This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Police involvement with a particular bus incident'.

By email 
Shed 39,
 2 Fryatt Quay 
ea, Wellington 6011 
PO Box 1
29 May 2019 
Manners St
on 6142 
T  04 384 5708 
File Ref: OIAP-7-11010 
F  04 385 6960 
Hugh Davenport 
[FYI request #9690 email] 
Dear Mr Davenport 
Information Request - 2019-70 
I refer to your request for information dated 27 February 2019, which was received by Greater 
Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) on 27 February 2019. You have requested the following 
 Sorry, another follow up on
a-particular-bus about that bus vs cyclist from Sept last year, in regards to the Police involvement. 
This is currently with the IPCA. 
I know that on several occasions that GWRC have said that Police have not been involved with 
either Metlink or the bus operator. I'm just trying to clear confusion around this situation, because 
the Police are sticking to their guns that they were in contact. I'm sure you can see my predicament 
here, either GWRC has given the wrong information, or the Police have given the wrong 
Some key contact points to narrow it down, from the Police report (I can forward that to you if you 
Created by PMER23 29/10/2018 08:39 
Police emailed tranzurban on the 29/10/2018 requesting CCTV footage of incident. 
Created by PMER23 01/11/2018 11:16 
Modified by PMER23 01/11/2018 12:25 
Police spoke to the service delivery manager in relation to this incident on the 01/11/2018. 
There was also the phone call I received on 18th September 2018 from a "Gerald" from the Police 
who said they spoke with Metlink who will pass it onto the driver manager who will pass it onto the 
driver involved. Again I can forward you a copy of this voice mail message. 


Bus number 3424 
Date: 17th September 2018 
Time: from 6:30pm to 7:30pm 
Route number 7 - Kingston 
Approximate location at 7pm: bus stop 7714, Brooklyn road by Nairn street (across road from the 
Renouf Tennis Centre) 
Operator: Transurban” 

On 25 March 2019 we extended the timeframe for responding to your request to 31 May 2019 under 
section 17(f) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (the Act). 
I note that this is now the fourth request that you have made in relation to this incident. You have 
also received three responses from the GWRC Metlink Resolve team (case 157935). 
GWRC response follows: 
The information that we have provided you in response to your earlier requests (2018-322, 2018- 58 
and 2018-358 follow-up request) and the emailed responses to your Metlink Resolve case 157935 
sent on (20/09/2018, 8/10/2018 and 26/10/2018) still stand.  
We do not hold any information on file about Police contacting GWRC Metlink about the above 
incident.  We have previously checked with the operator (Tranzurban) on 24 October 2018 as to 
whether they had been contacted by or had any involvement with Police. We were advised by 
Tranzurban that they had no records of Police contact. This was confirmed to you in the Metlink 
Resolve email to you on 26 October 2018 and in our responses to you to your requests 2018-58 on 
23 January 2019 and a follow-up response to you relating to 2018-58 on 8 February 2019. 
It is important to note that your Metlink Resolve Case was closed on 26 October 2018 in our system 
as this is when you were emailed the final response to your case.  There have been no further 
updates on this case since then; we have no further records of the Police contacting GWRC Metlink.  
Further to this any contact by Police with Tranzurban directly (particularly after the case was closed 
in Metlink Resolve) would be a Police matter and we would not have a record of this. 
I now consider your outstanding queries regarding our case records closed. 
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If you have any concerns with the decision(s) referred to in this letter, you have the right to request 
an investigation and review by the Ombudsman under section 27(3) of the Act.  
Yours sincerely 
Greg Pollock 
General Manager, Public Transport