Employment equity for Maori women in public sector

Tania Te Whenua made this Official Information request to Government Communications Security Bureau

The request was partially successful.

From: Tania Te Whenua

Dear Government Communications Security Bureau,

Over the past three years:

a) How many Maori women (and what percentage of the total number of applicants) applied for Tier 2 roles or above?

b) How many Maori women (and what percentage of the total number of successful applicants) were successfully appointed to the jobs which they applied for at Tier 2 or above?

Yours faithfully,

Tania Te Whenua

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From: Information
Government Communications Security Bureau

Good morning Tania,

Thank you for your Official Information Act request. The Official Information Act 1982 requires that we advise your of our decision on your request no later than 20 working days after the day that we received your request. At this time we are unable to conduct the necessary searches and consultations necessary to fulfil your request within that timeframe, as this would unreasonably interfere with our operations.

We are, therefore, writing to notify you of an extension of the time to make our decision, to 12 August 2020.

You do have the right to complain to the Ombudsman about this extension, however please know that we will do our best to get a response to you as soon as possible.

Kind regards,


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From: Information
Government Communications Security Bureau

Attachment 2020 05 15 OIA response TTW.pdf
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Good afternoon,

Please find a response to your request attached.

Kind regards,


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Things to do with this request

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