Alex Harris
Joined FYI in 2011
I am a New Zealand Citizen
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This person's 522 Official Information requests (page 21)
Cost of chaplaincy service?
Response by MidCentral District Health Board to Alex Harris on .
Attention: Alex Harris
Please refer to our attached response in regards to your official
information request concerning ‘cost of chaplaincy serv...
Does the Buller District Council open its meetings with a prayer?
Response by Buller District Council to Alex Harris on .
Hopefully the attached report to Council in January 2011 is
self-explanatory. If you have any further questions please do not
hesitate to contact me...
Does the Hurunui District Council open its meetings with a prayer?
Response by Hurunui District Council to Alex Harris on .
Dear Alex
The Hurunui District Council does not open its meetings with a prayer.
You may be interested to know that Council meetings begin with an Af...
Does the Hauraki District Council open its meetings with a prayer?
Response by Hauraki District Council to Alex Harris on .
The Hauraki District Council does not commence its meetings with a prayer.
Mark Buttimore | Strategic Planning Projects Manager
mob: 021 851 970 | e...
Does the Carterton District Council open its meetings with a prayer?
Response by Carterton District Council to Alex Harris on .
Alex Harris
via email: [1][OIA #129 email]
Dear Alex
Thank you for your request under the Local Government Official Information
and Meet...
Does the Grey District Council open its meetings with a prayer?
Response by Grey District Council to Alex Harris on .
Hi Alex
Only one meeting is opened with a prayer and that is the three yearly inauguration of the Mayor and Councillors. This is when I as CEO take the...
Does the Central Otago District Council begin its meetings with a prayer?
Response by Central Otago District Council to Alex Harris on .
Hi Alex
I've checked with one of the Councillors who has been on Council for many
years. He can never remember the Council having a prayer before m...
Does the Ashburton District Council open its meetings with a prayer?
Follow up sent to Ashburton District Council by Alex Harris on .
Thanks for the full and rapid response.
Yours sincerely,
Alex Harris
Does the Clutha District Council begin its meetings with a prayer?
Response by Clutha District Council to Alex Harris on .
Hello Alex, the Clutha District Council does open its council meeting with a prayer (copy attached). The practice has been in place since amalgamation...
Does the New Plymouth District Council open its meetings with a prayer?
Follow up sent to New Plymouth District Council by Alex Harris on .
Yours sincerely,
Alex Harris
Does the Upper Hutt City Council open its meetings with a prayer?
Response by Upper Hutt City Council to Alex Harris on .
Hi Alex
Please see attached letter for your response.
Rose McCardle
Legal Executive
Legal Services
Does the Palmerston North City Council open its meetings with a prayer?
Response by Palmerston North City Council to Alex Harris on .
To: Alex Harris
Response to your request is attached.
Kind regards
TRACEY NIELSEN l Governance & Support Team Leader
Palmerston No...
Does the Napier City Council open its meetings with a prayer?
Response by Napier City Council to Alex Harris on .
Good morning
Your email requesting information under the Local Government Official
Information & Meetings Act has been referred to me by Neil Ta...
Invercargill City Council prayer?
Response by Invercargill City Council to Alex Harris on .
Dear Alex
Thank you for your inquiry.
The Invercargill City Council opens its Council Meetings with the Council
prayer. This is only done at meet...
Mighty River Power CEO expenses
Response by Mighty River Power Limited to Alex Harris on .
Dear Mr Harris
Please find attached copies of Doug Heffernan's expense claims for the
period 1 September 2011 to 31 December 2011. Mr Heffernan doe...
Hello Alex
In response to your LGOIMA request to the question Does the Council open
its meetings with a prayer?
Tauranga City Council does not...
Thankyou for the fast, full, and effective response to my LGOIMA request. It contains everything I was after.
Yours sincerely,
Alex Harris
Further to your request- The Christchurch City Council does not open its
meetings with a prayer.
Please see comment below from the Council Se...
Dear Alex,
Please find attached the Council's formal response to your request for
Ian Hunter
Issues Resolution Offi...
Cost of Ports of Auckland industrial dispute
Response by Auckland Council to Alex Harris on .
Information not held.
Dear Alex,
Please find acknowledgement of your information request attached.
Kind regards, Nicole
Nicole Miell | Information Advisor
Public Infor...
Afternoon Mr Harris
I write as the Privacy Officer for the Hamilton City Council.
Hamilton City opens all Ordinary Council Meetings with a prayer....
Request to iPredict about suspension of contract
Response by Victoria University of Wellington to Alex Harris on .