This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Any correspondence relating to traffic light timing issues'.
Ana Nicholls
Ana Nicholls
Tuesday, 5 February 2019 8:02 AM
Olivia Leckner
FW: IRO-7892
Morning Olivia, 
To date recently I have responded to your 5 requests and I currently have 3 active information requests, which 2 of 
them I will respond to today. 
I also have a wrap up response that will answer all his questions and I have gone back to Withheld   to advise
under section 7(2)(a)
 all this. 
From: Withheld under section 7(2)(a)
Sent: Monday, 4 February 2019 5:42 PM 
To: Ana Nicholls 
Cc: Justin Lester 
Subject: Re: IRO-7892 
Hi Ana, 
I've cc'd in the Mayor again due to no response to my yet again valid criticisms about the councils perspective on 
cyclist safety. 
Some footage to add to your research. The lady in front of me was averaging around 15kmph. At times around 10 
(with one of those magical incline things that everyone goes the same speed at). Can't email you the images as too 
large. I can upload the videos tomorrow. I'm sure the council would be delighted to add them to their existing 
collection of research on cyclist speeds. 
Any idea when I might get a response from the council about their decision to not do any research and dismiss valid 
criticisms? Very interested as the council makes it very clear that they are all for safe cycling. This email chain 
shows a very different perspective. 
Also surprised an apology from Withheld under section   hasn't ma
de it my way. Have the council even talked to him about him 
verbally abusing me and suggesting that as a cyclist I don't deserve safety? 
under section 7(2)(a)
On Thu, 31 Jan 2019, 10:30 AM Withheld under section 7(2)(a)
Hi Ana, 
Went for a short onzo ride yesterday. Going uphill on Victoria st, if I stood up and pedalled so much to build 
up a sweat, I got to about 25kmph. If I sat down and pedalled quickly (fixie bike so no gears), I got to about 
15-20kmph. If I sat down and cycled normally (comfortably) then I got around 10-15kmph. Not scientific at 
all, but should be something to show the council that just ignoring it without doing their own tests is just 

As for whether onzo's are a legitimate test, I'm sure that not everyone that cycles on Wellington roads has a 
high end road bike costing several thousand dollars. I myself only have a hybrid which still cost a fair bit, and 
doesn't go that quick uphills. Majority I would assume have old bikes, or lower quality, and the 20kmph would 
be difficult to obtain comfortably. Feel free to pass that along. Maybe Withheld under section   could go grab an onzo and 
bike it up Victoria st and see whether he thinks it is safe for cyclists with the timings? Might make him think a 
bit more about safety which I think is probably needed given his comments to me about safety. 
under section 7(2)(a)
On Wed, 30 Jan 2019 at 15:29, Ana Nicholls <[email address]> wrote: 
Hi Withheld under   
section 7(2)(a)
Thanks for that. I will be responding shortly via FYI to the correspondence request. 
I understand that you are frustrated and that your expectations have not been met. My intentions is 
to understand the situation with a holistic approach which means that all road user are considered 
in its processes and policies.  
I will send a response which will cover all your key questions and points. 
I am happy to speak with you if you would prefer for me to call you. 
Ana Nicholls 
Assurance Advisor | Wellington City Council 
P +6444994444 | M +6421940418 | F  
E [email address] | W | 

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If received in error you are asked to destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Your assistance is appreciated. 

From: Withheld under section 7(2)(a)
Sent: Wednesday, 30 January 2019 12:55 p.m. 
To: Ana Nicholls 
Subject: Re: IRO-7892 
Let's say in the year 2018. Also can you add to my request what is the average speed the new bike sharing 
onzo bikes go at. I'm sure the council had some input into them or research into them at some point so I'm 
sure the council is aware they go around 15km/h. 
Very disappointed in the councils behaviour on this. I merely brought up the fact that I myself had the issue 
where cars came at me when I entered on a green, gave videos showing that. Got verbally abused by a staff 
member at the council in charge of the traffic timing when I met with him. Gathered facts about bicycle 
speeds and intersection timing, put the two together. Instead of the council acknowledging this, they say they 
will do absolutely positively nothing and quoted some out of date resource from a different country which 
assumes all bikes go at the same speed. I mean does that sound like a good process to anyone at the council? 
Most likely the person that verbally abused me and said that cyclists are minorities that safety doesn't matter 
for has had absolutely no repercussions for his actions. Says a lot about a council that says they pride 
themselves on safety.... 
On Wed, 30 Jan 2019, 11:51 AM Ana Nicholls <[email address] wrote: 
Hi Withheld under   
section 7(2)(a)
In regards to your information request for correspondence in regards to the traffic light timing 
safety issues at the Victoria Street and Karo Drive intersection can you give me specific timeframe 
or years? 

I am in discussions with the Traffic Team about the questions you asked yesterday and will get 
back to you once I have the answers. 
Ana Nicholls 
Assurance Advisor | Wellington City Council 
P +6444994444 | M +6421940418 | F  
E [email address] | W |  | 
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If you are not the intended recipient, you are asked to respect that confidentiality and not disclose, copy or make use of its contents. 
If received in error you are asked to destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Your assistance is appreciated.