University of Canterbury
A public authority
115 requests
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Kia ora Michael
Please see the attached response letter and documents regarding your OIA
Ngā mihi
Claire O'Connell
University of Canterbury Master of Audiology admission statistics
Response by University of Canterbury to Jason. G on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Jason
Please see the attached response letter and data regarding your Official
Information Act request.
Ngā mihi
Claire O'Co...
Registered psychologists applying for clinical psychology
Response by University of Canterbury to H. G. on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora H.G.
Please see the attached response letter for your OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Claire O'Connell
Information Compliance Office...
Grade breakdown by Course Subject Code - Mechanical Engineering Second Year 2024 and math courses
Response by University of Canterbury to Jack on .
Kia ora Jack
Please see the attached response letter and document for your OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Grade breakdown by Course Subject Code - Mechanical Engineering Second Year 2024
Response by University of Canterbury to Jack on .
Kia ora Jack
Please see the attached response letter and data for your request.
Ngā mihi
Claire O'Connell
Information Compliance O...
For security purposes, you must enter the code below to verify your
account to access OIA 24.158 Documents. The code w...
Deans of UC Faculty of Law
Response by University of Canterbury to Mitchellmatchbox on .
Kia ora Mitchellmatchbox
Please find our response attached.
Nga mihi
Information and Records Management
Kia ora Hannah
Please see the attached response to your OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Claire O'Connell
Information Compliance Officer
Relevant costs of hosting the Waikato Mongrel Mob Kingdom in 2019
Response by University of Canterbury to Francis Phan on .
Kia ora Francis
Please see attached the response to your OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Claire O'Connell
Information Advisor
Information a...
Kia ora Benjamin
Please see the attached documents for the final part of the response to
your OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Claire O'Conne...
Number of enrolments by faculty 2024
Response by University of Canterbury to Mitchellmatchbox on .
Kia ora Mitchellmatchbox
Please see the attached response letter for your OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Claire O'Connell
Information Compl...
Kia ora P. Smith
Please see the attached response letter and data for your request.
Ngā mihi
Claire O'Connell
Information Complian...
Law School Assessment Reconsiderations
Response by University of Canterbury to neonlightsupermarket on .
Kia ora Neonlightsupermarket
Please see the attached response letter and information for this OIA
Ngā mihi
Claire O'Conne...
Kia ora A.J
Please see attached response.
Ngā mihi,
Eduardo Orlando
Kaitohutohu Pārongo | Information Advisor
Information and Rec...
Average Grades & Distributions of Papers 2023
Response by University of Canterbury to Josiah on .
Kia ora Josiah,
Please see attached response.
Ngā mihi,
Eduardo Orlando
Kaitohutohu Pārongo | Information Advisor
Information and...
Residential hall applications for 2024
Response by University of Canterbury to C. Neilson on .
Kia ora C. Neilson,
Please see attached response.
Ngā mihi,
Eduardo Orlando
Kaitohutohu Pārongo | Information Advisor
Civil and NatRes Engineering Grade Breakdown
Response by University of Canterbury to Bridget on .
Kia ora Bridget
Please see the attached response letter and data for this OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Claire O'Connell
Information Compl...
Laws 200s and 300s grades
Response by University of Canterbury to neonlightsupermarket on .
Kia ora Neonlightsupermarket,
Please see attached response and data.
Ngā mihi,
Eduardo Orlando
Kaitohutohu Pārongo | Information Ad...
Kia ora A Coffin
Please see the attached letter and relevant document regarding your
Ngā mihi
Claire O'Connell
Correspondence, re: Complaints, Future Buller Team
Response by University of Canterbury to Kevin Smith on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Kevin
Thank you for providing further clarification on specifically what you are looking for under this request, which UC understands to be fo...
Education (Pastoral Care) Amendment Act 2019 - Interim Code Compliance
Response by University of Canterbury to Elliott Harris on .
Kia ora
Please see attached the University’s response to your recent Official Information Act Request.
Ngā mihi
Rachael McGregor
Information Advisor...
Call for nomination- council member
Response by University of Canterbury to john luke on .
Kia ora John
Please see the response letter and relevant documents attached for your
OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Claire O'Connell
International student doctoral completion rates
Response by University of Canterbury to Sarah Allison on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora
Please see attached the University's response to your Official Information act request
Kind regards
Rachael McGregor
Information Advisor | In...
Kia ora
Please find attached the response letter and meeting minutes.
Ngā mihi
Juliet Moore
[1]Shape Juliet...
Third year mechanical grade breakdown
Response by University of Canterbury to Archie Riley on .
Kia ora Archie
Please see the attached response letter and data regarding your OIA
Ngā mihi
Claire O'Connel...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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