Comparison of High Capacity PT Modes for the Auckland Central Isthmus
Refer to the Central Access Plan (CAP) Programme Business Case Options Assessment, March 2016
The Central Access Plan (CAP) business case process commenced in August 2015, and
has been jointly progressed to date by Auckland Council (Council), Auckland Transport
(AT) and the New Zealand Transport Agency (Transport Agency)).
The CAP Programme Business Case (PBC) was completed in March 2016. The PBC
confirmed the problems identified in the Strategic Case as being valid, critical and urgent.
The PBC process considered a large number and wide range of options to address the
access problems, through multi-criteria assessment and joint stakeholder workshops.
Options were shortlisted and tested as separate investment programmes. Elements of the
separate programmes were then combined into an integrated investment programme (IP)
for further investigation against agreed KPI’s.
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and Light Rail Transit (LRT) were evaluated as options. A high-
level comparison summary against key criteria is shown below. BRT was discarded through
the PBC process as being far more costly than comparable LRT, uncertainty as to its
constructability in the city centre, required significant property purchase, and could not be
staged (ie required full investment from day 1).
Significant land-take in fringes /
town centres for off-line stops, grade Minimal (at stops), generally in road
Spatial requirements
separation. Irequires
undergrounding in city centre
Improved in city centre due to
Improved due to removal of buses,
Aesthetic amenity
under-grounding, poor in fringes /
environmental improvements
town centres
Demand exceeds capacity of Dominion
/ Sandringham Rd LRT by 2046.
Satisfies demand at 2046
Further investment required (eg Mt
Eden / Manukau Rd LRT) from 2046
Average operating
Journey time improves plus improved
Journey time improves
speed (including stops)
reliability due to signal priority
Capital Investment
$5.4 - $9.2 Bn
$1.6 - $1.9 Bn (2018 to 2046)
$1.7 - $2.0 Bn (from 2046)
$3.6 Bn Total for full network
Increase due to tunnels and
additional $13 - $25 M per annum,
Operating costs
u/ground stations, offset by service
service delivery efficiencies
delivery efficiencies
Poor in fringe / town centres due to
land take and separation caused by
Improved due to removal of buses,
high volume of buses on arterial
environmental improvements,
Land development
corridors. Improved in city centre
certainty for developers, considered
due to undergrounding / reduction
an attractive / modern form of PT.
of vehicles on streets. Good access
Good access to / from employment
to / from employment and
and residential growth areas
residential growth areas