Minerva Models of Loss in Canterbury

Jake Preston made this Official Information request to Toka Tū Ake – Natural Hazards Commission

The request was refused by Toka Tū Ake – Natural Hazards Commission.

From: Jake Preston

Dear Earthquake Commission,

I would like to request copies and recollections of all models of loss produced using the Minerva system for Christchurch and Canterbury between 01 January 2005 and 03 September 2010.

Yours faithfully,

Jake Preston

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From: Ministerial Services Team

Dear Mr Preston


Thank you for your request for information on 8 June 2020. You requested
the following of the Earthquake Commission (EQC):


“I would like to request copies and recollections of all models of loss
produced using the Minerva system for Christchurch and Canterbury between
01 January 2005 and 03 September 2010.”


The request is being considered under the Official Information Act 1982
(the Act). However, EQC requires an extension of the timeframe to respond
under section 15A(1)(b) of the Act as the consultations necessary to make
a decision on the request are such that a proper response to the request
cannot reasonably be made within the original time limit. You will now
receive the response by Friday, 31 July 2020.

You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to investigate and review the
decision to extend EQC’s timeframe for a response to this request. The
Ombudsman can be contacted at PO Box 10 152, Wellington 6143, or on
Freephone 0800 802 602, or at [1]http://www.ombudsman.parliament.nz.


Yours sincerely,


Sam Blyth | Senior Advisor | Government Relations

Earthquake Commission | Kômihana Rûwhenua




This email message (along with any attachments) is intended only for the
addressee(s) named above.  The information contained in this email is
confidential to the New Zealand Earthquake Commission (EQC) and must not
be used, reproduced or passed on without consent.  If you have received
this email in error, informing EQC by return email or by calling (04)978
6400 should ensure the error is not repeated. 
Please delete this email if you are not the intended addressee.


Visible links
1. http://www.ombudsman.parliament.nz/
2. http://www.eqc.govt.nz/

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From: Ministerial Services Team

Attachment Official Information Act Request 1982 Preston.pdf
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Dear Mr Preston


Official Information Act Request 1982 - Preston

Please find attached the Earthquake Commission’s response to your request.


Yours sincerely,


Sam Blyth | Senior Advisor | Government Relations

Earthquake Commission | Kômihana Rûwhenua




This email message (along with any attachments) is intended only for the
addressee(s) named above.  The information contained in this email is
confidential to the New Zealand Earthquake Commission (EQC) and must not
be used, reproduced or passed on without consent.  If you have received
this email in error, informing EQC by return email or by calling (04)978
6400 should ensure the error is not repeated. 
Please delete this email if you are not the intended addressee.


Visible links
1. http://www.eqc.govt.nz/

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Things to do with this request

Toka Tū Ake – Natural Hazards Commission only: