Te Tauihu
Te Reo Māori Policy
Te Tauihu, kua tāpaea te kaupapa here te reo
Māori ki a Billie Tait-Jones, te Kaitohutohu
Ahurea o te Kaunihera o Pōneke, i mate rā i te
marama o Whiringa-ā-rangi 2017.
“Nāna tonu i whakaatu i te korounga o te kaupapa
here nei: arā, ko te whakaaro pai, te ngākau
māhorahora me te hiahia kia kitea tonutia te reo
Māori i roto i ā mātou mahi o ia rā.”
Jill Day
Koromatua Tuarua
Te Tauihu, te reo Māori policy
is dedicated to Billie Tait-Jones,
Wellington City Council
Kaiārahi/Cultural Advisor, who
passed away in November 2017.
“In many ways, Billie exemplified
the spirit of this proposed policy:
positivity, inclusiveness and
the desire to make te reo a very
visible part of our everyday lives”.
Jill Day
Deputy Mayor
Whakaahua (photo on cover): Te moutere
o Matiu, Te Whanganui-a-Tara. Ko Te
Hononga te waka tetekura
Matiu-Somes Island, Wellington Harbour.
Te Hononga is the waka.
Ki te whakahou,
Kia tū ai a Ngāti Toa
whakapakari me
Rangatira; He iwi Toa,
te whakanikoniko
hei iwi Rangatira.
i te ahurea, papori,
Ngāti Toa is a
rangatiratanga o
strong, vibrant and
Taranaki Whānui ki influential iwi,
te Upoko o te Ika.
firmly grounded in
To restore, revitalise, our cultural identity
strengthen and
and leading change
enhance the
to enable whānau
cultural, social and wellbeing and
economic wellbeing prosperity.
of the people.
Foreword from iwi mana whenua
Our reo Māori is a key thread which weaves together
Whānau who are confident in their reo, tikanga,
our identity, our whakapapa, and ultimately creates
kawa and identity is our resolve, everything else
the fabric of who we are as a people and as a nation.
stems from that.
This is incredibly crucial to us as an iwi as it speaks
The Rūnanga looks forward to working with
directly to our past, our present and most importantly, council and other mana whenua to ensure that
our future; and for that reason we will never capitulate these objectives can be achieved.
on our commitment to our reo Māori.
Sir Matiu Rei
Wayne Mulligan
Executive Officer
Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Inc
Taranaki Whānui ki te Upoko o te Ika
Wellington City Council | Te Tauihu – Te Reo Māori Policy
We want Wellington to be a te reo Māori city.
Te reo Māori is a taonga we need to protect,
nurture, and grow.
Justin Lester, Mayor of Wellington
He Mihi nā te Koromatua
Introduction by the Mayor
Ki a mātou o Pōneke he taonga te reo Māori, ā,
Here in Wellington we value te reo Māori. It’s an
he tino take tōna ki a tātou, ki tō tā tātou whenua,
integral part of who we are as a country and as a city.
ki tō tātou tāone hoki. Koia kei te hiahia mātou kia
That is why we want Wellington to be a te reo Māori
tū a Pōneke hei tāone reo Māori. He taonga te reo,
city. It is a taonga we need to protect, nurture, and grow.
nō reira me rauhī, me poipoi kia tipu kia rea.
We want to lead the way in making the language a core
Ko te hiahia ia kia riro mā mātou tēnei kaupapa e
part of the cultural fabric and identity of our city and
arataki kia noho te reo Māori hei poutoko-manawa o
we’re already making good progress. For example, our
te ahurea me te tuakiri o tō tātou taone. Ka mutu kua
logo now features Me Heke Ki Pōneke (Come and stay
pai ngā mahi kua oti mō tēnei wā. Hei whakatauira
in Wellington), we use te reo Māori on signs and in our
ake, kei tā mātou waitohu te rerenga kōrero Me Heke
publications and we are committed to increasing the
Ki Pōneke (Come and stay in Wellington), kei te ki
use of it in our place names.
ngā whakamahia te reo Māori ki ngā momo tohu, ki
ō mātou tānga kōrero hoki, ā, kei te ū mātou kia nui
As part of this, Council is also working with Te
haere te whakamahia o te reo Māori mō ngā ingoa wāhi. Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori (The Māori Language
Kei te mahi tahi te Kaunihera me Te Taura Whiri i te
Commission) on an action plan to make sure te reo
Reo Māori ki te whakatakoto i tētahi mahere mahi ko
Māori is seen and heard much more around our capital
te whāinga ia kia kaha kē atu te kitea, te rangona te reo city. This policy is an essential part of that work.
