David Lawson
Joined FYI in 2015
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This person's 144 Official Information requests (page 4)
Request for a copy of information missing under section 1.1.13 A late claim under section 53 Page 20 of the FairWay Resolution Limited Benchbook.
Response by FairWay Resolution Limited to David Lawson on .
Long overdue.
Dear Mr Lawson
Thank you for your request. FairWay is no longer an organisation subject to the Official Information Act 1982. FairWay has undergone a...
Requested OIA Information regarding Reviewers.
Response by FairWay Resolution Limited to David Lawson on .
Dear Mr Lawson
Thank you for your request. FairWay is no longer an organisation subject to the Official Information Act 1982. FairWay has undergone a...
Request for Official Information from FairWay Resolution Limited.
Response by FairWay Resolution Limited to David Lawson on .
Dear Mr Lawson
Thank you for your request. FairWay is no longer an organisation subject to the Official Information Act 1982. FairWay has undergone a...
FairWay Resolution Limited's obligations under the Official Information Act 1982 since being sold to FairWay's employees..
Response by FairWay Resolution Limited to David Lawson on .
Dear Mr Lawson
Thank you for your request. FairWay is no longer an organisation subject to the Official Information Act 1982. As you have noted, FairW...
Request for copies of ACC clinical practice guidelines and Imaging guidelines for the diagnosis of soft tissue and rotator disorders of the shoulder.
Follow up sent to Accident Compensation Corporation by David Lawson on .
I am writing to advise that I have located the information that I was seeking and therefore withdraw this Official Information Request.
Thanks for...
Evidence of the ACC delegating its review functions and powers under the AC Act to Fairway Resolution Limited.
Request sent to FairWay Resolution Limited by David Lawson on .
Long overdue.
This is an Official Information Act request.
I quote S74(2)(b) of the Crown Entities Act 2004 ; “a delegate who purports to perform a function or...
Request for confirmation of what the read code for Piriformis Syndrome
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to David Lawson on .
Long overdue.
Dear Mr Lawson
Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request
of 24 July 2017.
Yours sincerely
OIA Servi...
Request for confirmation of Read Codes for crush injuries of the thigh, buttocks, hip and pelvis
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to David Lawson on .
Dear Mr Lawson
Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request
of 24 July 2017.
Yours sincerely
OIA Servi...
ACC Prior Approval policy for neurology and neurosurgical services contracted to DHB's including the Waitemata District Health Board and the Auckland District Health Board
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to David Lawson on .
Long overdue.
Link: [1]File-List
Good afternoon Mr Lawson
Please find attached ACC’s response to your request of 13 July 2017.
Yours sincerely
Request for the confirmation of what the abbreviation NOS stands for in read code descriptions
Follow up sent to Accident Compensation Corporation by David Lawson on .
Withdrawn by the requester.
I refer to my associated earlier request and advise that I have since established that NOS refers to Not Otherwise Specified, and hence will not req...
Request for the supply of a copy of guidelines the DHB ACC patient discharges that applied as at 1 July 2014, and all subsequent updates.
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to David Lawson on .
Long overdue.
Link: [1]File-List
Good afternoon Mr Lawson
Please find attached ACC’s response to your request of 5 July 2017.
Yours sincerely
Request for a fll copy of ACC's Reasons to revoke cover policy document
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to David Lawson on .
Long overdue.
Good afternoon Mr Lawson
Please find ACC’s response to your request of 28 June 2017 attached.
Government Engagement and Support...
Request for a copy of the ACC form letter/s that was/were sent to ACC claimants advising them that their claims management had been transferred to ACC's RIS Team
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to David Lawson on .
Good morning Mr Lawson
Please attached ACC’s response to your request of 9 June 2017.
Government Engagement and Support
Agreement for Services between ACC and DHB's
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to David Lawson on .
Long overdue.
Link: [1]File-List
Good morning Mr Lawson
Please find attached ACC’s response to your requests for information.
Yours sincerely
Request for confirmation of the name and contact details of the ACC Legal Services Manager
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to David Lawson on .
Dear Mr Lawson,
Please find attached a response to your 8 June 2017 request for
information concerning ACC’s Legal Services Manager.
ACC Treatment Provider Handbook that was live as at 1/1/12, and all subsequent copies trough til 2015/2016 version
Follow up sent to Accident Compensation Corporation by David Lawson on .
Thank you for your speedy response....much appreciated.
Kind regards,
David Lawson
Request for the ACC CEO's written explanation/clarification with respect to ACC's guidance to treatment providers relating to the allocation and recording of ACC Read Codes
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to David Lawson on .
Long overdue.
Dear Mr Lawson
Attached is ACC’s response to your request for information, dated 15 May
2017, and your clarification email dated 23 May 2017....
Request for a full copy of the ACC Treatment Provider Handbook that was released in 2016.
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to David Lawson on .
Long overdue.
Dear Mr Lawson,
Please find attached a response to your request for the 2016 Treatment
Provider Handbook (the Handbook) and copies of two ve...
Request for confirmation of ACC staff and Contractors qualifications.
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to David Lawson on .
Long overdue.
Tēnā koe Mr Lawson
Please find attached our response to your information request of 22 April
Ngā mihi
Government Services
Request for a copy of all policy documents dating from 5 June 2009 through to 11 April 2017 that relate to ACC's management of longterm claims.
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to David Lawson on .
Long overdue.
Dear Mr Lawson
Please find attached our response to your request for information under
the Official Information Act 1982, dated 12 April 2017....
Request for confirmation of current and or prior employment dates and roles within ACC
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to David Lawson on .
Long overdue.
Good afternoon
Thank you for your request, outlined below.
We are currently looking into your request and will be in touch with you as soon as possib...
ACC's requirement for the pre approval of service provision.
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to David Lawson on .
Long overdue.
Link: [1]File-List
Dear Mr Lawson,
We write in relation to your two emails of 12 April 2016 (one concerning
purchase orders regarding consulta...
Request for Official Information with respect to the annual compensation the Accident Compensation Corporation has made to Mr Vasudeva Shivaraya Pai, and also to
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to David Lawson on .
Long overdue.
Dear Mr Lawson
A response has been sent to your personal email address regarding your
request for information under the Official Information Act...
Controller & Auditor-General's October 2014 Accident Compensation Corporation: Using a case management approach to rehabilitation
Response by Office of the Controller and Auditor-General to David Lawson on .
Dear David,
For both audits, ACC accepted the opportunity to comment on our summary of
findings and draft reports, as per our normal process for...
ACC's definition of the named recognised branches of medicine
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to David Lawson on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Lawson
Please find attached our response to your requests for information under
the Official Information Act 1982, dated 17 February 201...