Waikato Regional Council

A public authority

37 requests
CCTV and ANPR Cameras
Response by Waikato Regional Council to Emilia Sharp on .
Awaiting response.
Thank you for contacting us. We check messages during business hours on Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays), and will get back to you within...
ECC/EOC Seismic Resilience
Response by Waikato Regional Council to Frank on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Frank,   I refer to your official information request, transferred to TCDC on 30^th June 2023. For ease of reference your request is copied b...
How would you rate your recent service experience with us?   [1]Waikato_Regional_Council   How would you rate your recent service experience with...
Patronage projections for the Te Huia train
Response by Waikato Regional Council to Francis Phan on .
Awaiting classification.
How would you rate your recent service experience with us?   [1]Waikato_Regional_Council   How would you rate your recent service experience with...
Herbicide use by Waikato regional council per year.
Response by Waikato Regional Council to Malcolm Campbell on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Malcolm   Thanks you for your request described above received on 28 January 2021. A response will be provided as soon as possible, but i...
Kia ora Tony   Refer attached for the response to your request for information   Kind regards Laura   Laura Van Veen​  |  DEMOCRACY ADVIS...
  Sarah McLeay  Statutory Processes Advisor | Democracy, Community and Services [1]WAIKATO REGIONAL COUNCIL | Te Kaunihera ā Rohe o Waikato [2]Tak...
Kaimais 1080 poison drop
Response by Waikato Regional Council to Graham Carter on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Graeme Council, either on its own, or in conjunction with any other organisation or company, currently has no plans to aerially apply 1080 to...
Joint Management Agreement
Response by Waikato Regional Council to Graham Carter on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Graham   As per your request for a copy of the Joint Management Agreement that is being signed with Tūwharetoa and the Waikato Regional Co...
Bus GTFS Data
Request sent to Waikato Regional Council by William Mckee on .
Long overdue.
Could you please release Busit static/realtime data? Yours faithfully, William Mckee

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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