Māori puta noa i tō tātou taone matua. Ko te kaupapa
It is a public statement of our commitment to the
here nei tētahi tino wāhanga o taua kaupapa.
language – an acknowledgement of the mana of Māori
He tauākī tūmatanui tēnei hei whakaatu i te mau ki te
culture and values, of our joint history and of the
reo Māori - he whai whakaaro anō hoki ki te mana o te whakapapa of our rohe.
ahurea Māori me ngā tikanga Māori, ngā tātai kōrero
I want to acknowledge the leadership of Deputy Mayor
mō te nohotahi me te whakapapa o tō tātou rohe.
Jill Day (Ngāti Tūwharetoa) in the development of
Me mihi au ki te Koromatua Tuarua, ki a Jill Day
this policy and, more broadly, in continuing to work
(Ngāti Tūwharetoa) me āna mahi hei whakarite i tēnei
towards making te reo more visible and accessible.
kaupapa here, me tana whai kia nui ake te kitea o te
Council’s role is to be a facilitator as well as provide an
reo, kia māmā ake te whai wāhi ki te reo Māori.
example. We will continue to work with mana whenua
Ko tā te Kaunihera he whakarite, he whakatauira hoki. iwi, to ensure we combine our forces to elevate te reo
Ka mātua whai mātou kia mahitahi me ngā iwi mana
to its proper status in our city.
whenua, i runga i whakaaro kotahi kia tairanga ake te
reo Māori ki te taumata tika mōna i tō mātou tāone.
This policy will help and guide us as we work to
celebrate te reo Māori and support the revitalisation
Mā tēnei kaupapa here e āwhina, e ārahi i a mātou
of the language within Council activities and
i roto i ngā mahi ki te whakanui i te reo Māori, ki te
Wellington City.
tautoko i te whakarauoratanga o te reo Māori i roto i ā
te Kaunihera mahi me te tāone o Pōneke.
Justin Lester
Mayor of Wellington
Justin Lester
Koromatua o Pōneke
Wellington City Council | Te Tauihu – Te Reo Māori Policy
Te reo Māori is a beautiful and unique
language and we can celebrate it by using
it in the work we do.
Kevin Lavery, Chief Executive Wellington City Council
He mihi nā te Tumuaki
Introduction by the Chief Executive
Tūturu, he nui ngā painga o Aotearoa: te whenua, ngā
New Zealand has a lot going for it: our land, our people
tāngata me te ahurea. Maringanui hoki tātou inā kē te
and our culture. We’re fortunate to have many aspects
maha o ngā āhuatanga e tū ahurei ai tātou i roto i te
that make us unique, with none more so than Māori
ao, ā, kāore i tua atu i te reo Māori me te ahurea Māori.
culture and language. Much like how the UK and
Pērā i ngā whenua o Peretānia me Airani e whakapau
Ireland have made considerable efforts to revitalise
kaha ana ki te whakarauora i te reo Celtic me te reo
the Celtic and Gaelic languages, New Zealand too
Gaelic, ka whai painga anō hoki a Aotearoa ki te pērā
could benefit similarly by better fostering te reo Māori.
tō tātou whakarangatira i te reo Māori.
We need to join the rest of the world and celebrate
Me rite tātou ki ērā whenua o te ao, ā, me whakanui i
what makes us unique and properly acknowledge
tō tātou ahurei, me whakanui hoki i te reo Māori me
te reo Māori and its role in pacific identity and
tōna wāhi i roto i te tuakiri o Poronīhia me ōna tuku
Polynesian heritage, including those without
ihotanga, tae atu ki ērā kāore ō rātou whakapapa ki
Polynesian genealogy. It’s part and parcel of what
Poronīhia. He wāhi tino motuhake tō te reo Māori ki
makes Aotearoa so special.
te ahurei o Aotearoa.
