12 April 2019
Sarah Jane
[FYI request #8794 email]
Dear Sarah Jane
On behalf of Gabriel Makhlouf, Secretary to the Treasury, I acknowledge receipt of
your email requesting:
I now further request:
- All official information relationg to the reasons why "Candy" told Laura Baird to
"push for a 30 day extension"
- All information in the documents you provided that have been redacted on the
grounds they were not relevant to my request I would like these points to be
responded to with urgency.
All OIAs that the Treasury HR has been responsible for responding to in the last
three years, including:
- the subject of the request
- the length of time (in working days) it took for a substantive response to be
provided to the requestor
- the reasons given for any extension and all official information that relates in
any way to the extension
- whether or not you received any response following that indicating that the
requestor was satisfied with the response; and
- Whether or not you received any response following that indicating that the
requestor was not satisfied with the response.
I request that this be provided in table form and that a copy of the substantive
response be included behind that table
Your request was received by the Treasury on 11 April 2019 and will be dealt with in
accordance with the provisions of the Official Information Act.
Yours sincerely
Ministerial Advisor