Level 2
119 Ghuznee Street
P O Box 9744
Wellington 6141
New Zealand
[NZ On Air request email]
Tel: 04 382 9524
Fax: 04 382 9546
8 February 2019
James Dann
c/- [FYI request #9480 email]
Dear Mr Dann
Official Information request and response
Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act (“OIA”) dated 1 February 2019.
You have requested:
a breakdown of how the "almost $700,000" is allocated within the 5 student radio network
stations. Reference: https://www.nzonair.govt.nz/about/our-funding-strategy/student-radio-
What sort of reporting do these stations have to provide to NZ on Air with regards to how the
money is spent? Do they have to disclose their accounts to NZ on Air, or make an annual report?
How do you ensure that the money that they are given is being spent on what it was allocated to
The amount of funding each station receives is searchable on our website. For the 2018/19 year we
allocated the following:
Radio Active Wellington
Radio One
Radio Control Palmerston North
$ 75,000
These five stations are supported through our Platforms funding stream. The stream contributes
operating funding for special targeted platforms and services to create and deliver public media content
of cultural and social value. These stations in the Student Radio Network (SRN) are supported to promote
new NZ music and also to provide news and interview content of interest to the local target community.
Each station makes an annual funding proposal. At the time of considering the application we assess the
annual output of the previous year and the financial position of the station as well as the initiatives and
outputs proposed for the fol owing year. Once we agree to fund, the station is contracted with particular
outputs which we negotiate (e.g. a number of speciality NZ music features, playing a minimum of 40% NZ
Connecting and reflecting our nation
Stations must provide us with quarterly reports that include a detailed description of outputs achieved
and planned and a balance sheet. We assess each report carefully and talk to station managers regularly.
Funded features are also on the stations’ websites, are shared between stations, and we receive playlists
and other data. Performance against the 40% NZ Music target is measured through official Radioscope
airplay data.
You have the right to refer this response to the Ombudsman if you are dissatisfied with it. More
information on how to do this is
here. NZ On Air proactively releases information in accordance with the
Government’s commitment to the Open Government Partnership National Action Plan. This includes
publishing responses to requests for information under the OIA. Please note that this response (with your
name removed) wil be published on the NZ On Air website shortly and will remain on our website for 12
Thank you for your interest in our work.
Yours sincerely
Jane Wrightson
Connecting and reflecting our nation