Te reo Māori is a beautiful and unique language and
He reo rerehua, he reo ahurei te reo Māori, ā, ka taea
we can celebrate it by using it in the work we do. The
te whakanui i a ia i roto i ā tātou mahi. Nō te taiao
words that Māori have are from nature and are today
tonu ōna kupu, ā, i ēnei rā kei te maumaharatia i roto
remembered in song, art and storytelling and they are
i ngā waiata, ngā mahi me ngā pūrākau, ā, he taonga
irreplaceable. This policy provides us an opportunity
hei pupuri tonu kei rite ki te moa, ka ngaro. Nō reira
to recognise and protect these words while using them
ko tēnei kaupapa here he huarahi hei whakapūmau,
to serve our people and in our physical environment.
hei rauhī i ngā kupu nei me te whakamahi tonu i aua
kupu anō hei ratonga ki ō tātou tāngata i roto hoki i tō
Kevin Lavery
mātou taiao.
Chief Executive,
Wellington City Council
Kevin Lavery
Tumuaki, Te Kaunihera o Pōneke
Wellington City Council | Te Tauihu – Te Reo Māori Policy
Kupu Arataki
Ko te ingoa o tēnei kaupapa here ko Te Tauihu – arā
This policy has been named Te Tauihu – it is the
koia te pitau whakarei o te waka. Ka rirerire te here
ornately carved figurehead of a waka. It is lashed
hei haumi mō te riu o te waka. Ko Te Tauihu tērā
tightly to join and support the body of the waka.
e pana haere ana i runga i te wai hei tohu mai i te
Te Tauihu pushes through the water and represents
manawanui me te māia.
determination and courage.
Ko Te Tauihu he tohu mō te āhua tā te Kaunihera
Te Tauihu is symbolic of ‘the prow’ of our
e mahi ai kia whai hua ki a Ngāi Māori. Ko te
Council’s approach to working effectively for Māori.
whakaaro nui ia kei runga tātou katoa i tēnei
The concept underpinning this is that we are all in
waka, e haere whakamua ana i runga i ngā wai o te
this waka together, moving forward through our
whanga, i runga hoki i te whakaaro kotahi mō te
harbour waters in unison, with a journey and a
haerenga me tōna otinga.
destination in mind.
Waihoki ko te reo Māori tērā hei whakakaha,
Te reo Māori can provide that same resilience and
hei whakapakari i te whānau o te Kaunihera ki
strengthen our Council whānau to deliver our
te whakatutuki i tōna whāinga kia rauhītia ngā
organisational objective to actively protect taonga
taonga, ngā whakaaro me ngā tikanga Māori, kia
and safeguard Māori cultural concepts, values and
whakanuia ā, kia ngākau nuitia e te katoa.
practices to be celebrated and enjoyed by all.
Whakaahua (photo): Te Rerenga Kōtare, waka taua kei Te Raukura te Wharewaka o Pōneke
Wellington City Council | Te Tauihu – Te Reo Māori Policy
Whakaahua (photo): Te Hononga, waka tetekura on Whairepo Lagoon
He Kupu Whakamārama
Kia tāone reo Māori ā te tau 2040
A te reo Māori City by 2040
Ko te reo Māori te reo taketake o Aotearoa ā, he mana
The Māori language is the indigenous language of
motuhake tōna, he reo pūmau tonu. Waihoki he reo
New Zealand and has inherent mana and is enduring.
whai mana ia nō Aotearoa, ā, he mea whaitake hoki ki
It is an official language of New Zealand and is
te tuakiri o Aotearoa.
important to the identity of New Zealand.
Hei tāone matua, he wāhi pai a Pōneke hei kāinga e
As the capital city, Wellington is well placed and a
whakaae ana kia whakanuia te mana o te reo Māori,
natural home where the status of te reo Māori should
kia tuituia hoki ki te ahurea o te taone.
be recognised and built into the cultural fabric of
the city.
Ko tā Te Tauihu he whakaū i tā te Kaunihera whakaaro
kia whakapūmautia te mana o te reo Māori, kia
Te Tauihu commits the Council to elevate the status
whai whakaaro ki te hītori o tō tātou whenua, ki te
of te reo Māori, it acknowledges the history of our
whakapapa o te rohe me tāna hei whakaū i te mana o te country, the whakapapa of the region and it reinforces
ahurea Māori i roto i te tāone o Pōneke hei tāone matua the mana of Māori culture within Wellington as the
o Aotearoa.
capital city of New Zealand.
Ko te Kaunihera te pou matua, ā, ka riro māna e
The Council has a central role to facilitate this,
whakarite tēnei kaupapa mā tōna whakahoatanga me
through its partnership with mana whenua iwi,
ngā iwi mana whenua, mā āna ake tukanga whakatau
through its own decision making processes and
kaupapa me āna mahi, mā ana tikanga tuku kōrero mā
functions, in how it communicates, through city
ngā tohu ā-tāone, ngā rauhanga, ngā hoahoa me ngā
signage, facilities and design and through its cultural
pūtea tautoko mō kaupapa ahurea.
