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Protocols for the involvement of Crown solicitors in private prosecutions
Response by Ministry of Justice to Grace Haden on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Grace
As you know, the Ministry of Justice partially transferred your official
information request of 20 February 2025 to Crown Law on 2...
Response by Ministry of Justice to C A Mattheiss on .
Information not held.
Kia ora,
Thank you for emailing the Ministry of Justice regarding your case. The information you are requesting is a court record and not held by the...
Urban on Manners ARLA / Alcohol Licensing
Response by Ministry of Justice to Miss W. Forest on .
Tēnā koe Miss Forest,
Thank you for your email of 30 December 2024 requesting information about
the Alcohol and Regulatory Licensing Authority (...
Kia ora Paula
The Ministry of Justice has nothing further to add to its response.
As always, you have the right to seek a review from the Ombudsman....
Tçnâ koe Kieva,
Thank you for your email to the Ministry of Justice.
While the Ministry provides administrative support to the courts, th...
Dear John,
Thank you for your request to the Ministry of Justice (the Ministry) of 9
July 2024, regarding PSPLA application processing timeframe...
Tçnâ koe Kieva,
Thank you for your email to the Ministry of Justice.
While the Ministry provides administrative support to the courts, th...
Confirmation of what makes up a valid contract
Response by Ministry of Justice to Megan Richardson on .
Kia ora Megan
Thank you for your email of 27 October 2023 requesting, under the
Official Information Act 1982, information (outlined below) fro...
Office of the Judicial Conduct Commissioner
Response by Ministry of Justice to Mary Phillips on .
Information not held.
Tçnâ koe Mary,
Thank you for your email of 27 November 2024.
The Official Information Act 1982 does not apply to the Judicial Conduct
Open Government Partnership Commitment 7
Response by Ministry of Justice to Dan Moskovitz on .
Dear Mr Moskovitz,
Please find your OIA response below.
The web pages mentioned in the letter are also provided below for your
No fixed abode AML/CTF Assessment & Consultation papers
Response by Ministry of Justice to Miss W. Forest on .
Information not held.
Dear Miss Forest,
Please find your OIA response attached.
Ngā mihi,
Communications Services
Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te...
Where OIA 1982 Law Has Been Broken The Number of Prosecutions Year By Year
Response by Ministry of Justice to M Bell on .
Tēnā koe M Bell,
The Ministry of Justice does not hold statistical information on court
rulings about the Offi...
Guidance for charging document acceptance by Registrar
Response by Ministry of Justice to Bevan Ellis on .
Dear Bevan
Please find your OIA response attached.
Ngā mihi,
Communications Services
Ministry of Justice | T...
Official Information Act Request: Impact of LGBTQ+ Identity on Families and Divorce Register Records
Response by Ministry of Justice to Yasir Shaikh on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Yasir,
Thank you for request of 26 August 2024 to the Ministry of Justice (the
Ministry) under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Ac...
Request Under Official Information Act for an Agency no longer in existence
Response by Ministry of Justice to Catherine Jamieson on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Catherine,
Please see attached response to your OIA request.
Media Team
Communications Services
Ministry of Justice |...
Interviews with Dell Reid regarding Sven Urban Hoglin and Heidi Pakkonen
Response by Ministry of Justice to k on .
Kia ora Kristan
As noted in our previous correspondence, the information you are
requesting forms part of the criminal court file, which is curr...
Perjury in Family Courts
Information not held.
In 2001 I defended a protection order to have access to my children after the family court previously told me to find my ex wife and serve papers on he...
Kia ora Tina Marie
Please find attached a response to your OIA requesting court documents.
Ngā mihi
Cost of prosecuting the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Protection Framework) Order 2021
Response by Ministry of Justice to Erika Whittome on .
Dear Erika
Please find your OIA response attached.
Ngā mihi,
Communications Services
Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te Ture
Kia ora
Please find attached a response to your request for information from the
Coronial file for Sven Urban Hoglin.
Ngā mihi
Annie ...
Law pertaining to identification
Follow up sent to Ministry of Justice by :Deborah-joy: of the Longstaff family on .
Information not held.
Dear Ministry of Justice team
I would like to re-word my initial request for information as follows:
Please advise, with the relevant sections of a...
i would watch a video on youtube called DECIEVED INTO CONSENT by justinian deception, very powerful video which helps clarify the manipulation of our c...
Recidivism rates within two years of release and reintegration programs
Response by Ministry of Justice to Natasha Verney on .
Good afternoon
Please find attached correspondence from the Department Of Corrections.
Kind regards,
Ministerial Services
I have Still Not Recevied My Records Request or Information Regarding Mr Lewis Verduyn's Inquest and Handwritten Notes
Follow up sent to Ministry of Justice by C A Mattheiss on .
Information not held.
I have still not received an adequate reply to my request for information.
C A Mattheiss
Tenancy Tribunal Decisions
Response by Ministry of Justice to John Miller on .
Information not held.
Kia ora John,
Attached is a response to your OIA request for Tenancy Tribunal orders.
Ngā mihi,
Communications Services
Ministry of...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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