This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Information regarding the black boxes on buses'.

By email 
Shed 39, 2 Fryatt Quay 
Pipitea, Wellington 6011 
PO Box 11646 
30 May 2019 
Manners Street 
Wellington 6142 
T  04 384 5708 
File Ref: OIAP-7-11091 
F  04 385 6960 
Hugh Davenport 
[FYI request #9864 email] 
Dear Mr Davenport 
Information Request 2019-100 
I refer to your request for information dated 15 March 2019, which was received by Greater 
Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) on 15 March 2019. On 25 March we extended the timeframe 
for responding to your request to 31 May 2019. You requested the following information: 
I'm aware that there are devices called "black boxes" on buses that store the data that the bus is 
doing such as acceleration, speed, braking power, gps, turning, etc, etc. I believe this is meant to be 
used for working out whether drivers are behaving safely. I'm sorry I don't know the exact term of 
this at this time, but it is most likely in the bus contract schedules. 
I would like to request how many black boxes have had their data retrieved in the year 2018, and by 
who, and for what reason, and what other parties it was provided to. If there is a metlink case 
number, or a Police case number involved with this retrieval, then please provide this. 
If the number is 0, I would like to request what is the purpose of these devices, and why it is not used 
for that purpose.”
GWRC’s decision follows
The black boxes that you refer to in your LGOMIA request are generally referred to as telematics 
systems and are part of the on-board engine management systems on buses. There are different types 
of systems and each bus company may have their own version, but they generally record similar 
types of information e.g. vehicle speed, acceleration, and braking etc.  The operator is responsible 
for their own data and this is not something that we own or access.   
From time to time, following a complaint received through the Metlink Resolve Customer Contact 
centre, a complaint will be referred to the operator concerned to investigate and respond.  While we 
expect that operators will utilise their systems including information from their telematics systems 

(where applicable) to investigate a complaint, this is not something that we record within the 
Metlink Resolve system.  Further to this, from time to time, the operator may be asked by the Police 
to provide information to them to aid an investigation. Once again we would not record this 
information as this is a matter between the Police and the bus operator concerned. 
As we do not hold the information that you have requested, I have made the decision to refuse your 
request under section 17(g) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 
(the Act). 
If you have any concerns with the decision(s) referred to in this letter, you have the right to request 
an investigation and review by the Ombudsman under section 27(3) of the Act. 
Yours sincerely 
Greg Pollock 
General Manager, Public Transport