Ko tō mātou moemoeā mō Pōneke ko tēnei, taka rawa
Our vision for Wellington is to be a te reo Māori city by
ki te tau 2040 kua tū a Pōneke hei tāone reo Māori. Ina
2040. 2040 is significant as it marks 200 years since
hoki ko 2040 te huringa tau 200 o te hainatanga o te
the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi and the first
Tiriti o Waitangi, ka tahi, me te whakatūranga o Komiti unofficial Wellington Town Committee. It is also the
tuatahi o te Taone o Pōneke, ka rua. Ka mutu, koia
milestone for Council’s strategy – Wellington Towards
anō te tau i whakaritea hei tohu nui mō te rautaki o te
2040: Smart Capital.
Kaunihera - Wellington Towards 2040: Smart Capital.
Wellington City Council | Te Tauihu – Te Reo Māori Policy
Te Koronga
Ko te koronga o Te Tauihu he whakapūmau i te mana
The purpose of Te Tauihu is to recognise the status of
o te reo Māori he taonga nō ngā iwi me ngāi Māori
te reo Māori as a taonga of iwi Māori and to create a
hei waihanga i tētahi anga whakahaere i ngā mahi
framework to help guide the actions of the Council –
a te Kaunihera kia whakanuia e ia te reo Māori kia
to celebrate te reo Māori and support the revitalisation
tautokohia te whakarauoratanga o te reo i roto i ngā
of the language within Council activities and
mahi a te Kaunihera i roto hoki i te tāone o Pōneke.
Wellington City.
E tautoko ana Te Tauihu i ngā mātāpono i roto i
Te Tauihu supports the principles set out in Te Ture
Te Ture mō Te Reo Māori 2016.
mō Te Reo Māori 2016, the Māori Language Act 2016.
Ko ngā iwi me ngāi Māori ngā kaitiaki o te reo Māori,
Iwi and Māori are the kaitiaki of the Māori language
ko te reo anō te tūāpapa o te ahurea Māori me te
and the language is the foundation of Māori culture
tuakiri Māori. Ko te mātau ki te reo Māori me te
and identity. The knowledge and use of the Māori
whakamahi i te reo he mea hei hāpai i te oranga o ngāi
language enhances the lives of all Māori. It is
Māori mā te tuku i te reo mai i tētahi whakatipuranga
sustained though transmission of the language from
ki tētahi i roto i ngā whānau mā te kōrero i ia rā, i ia rā i generation to generation among whānau and daily use
roto i te hapori. Ka whakahauhautia ngā tāngata katoa
in the community. All New Zealanders are encouraged
o Aotearoa ki te ako, ki te whakamahi hoki i te reo
to learn and use te reo Māori to support its national
Māori hei tautoko i tōna whakarauoratanga ā-motu.
Whakaahua (photo): Opening ceremony for Te Raukura, te wharewaka o Pōneke.
Wellington City Council | Te Tauihu – Te Reo Māori Policy
Hoahoa: Te Hāpua o Whairepo – te whakakotahi mai i ō mātou uara
Diagram: Whairepo Lagoon – our values coming together
Wellington City Council | Te Tauihu – Te Reo Māori Policy
Ngā Mātāpono
Ka whai wāhi te Kaunihera o Pōneke ki ngā kaupapa
Kei ngā whāinga whakamahere reo a Te Taura Whiri
maha e taea ai te whakaanga ki ngā iwi me te hapori
i te Reo Māori ngā wāhi e rima arā,
Māori whānui. Mēnā e taunga ana tētahi ki te reo
A. Mārama Pū;
Māori, ki ngā wawata, ngā uara me ngā tikanga ka
ngāwari ake te whakawhanaunga atu, te tauwhiro
B. Mana;
hoki i te mahi ngaio me te āheinga ahurea kia kounga
C. Te Kōrerotanga;
D. Ako;
Kua herea te Kaunihera ki te whānuitanga o ngā
E. Puna Kupu.
whakaaetanga ā-ture me ngā whakaaro o Te Tiriti o
Kua whakamahia ēnei mātāpono mō te mahere otinga
Waitangi. Ka noho ēnei whakaaetanga hei tūāpapa mō (tirohia ki te tapiri). E whakaatu tēnei mahere otinga te
ngā kaupapa here whakahaere, whakarato hoki, engari whānuitanga o ngā whāinga me ngā wawata.
ehara mā ērā anake e whakatau i te hiranga o Te Tiriti,
i te whanaungatanga me ngāi Māori me ngā painga o
tēnei whanaungatanga ahurei tērā ka hua mai mō te
Ngā kōrero hei tautoko
tāone nei i Aotearoa nei, i te ao whānui hoki.
