This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Information regarding the policies of red light runners between contractors'.

By email 
Shed 39,
 2 Fryatt Quay 
ea, Wellington 6011 
PO Box 1
26 February 2019 
Manners St
on 6142 
T  04 384 5708 
File Ref:  OIAP-7-9508 
F  04 385 6960 
Hugh Davenport 
[FYI request #9461 email] 
Dear Mr Davenport 
Information request - 2019-019 
I refer to your request for information dated 28 January 2019 which was received by Greater 
Wellington Regional Council on 28 January 2019. You have requested the following information: 
I would be interested in any legislation that GWRC has requiring to stand down the train drivers, 
and any legislation for any policies on buses running red lights. Noting that both are illegal from the 
Land Transport Act and whatever covers the trains, I find the difference unusual.
Greater Wellington Regional Council’s response follows. 
The Land Transport Act 1998 and the Railways Act 2005 provide the overarching legislative 
framework for land and rail transport regulation and safety.  Both pieces of legislation require users 
(including rail and bus) to operate vehicles safely. 
The process for dealing with train drivers after a SPAD (signal passed at danger) is detailed within 
the network operating rules, which form part of the Safety Case, required by NZ Transport Agency 
for the operators (and network provider) to have a licence to operate. So while the process on rail is 
not ‘legislated’, it is a current requirement within the safety licence submitted and approved by NZ 
Transport Agency.   
Bus operators have their own procedures and protocols in place for buses travelling through red 
lights. We have previously provided you with information about the procedures that are followed 
when a bus driver (or a train driver) travels through a red light (responses to OIA 2018-379 and OIA 
RESPONSE TO OIA 2019 -019  

If you have any concerns with the decision(s) referred to in this letter, you have the right to request 
an investigation and review by the Ombudsman under section 27(3) of the Local Government 
Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.  
Yours sincerely 
Greg Pollock 
General Manager, Public Transport 
RESPONSE TO OIA 2019 -019