By email
Shed 39,
2 Fryatt Quay
ea, Wellington 6011
PO Box 1
19 March 2019
Manners St
on 6142
T 04 384 5708
File Ref: OIAP-7-10113
F 04 385 6960
Hugh Davenport
[FYI request #9630 email]
Dear Hugh Davenport
Request for information 2019-56
I refer to your request for information dated 19 February 2019, which was received by Greater
Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) on 19 February 2019. You have requested the following
“I would like to request the licence plate number, and the driver ID number of the following buses. I
should note that this is a large request, however all these buses have been reported to Metlink prior
so I would hope that their processes have already gathered this information so this information
should not be substantial to collate. For clarification, the reports were given to Metlink via email on
24 Oct 2018, 10 Nov 2018, 24 Nov 2018, and 10 Dec 2018. The buses in this batch are all from the
folder "Entering on a red light" from each of those reports. None of the other folders have been used
for this to limit the scope and potential of letting in "not that illegal" results.
All of these buses are likely to clearly have broken the law as per Land Transport (Road User) Rule
2004, section 3.2 (5).
Videos are available at,,, and
As the footage of the videos are not of the highest quality, some of the details can't be made out. This
is shown by question marks surrounding the field (such as route ?2? meaning maybe 2, or route ??
meaning unknown (may be NIS)). All of the buses will be travelling through the Willis st intersection
at Chews Lane. I've made an effort to list either southbound or northbound, but this may be wrong
due to user error.
If any information is not easily available (due to the time, route, or direction not being accurate),
please don't go to too much trouble to collate the information but please also state that you have not
collated that particular information.
This information is being used to determine whether any bus drivers are repeat offenders. This is
something that I would have hoped that Metlink have done prior given my reports. If that is the case,
then the information should be readily available. If that is not the case... I'm sure you will follow up
with any repeat offenders.
The list of buses are as follows:
Reported 24 Oct 2018
Oct 11 2018, 10:24am, route 1GV, double, green, north
Oct 11 2018, 4:39pm, route 1GV, single, green, north
Oct 18 2018, 5:45pm, route 3, single, green, north
Oct 16 2018, 3:41pm, route 3, single, yellow, north
Oct 16 2018, 6:36pm, route 91, single, orange, north
Oct 23 2018, 1:39pm, route 3, single, blue, north
Oct 23 2018, 2:25pm, route 1, double, green, south
Oct 23 2018, 7:06pm, route 52, single, green, north
Oct 9 2018, 9:36am, route 52, single, green, north
Oct 10 2018, 3:08pm, route 7, single, green, north
Oct 10 2018, 3:10pm, route 1GV, single, green, north
Oct 17 2018, 2:56pm, route 52, single, green, north
Oct 17 2018, 7:37pm, route 52, single, green, north, cop behind
Oct 24 2018, 8:06am, route 7, double, green, north
Reported 10 Nov 2018
Nov 9 2018, 7:13am, route ?26?, single, green, north
Nov 9 2018, 4:41pm, route 7, single, green, south
Nov 9 2018, 8:15pm, route ?1?, single, green, north
Nov 5 2018, 2:35pm, route 1CP, double, green, north
Nov 8 2018, 9:00am, route 32x, double, green, north
Nov 7 2018, 5:02pm, route ?32?, single, green, north
Oct 31 2018, 2:23pm, route 7, single, green, north
Reported 24 Nov 2018
Nov 12 2018, 8:49pm, route 23e, single, green, north
Nov 12 2018, 9:02am, route 24, single, green, north
Nov 12 2018, 4:15pm, route ??, single, green, north
Nov 15 2018, 8:59am, route 36, single, green, north
Nov 15 2018, 10:11am, route 1, double, green, south
Nov 15 2018, 1:38pm, route 52, single, green, north
Nov 15 2018, 4:12pm, route 60e, single, green, north
Nov 22 2018, 9:25am, route 2, single, green, north
Nov 22 2018, 1:51pm, route 25, single, green, north
Nov 22 2018, 2:54pm, route ??, single, yellow, north