Hei tautoko hei āwhina hoki ēnei tuhinga i ngā
kaimahi Kaunihera ki te whakarite i Te Tauihu –
Hei āwhina i a mātou ki te whakarauora i te reo Māori
Te Kaupapa Here Reo Māori
kua tautuhia ēnei whāinga matua e rua
He Waka Eke Noa – Corporate Effectiveness for
1. Te Reo Māori mō Pōneke: He hapori reo Māori kaha,
Māori framework
pakari hoki ā, he tika te whai wāhitanga a te Māori.
• Tū Rangatira: Te Kawa o te Kaunihera o Pōneke
Kei te hiahia mātou i tētahi hapori reo Māori kaha,
– A guide to Māori Protocol
hapori pakari hoki. Hei kaitiaki mō te reo Māori,
ka uru mai ko te whai wāhi tika a te Māori me ōna
tirohanga, tōna hauora hoki.
2. Te reo Māori mō te Kaunihera o Pōneke: He
whakahaere kaha. Kei te hiahia mātou ki tētahi
whakahaere kaha ko āna kaimahi katoa kua
mārama ki te hiranga o te reo Māori, ā, kei
tautokona hoki i a rātou e ako ana, e whakamahi
ana i te reo. Kua kotahi te whakaaro he taonga
te reo.
Kei te hiahia mātou ki tētahi whakahaere
kaha ko āna kaimahi katoa kua mārama
ki te hiranga o te reo Māori, ā, kei
tautokona hoki i a rātou e ako ana, e
whakamahi ana i te reo. Kua kotahi te
whakaaro he taonga te reo.
Wellington City Council | Te Tauihu – Te Reo Māori Policy
Wellington City Council is involved in numerous
The language planning goals from Te Taura Whiri i te
activities that provide a platform for engagement
Reo Māori, the Māori Language Commission provide
with iwi and the wider Māori community. Being
for five domains covering:
familiar with te reo, Māori aspirations, values and
A. Critical Awareness;
cultural customs helps us to build strong relations and
maintain a high level of professionalism and cultural
B. Status;
C. Use;
The Council is also subject to a wide range of legal
D. Acquisition; and
obligations and Te Tiriti o Waitangi considerations.
These obligations may be the foundations for
E. Corpus.
organisational policy and delivery but on their own
These principles have been used to form the outcomes
they don’t adequately emphasise the importance of
matrix (attached as appendix). This matrix sets out a
Te Tiriti, the partnership with Māori and the critical
range of aspirational goals.
value that this unique relationship can bring to the
city both domestically and internationally.
Supporting information
To help us in the revitalisation of te reo Māori we have
identified two key objectives
The following have been developed to support Council
staff implement Te Tauihu – te reo Māori Policy:
1. Te reo Māori for Wellington: Strong and
empowered te reo communities and effective
He Waka Eke Noa – Corporate Effectiveness for
Māori participation. As kaitiaki of te reo Māori, this
Māori framework
includes effective Māori participation, perspective
Tū Rangatira – Te Kawa o te Kaunihera o Pōneke
and wellbeing.
– A guide to Māori Protocol
2. Te reo Māori for Wellington City Council:
An enabled organisation. We want an organisation
where everyone understands the importance of
te reo Māori and feels supported in learning and
using it. Te reo Māori is valued here.
We want an organisation where
everyone understands the importance
of te reo Māori and feels supported in
learning and using it. Te reo Māori is
valued here.
