Stance on University Clubs consuming alcohol in a Marae

John Davidson made this Official Information request to University of Waikato

The request was successful.

From: John Davidson

Dear University of Waikato,
I would like to know what the Universities' Stance is on Student Clubs (such as Te Waiora) consuming alcohol in the Marae located at Gate 4 next to College Hall, especially as a Marae is considered to be a sacred space.

Yours faithfully,
John Davidson

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Mr Rodgers left an annotation ()

...University's... - unless you are referring to more than just Waikato University.

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From: OIA Admin
University of Waikato

Dear John
We acknowledge receipt of your information request and will be in touch
with a response in due course.
Kind regards

OIA Admin
University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105  |  Hamilton 3240  |  New
[1]University of Waikato

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From: OIA Admin
University of Waikato

Attachment Response letter.pdf
112K Download View as HTML

Attachment Alcohol on University Premises Policy.pdf
340K Download View as HTML

Dear John
Please find attached letter in response to your information request of 13
Kind regards

OIA Admin
University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105  |  Hamilton 3240  |  New
[1]University of Waikato

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