The Department of Internal Affairs is currently reviewing its operational
policies regarding the issuance of passports for transgender applicants, where
they wish to record a change in gender identity. The expectation of the review
is to implement a more flexible policy.
The Department’s current thoughts are that applicants would need to provide
a witnessed Statutory Declaration with their passport application, outlining
their circumstances, and advising the gender identity they wish to be
displayed in their passport.
It is intended that the new gender identity would be displayed in the passport
only and will not alter a person’s birth or citizenship record.
This change will have no effect on the Births. Deaths and Marriages and
Relationships Registration Act 1995 which allows for an adult or guardian of
an eligible child to apply to the New Zealand Family Court for a declaration to
have their birth record reflect their nominated gender.
The Department has been consulting with communities across New Zealand
with an expectation of being able to implement a new flexible policy in
September 2012.
The Department invites any feedback regarding this issue to be forwarded by
email to:
[email address]
Act 1982