Wellington City Council | Te Tauihu – Te Reo Māori Policy
Tāpiritanga: Papa putanga
Tō mātou moemoeā mō Pōneke: Kia tāone reo Māori ā te tau 2040
(200 ngā tau mai i te hainatanga o te Tiriti o Waitangi me te
whakatū i te Komiti Taone tuatahi o Pōneke)
Ngā Whāinga Mārama pū
Te Kōrerotanga
Puna Kupu
Ki te āhua o te
Hikitia te mana
Kia nui ake te
Āwhinatia ngā
Kohia ngā kupu,
horopaki o te
o te reo Māori i
kōrerotia o te
tāngata o roto o
ka hangā hei
reo Māori kei
roto o Pōneke
reo Māori i roto
Pōneke ki te ako
puna tautoko i
roto kei Pōneke
o Pōneke
i te reo Māori
te reo Māori o
roto o Pōneke
1. Te Reo
Ko tō tātou
Kua mōhiotia
Ka whakahau
Ka nui haere te
Ka whakamahi
Māori mō
tāone he tāone
whānuitia te
mātou i te
kitea o te reo
mātou i te
te reo Māori
kōrero ‘Me Heke
tangata ki te
Māori i roto i ā
reo Māori me
Ngā hapori
– ka mōhio
ki Pōneke’ hei
whakamahi i
mātou ratonga
ngā Tikanga
reo Māori,
tonu te tangata
kupu whakarite
te reo i roto i
Tuhituhi a Te
nātemea ka
ki ‘Absolutely,
ngā tāpaetanga
Taura Whiri i te
kitea i ngā
kōrero ā-tuhi,
rauemi hoki.
Reo Māori.
hanga o te
ā-waha hoki.
tāone, ka
Ka kitea te
Ka hōmai e
hoki me te
rangona i ō
Ka tautoko
reo Māori i ā
te iwi mana
whai wāhi
tātou wāhi
mātou i te
mātou rawa
whenua ngā
tika o Ngāi
rangatahi ki
ā mātou
ataata puta noa
kupu whai
te ako ki kawe
tānga kōrero
i ngā rauhanga
tikanga o tēnei
Ka mārama
i ngā haka a
ai tātou i te
te iwi mana
kia taea ai ēnei
katoa, ngā
reo o te iwi
whenua i ngā
rāuemi e te
wāhi whakatau
mana whenua
huihuinga nui.
hunga kōrero
tāngata, ngā
i ngā kaupapa
kāinga, ngā
e whakanui
Ka whakanuia
kaupapa me
ana i ngā tuku
e mātou ngā toa
Ka tautoko
ngā huihuinga,
ihotanga a ngā
reo Māori o te
mātou i ngā
ngā mahi toi
iwi o tēnei rohe.
kaupapa me
me ērā atu wāhi
ngā pakihi e
whakarite ana
he wāhi kōrero
Wellington City Council | Te Tauihu – Te Reo Māori Policy
Ngā Whāinga Mārama pū
Te Kōrerotanga
Puna Kupu
Ki te āhua o te
Hikitia te mana
Kia nui ake te
Āwhinatia ngā
Kohia ngā kupu,
horopaki o te
o te reo Māori i
kōrerotia o te
tāngata o roto o
ka hangā hei puna
reo Māori kei
roto o Pōneke
reo Māori i roto
Pōneke ki te ako
tautoko i te reo
roto kei Pōneke
o Pōneke
i te reo Māori
Māori o roto o
2. Te Reo
Ka whakaata ā
He tika kia
Ka mihi mātou
Ka whakarite
Ka whakahau
mātou tukanga
rangona te reo
ki ngā kiritaki
mātou i ngā
mātou i ērā atu
mō Te
Māori i ngā
katoa i roto i te
akoranga mā
umanga ki te
i tō mātou
reo Māori, ā, e
ā mātou āpiha
whakamahi i te
o Pōneke:
ngākaunui ki
ōkawa, i roto i
kore mātou e
katoa – me ngā
reo Māori i roto
ngā whaikōrero
pāhunu, ahakoa
pūkenga katoa i
i ngā kaupapa
whakahaere reo Māori
me ngā kauhau,
runga i te hiahia
nātemea ko
ngā rūma
ki te whakapiki i
tēnei te tāone
komiti, ngā
Kua kaha haere
ō mātou tāngata
Arā ngā momo
nui o Aotearoa.
taiwhanga hei
ngā āpiha
kupu me ngā
whakamana i te
kaunihera ki te
rerenga kōrero kei
Ka whakamahi
wāhi mahi.
tuku mihi, taki
Ka tautoko
te hiahiatia hei
mātou i ngā
pepeha hoki i
mātou i ērā o ā
puna kupu e kitea
Ka nui haere te
runga i te mōhio
mātou kaimahi
ai, e rangona ai te
whai raihana,
kitea o te reo
he mea nui ēnei
e mātau ana
reo Māori puta noa
ngā kupu
Māori i tā mātou
ki te hunga
ki te reo kia
i Pōneke:
kei te mahia
kōrero Māori.
