Health Quality and Safety Commission

A public authority

15 requests
Pfizer covid vaccine contract
Request sent to Health Quality and Safety Commission by Gill Ashmead on .
Long overdue.
I would like to request the contract between govt and Pfizer on the effiacy and safety of the covid vaccines, also the requirements to mandate, lockd...
Tēnā koe John   Please see attached response to your OIA request.   Ngā mihi, Simona   [1]A dark background with the Matariki cluster on...
Tēnā koe John,   Please find attached a response to your recent OIA request.   Ngā mihi nui,   [1]Dark blue strip containing the Health Qua...
Mōrena John,   Here is the OIA response that was emailed to your other address on the 15^th of July.   Ngā mihi nui,   [1]Dark blue strip...
Tēnā koe John,   Please find attached a response to your recent OIA request.   Ngā mihi nui,   [1]Dark blue strip containing the Health Qua...
Tēnā koe Harold,   Please find a response to your OIA attached.   Ngā mihi nui,   [1]Dark blue strip containing the Health Quality & Safety...
Committees OIA
Response by Health Quality and Safety Commission to john luke on .
Tēnā koe, Please find attached the official information you have requested regarding committees managed by the Commission. Please contact us at [1...
  Nāku, nā Janice       [1]Text Description automatically generated Dr Janice Wilson Chief Executive Officer Health Quality & Safety Co...
WRGPI claims for solvent toxicity
Response by Health Quality and Safety Commission to Jan Magee on .
Partially successful.
Ngā mihi nui   Janice     : [1]CO00010_Email_Sign_v2 Dr Janice Wilson Chief Executive Officer Health Quality & Safety Commission DDI:...
I appologize for inadvertently adding your organization to my OIA request to the NZ DHB's. I would like to withdraw this request. Yours faithfull...
  [1]CO00010_Email_Sign_v2 Dr Janice Wilson Chief Executive Officer Health Quality & Safety Commission DDI: 04 9016050 | [mobile number] E:...
Radiation monitoring . Who does this ?
Response by Health Quality and Safety Commission to Jason McIntosh on .
Information not held.
Dear Jason McIntosh,   Thank you for your question, transferred to the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) from the Health Quality & Safety Comm...
  Kind regards     [1]email-signature Dr Janice Wilson Chief Executive Officer Health Quality & Safety Commission DDI: 04 9016050 | [mo...
Dear Mr Andrews,   Thank you for your request. The information you seek for 2014 and 2015 is 17.01% and 18.27% respectively. You can find this on...
Adverse event reports
Response by Health Quality and Safety Commission to Antony Andrews on .
Information not held.
[1]email-signature Dr Janice Wilson Chief Executive Officer Health Quality & Safety Commission DDI: 04 9016050 | [mobile number] E: [2][email...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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