Inland Revenue
Te Tari Taake
20 February 2019
Jessica Lim
fyi-request-9380-e7fb9ab0@requests. fyi .org. nz
Dear Ms Lim
On 24 January 2019, under the Official Information Act 1982 (the OIA), Inland Revenue
received a partial transfer from the Department of Corrections of the below request.
How many people have been arrested for defaulting on unpaid fines, debt
defaults, (divided by regular debt defaults and student loans defaults.)
How many people have been incarcerated for defaulting on unpaid fines, debt
defaults, (divided by regular debt defaults and student loans defaults.)
Please provide information as far back as records permit.
Inland Revenue will only be addressing the request for information regarding student loan
Information being released
Please see Appendix 1 for the information you have requested. Inland Revenue have
provided data relating to arrest warrants filed and executed for student loan defaulters,
as well as those filed and executed for child support defaulters as these were deemed to
be within the scope of your request.
It should be noted that Inland Revenue does not execute warrants for any other debt
defaults outside of student loans and child support.
Thank you for your request. I trust that the information provided is of assistance to you.
Yours sincerely
Raquel Greive
Group Lead, Legal Services
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Ref: 190IA153
Document Outline