Auckland Transport
Hosted - Auckland Transport
Dispatch Report
For selected dispatches - Ordered by A sset Ty pe / ID
Call Entered
Call Completed
22/09/2016 12:31
23/09/2016 06:43
Response: 18 hours
N (Normal / Routine)
Asset Type: Surfacing
Call Type: Call Centre
External ID: CAS404652L9C2P7/160922/123058
Job Marker:
Fault: Bleeding
Notes: CRM Case Number:CAS-404652-L9C2P7
Beach Road, Pahurehure, Papakura 2113
Northing:5895379.39996815, Easting:1772625.52313402
Asset Type:102
Fault Type:018
Local Board:
Client has rung today to inform transport that he has been living here for 18 years. the road has been
repaired 3 times and it the worse it has been this time due to considerable increase in truck movements
between 50kmph-80kmph/hour. There are no major signs exiting the m/way into beach road stating its a
residential area as a result there should be no Engine Braking. Engine Braking is a constant issue on this
street which has led to the roads deterioration even further this happens all hours of day and night. Client
has notice his roof tiles are cracked because of the constant vibration caused by heavy truck and trailer
traffic in his area. Client has requested for a Road Inspector to contact him as he is really tired if noise and
so are the neighbours.The main reason there are Truck and Trailer movements from
; ;
Preferred Method of Contact: E-mail
Progress Notes
23/09/2016 06:42
No Action Required - Noise control is not Roadings responsiblity - Refer to AT
1 dispatch printed
RAMM Contractor 6.1/1560.2
Source: (fSumDispatchRpt)
End of Report