11 February 2019
By email: [FYI request #9383 email]
Dear Bernadette
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (“LGOIMA”):
Request for Information
I refer to your email dated 11 January 2019, and subsequent clarification email on 17 January
2019, requesting information pertaining to the agricultural areas bordering the Rangitata River.
You requested data on water allocation and consumption by local farms from both surface and
ground water for the period 1988 to 2018. You requested the information from the years
1988/89 when irrigation water was regulated via the Ministry of Works, and the later period
when it became somewhat self-governed in 1989, to now. Your request has been referred to
me to reply.
As outlined in our email of 25 January 2019, we do not hold water usage data from the full
period 1987 to present (although we do undertake estimates of water use based on other
data).We do have data on allocations from that period, and in the email we proposed that we
respond to your request for the Rangitata catchment as a whole, rather than for individual
consents within the catchment, in order to compare 1988 figures with current allocation and
use data.
You confirmed you are happy to receive this response and at ached are the allocation data
and usage estimates from the 1987/1988 water year to the 2017/2018 water year. As advised,
we have no water usage prior to meters being installed, and we do not have a complete water
usage dataset for the current state, so estimates were made for the usage data throughout all
years in order for a consistent comparison to be made.
These estimates are for the Rangitata River catchment, and this area can be visually seen in
our ECanMaps layer found here:
Canterbury Maps/Rangitata River
You wil be aware that if you are not satisfied with this response you are able to refer this matter
to the Office of the Ombudsman under s27 (3) of the Local Government Official Information
and Meetings Act 1987.
Please be advised that we now put LGOIMA responses that are in the public interest onto our
website. No personal details of the requester are given, but we do summarise the essence of
the request alongside the response.
Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact my
PA, Michelle Chung, in the first instanc
e ([email address]).
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Stefanie Rixecker
Director, Science
File Number: GOVE/INQU/OMBU/1530C