorburn
Director Student Academic Services