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PO Box 2142 | Wellington 6140 | New Zealand
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30 September 2019
Tim Antric
[FYI request #10949 email]
Dear Mr Antric
This letter is in response to your request under the Official Information Act 1982 to the Ministry of
Health on 11 August 2019 for:
1. Can you please provide a list of all national agencies (government, non-profit and for-profit)
that have been funded to undertake social marketing activity to encourage and enable people
to make healthier lifestyle choices since 1990, along with the budgets made available by
I use the definition of social marketing as published by the HSC "Social marketing is the use
of marketing principles and techniques to improve the welfare of people and the physical,
social and economic environment in which they live.
It is a carefully planned, long-term approach to changing human behaviour. The behaviour
change may involve doing something new (covering up in the sun), doing something
differently (washing the car on the grass rather than the side of the road) or stopping doing
something altogether (drink driving). Social marketing is also used to help create
environments that support the desired behaviour. Social marketing uses many commercial
marketing principles and techniques. However it aims to benefit the target audience and
society as a whole rather than make a financial profit". This activity may include social
advertising programmes, public relations, advocacy, community engagement, stakeholder
engagement, social media, etc.
2. Can you also please provide any and all documents that informed the establishment of
ALAC, HSC and HPA, and any documents that informed the winding up of ALAC and HSC,
and copies of the annual reports of these agencies from 1990 onwards?
3. Can you also please provide any documents relating to support for the use of the terms
social marketing and health promotion and/or documents that discourage such use."
On 20 August 2019 Question 2 was partially transferred from the Ministry to the Health Promotion
Agency/Te Hiringa Hauora as your request is closely associated with the functions of HPA. On 12
September 2019 HPA advised it was extending the period of time available to respond to your
request to 1 October 2019.
HPA has identified several documents within the scope of your request and they are itemised
below and copies attached.
The annual reports for the Alcohol Advisory Council and the Health Sponsorship Council for the
years 2003 to 2012 are available on the New Zealand Parliament website. Therefore your request
for the annual reports for these years is refused under section 18 (d) as the information is publicly
Alcohol Advisory Council (ALAC) 2003-2012
papers/?Criteria.Keyword=Alcohol%20advisory%20council&Criteria.DocumentStatus=Al &Criteria.
ViewAl =1&Criteria.Sort=Title&Criteria.Direction=Ascending&Criteria.Dt=Annual%20report
Health Sponsorship Council (HSC) 2003-2012
papers/?Criteria.Keyword=health%20sponsorship%20council&Criteria.DocumentStatus=Al &Criteri
a.ViewAl =1&Criteria.Sort=Title&Criteria.Direction=Ascending&Criteria.Dt=Annual%20report
Annual reports for ALAC from 1990 to 2002 and annual reports from HSC from 1991 to 2002 are
attached. Annual reports for HPA are available on the HPA website. Therefore your request for the
HPA’s annual reports is refused under section 18 (d) as the information is publicly available.
Other documents are as follows:
HSC – Letter to the Minister of Health, a proposal regarding a new national health
promotion agency, and a Board paper detailing the Minister’s response.
HSC – Briefing notes for a meeting with the Minister of Health.
HSC - Briefing for a meeting with the Director-General of Health.
HSC – Draft discussion document for the Ministry of Health.
HSC – Minutes of Board meeting.
ALAC – Response to draft Cabinet paper on the new entity.
HSC – Board paper outlining a discussion on the merger.
HSC – Submission to the Government Administration Committee on the Crown Entities
Reform Bil 332-1 (2011).
Please follow the links below to access ALAC and HSC’s annual reports.
ALAC annual reports
HSC annual reports
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.
Information about how to make a complaint is available at or
freephone 0800 802 602.
Yours sincerely
Cath Edmondson
General Manager, Policy, Research and Advice