Nov 22 2018, 6:23pm, route 7, single, green, north
Nov 22 2018, 5:05pm, route 24, single, green, north
Nov 22 2018, 5:14pm, route 56, single, green, north
Nov 22 2018, 6:10pm, route 52, single, green, north
Nov 20 2018, 4:36pm, route 56, single, green, north
Nov 20 2018, 4:43pm, route 57, single, green, north
Nov 14 2018, 5:34pm, route 2, single, green, north
Reported 10 Dec 2018
Dec 3 2018, 3:43pm, route 14, single, yellow, north
Dec 4 2018, 7:23am, route 24, single, green, north
Dec 4 2018, 8:37am, route 83, single, yellow, north
Dec 4 2018, 9:28am, route ?2?, single, yellow, south
Dec 4 2018, 10:27am, route 1CP, double, green, north
Dec 4 2018, 12:11pm, route 52, single, green, south
Dec 4 2018, 12:26pm, route 24, single, green, south
Dec 4 2018, 1:31pm, route 1, double, green, south
Dec 4 2018, 3:53pm, route 25, single, green, north
Dec 5 2018, 3:38pm, route 32x, single, green, south
Dec 5 2018, 4:38pm, route 56, single, green, north
Dec 5 2018, 9:18pm, route ??, single, green, south
Dec 6 2018, 7:13am, route ??, single, green, north
Dec 6 2018, 7:40am, route 1, double, green, south
Dec 6 2018, 8:38am, route ??, single, green, south
Dec 6 2018, 9:28am, route 25, single, green, south
Dec 6 2018, 11:48am, route ??, single, yellow, north
Dec 6 2018, 11:57am, route 7, double, green, north
Dec 6 2018, 5:09pm, route ??, single, yellow, north
Dec 6 2018, 6:05pm, route ?29e or 23e?, single, green, south
Dec 6 2018, 6:12pm, route 29e, single, green, south
Dec 6 2018, 6:58pm, route 23e, double, green, south
Dec 7 2018, 8:05am, route 81, single, green, south
Dec 7 2018, 10:44am, route 91, single, orange, north
Nov 29 2018, 3:51pm, route 14, single, green, north”
GWRC’s response follows:
Request for detailed information
You have asked for the licence plate number and the driver identification for the buses you have
identified in your 24 October through to 10 December 2018 reports. To answer your request we
would need to carry out extensive research using several systems to locate, retrieve and compare the
information that we have available about buses operating within the bus network at the times
identified in your requests. This would necessitate a substantial amount of work for a staff member
with the required technical skills resulting in significant impact on the public transport team. Even if
we were to locate the bus operating within the network at the times you have requested in many
cases we would not be able to identify with any certainty the bus (and bus driver) involved with the
specific incident that you have provided information about. I have therefore decided to refuse your
request under section 17(f) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act, 1987.
In making this decision I have considered whether fixing a charge or extending the time limit would
enable the request to be granted. I do not believe either of these options would enable the request to
be granted.
GWRC Metlink’s approach driver behaviour and red light incidences
GWRC officials met with you on 24 January 2019 and discussed your emails with bulk video
footage of alleged bus red light running. As previously advised these emails were handled and raised
with the Bus operators at a strategic level. They were not dealt with on an individual basis. GWRC
Metlink raises bus driver behaviour issues with bus operators on a regular basis for them to manage
with their drivers as part of their employer/ employee relationship. GWRC does not collect and
record details about repeat incidences relating to individual drivers. Any issues would be part of the
ongoing employer/ employee relationship between the Bus operator and their monitoring of staff
If you have any concerns with the decision(s) referred to in this letter, you have the right to request
an investigation and review by the Ombudsman under section 27(3) of the Local Government
Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
Yours sincerely
Greg Pollock
General Manager, Public Transport