This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Information about location tracking devices used for personnel'.

6 May 2019 
Our Reference: IR-01-19-6607 
Hugh Davenport 
[FYI request #9691 email]  
Dear Mr Davenport 
I refer to email of 27 February 2019 where  you requested, under the Official Information 
Act 1982 (OIA), information regarding location tracking devices, such as GPS. Specifically 
you requested: 
1.  I would like to know whether any location tracking devices (such as GPS) are in 
use for Police personnel.  If such devices exist, I would like to know how long the 
data stored on them is retained for. I would also like to know which personnel they 
would be in use for (ie, frontline staff only, or all sworn staff, or all employees).  
I have considered your request and my response is outlined below. 
As at 27 February 2019 New Zealand Police used a device called an Officer Safety 
Alarm.  This device provides a geo-locating capability and the data around tracking is 
held for any device from the time it is put into service.  Officer Safety Alarms (OSAs) were 
used by dog handlers, station support officers, custody officers and some frontline staff, 
those frontline staff within a digital radio area (i.e. Auckland/Wellington/Christchurch) did 
not wear OSAs.  
However, in March 2019 NZ Police implemented a new application on Police mobile 
phones called Deployment and Safety (DaS), which is used by frontline constabulary staff 
and dog handlers to provide their last known GPS location from their mobile phone.  The 
GPS last known location data is only retained for 24 hours.  
Yours sincerely 
Acting Superintendent Andrew Sissons 
National Manager: Response and Operations 
Police National Headquarters  
180 Molesworth Street. PO Box 3017, Wellington 6140, New Zealand.  
Telephone: 04 474 9499. Fax: 04 498 7400.