House CV Calculations

Prashant Makhijani made this Official Information request to Auckland Council

The request was partially successful.

From: Prashant Makhijani

Dear Auckland Council,

Can you please provide me the breakdown of how is House CV is calculated?
I want to know the method used to calculate CV?
I was also reading the article that the selling price of the houses within the areas is also taken into consideration so my point if house prices are already inflated due to multiple factors so the new CV values will be inflated too?

Yours faithfully,

Prashant Makhijani

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From: Official Information
Auckland Council

Dear Prashant,

Thank you for your request for information.

We believe that your request is answered on our website at the link below.

If you have additional questions please let us know.

Ngā mihi


Samantha Sinclair | Senior Privacy & Official Information Business Partner
Governance Services | Auckland Council

-----Original Message-----
From: Prashant Makhijani <[FOI #15367 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, 5 May 2021 9:48 AM
To: Official Information <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - House CV Calculations

Dear Auckland Council,

Can you please provide me the breakdown of how is House CV is calculated?
I want to know the method used to calculate CV?
I was also reading the article that the selling price of the houses within the areas is also taken into consideration so my point if house prices are already inflated due to multiple factors so the new CV values will be inflated too?

Yours faithfully,

Prashant Makhijani


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