tae atu ki ngā
• Ngā Tohu
whānuitia me
i ngā putanga
akoranga reo
ngā Tikanga
kōrero, ngā
Ka whakatipu
Māori e tika ana
• Ngā huihuinga me
Tuhituhi a te
Pānui ā-hiko me
mātou i te
hei whakapiki
ngā mihi
Te Taura Whiri,
Our Wellington
ahurea reo
āheinga tonu i
• Ngā tūranga, ngā
nā runga i te
hei whakamana
Māori kei
roto i ngā wāhi
ingoa rōpū mahi
mōhio he mea
i ā mātou tānga
reira te reo e
whai take mō
• Ngā tānga kōrero
tino whaitake
kōrero katoa.
kōrerotia ana e
te reo me ngā
me ērā atu
kia ū mātou
mātou i ia rā, i
tikanga Māori.
kia whāia ngā
Ka whakanuia
ia rā.
• Te Waitohu
huarahi tika hei
te reo Māori hei
whakarauora i
tino āheinga
• Ngā
te reo Māori.
o ngā tūranga
mahi matua
me te
me ngā rārangi
utu hei mea
• Ngā hoahoa
i roto i ao
Wellington City Council | Te Tauihu – Te Reo Māori Policy
Appendix: Outcomes matrix
Our vision for Wellington: A te reo capital city by 2040
(200 years since the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi
and the first Wellington Town Committee)
Understand the
Raise the
Grow the
Assist people in
Access and
context of te reo
mana of te reo
application of
Wellington to
collect words
Māori within
Māori within
te reo Māori in
learn more te
to support
reo Māori
te reo Māori
in Wellington
1.Te Reo
Our capital city
‘Me Heke ki
We will
Our community
We will use te
Māori for
is a te reo Māori
Pōneke’ is as
encourage the
facing services,
reo Māori and
city – people
well known to
public to use
Strong and
will know this
te reo Māori in
and resources
because it will
as ‘Absolutely,
written and oral
te reo
be visible in our
by Te Taura
city landscape
include te reo
Whiri i te Reo
and effective
and places we
We will
Māori content
We will support
translate our
and focus.
our rangatahi
Our iwi mana
We will
to learn and
publications so
Our visual
understand the
perform iwi
those who use
assets across
provide us
importance of
mana whenua
te reo Māori can
all Council
with kupu
te reo o te iwi
haka at special
access these
that are
mana whenua,
unique and
in celebrating
the unique
We will
We will support
events, arts,
for this place.
Māori heritage
events and
and in the
of this region.
and celebrate
businesses that
public will
te reo Māori
create a domain
include te reo
champions in
for use of te reo
the community.
Wellington City Council | Te Tauihu – Te Reo Māori Policy
Raise the
Grow the
Assist people
Access and collect
mana of te reo
application of
in Wellington
words to support
the context
Māori within
te reo Māori in
to learn more
te reo Māori in
of te reo
te reo Māori
Māori within
2.Te Reo
Our council
Te reo Māori
We will greet
We will
We will role model
Māori for
processes will
is a normal
all customers
and encourage
reflect our
language in
in te reo and
other sector
we will not be
agencies to use te
to te reo Māori
for all our
reo Māori in the
An enabled
in talks and
officers – and all
public arena.
because we
speeches, and
Council officers
are the capital
in committee
are increasingly
because we
A range of formal
rooms and
able to mihi
want to upskill
and informal
chambers to
and recite
all of our
te reo Māori is
We will use
add status to
their pepeha
needed to create
our workplace.
because those
a store that can
are crucial
We will support
be heard, seen
Our website
elements of
our more
and felt across
standard kupu
and general
language use.
and the Te
We will grow a
learners to
• Signage
Taura Whiri
culture of te reo
attend courses
and Our
• Meetings and
Māori language
in more
Wellington will
use as a normal
formal te reo
because we
and expected
Māori to build
• Position, team,
have te reo
part of our day.
group titles
these are
Māori to add
in culturally
• Publications
status to our
and other print
for a national
• Brand
We will
approach for
recognise te
• Communications
te reo Māori
reo Māori as
and marketing
a desirable
• Design
in key position
and salary
bands to add
status in the job
Wellington City Council | Te Tauihu – Te Reo Māori Policy