Sepsis learning and assessment

Paul Huggan made this Official Information request to Auckland University of Technology

The request is waiting for clarification. If you are Paul Huggan, please sign in to send a follow up message.

From: Paul Huggan

Dear Auckland University of Technology,

Sepsis is a life-threatening organ dysfunction due to a dysregulated immune response to infection. It is an important health issue in New Zealand, with a higher incidence in Maaori and Pacific populations, and with rates driven by underlying community morbidity.

In your undergraduate programmes, what formal teaching, learning and assessment activities specifically address the recognition, escalation and early management of sepsis in adults, pregnant/post-natal women and children?

Please provide all curriculum documents and formal teaching modules that specifically address sepsis in your undergraduate health programmes. If learning about sepsis occurs within modules on individual infections or syndromes, please specify learning outcomes within these modules that address recognition and escalation of sepsis/critical illness.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Huggan
New Zealand Sepsis Trust

Yours faithfully,

Paul Huggan

Link to this

From: Alison Sykora
Auckland University of Technology

Attachment image001.gif
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Attachment image002.gif
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Attachment image003.gif
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Attachment image004.gif
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Attachment image005.gif
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Attachment Paul Huggan Sepsis OIA June 21.pdf
134K Download View as HTML

Dear Paul


Please find attached response to your OIA. While we are not able to
provide information you requested without payment to cover the additional
resources needed to carry out such an extensive piece of work, I’m sure
the relevant people at our Faculty would be happy to meet and discuss this
issue with the Sepsis Trust – let me know if you would like me to put them
in touch with you.





[1]AUTMaori Alison Sykora
Head of Communications
Auckland University of Technology
  P 09 921 9999 ext 9241     M 021901446    
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Things to do with this request

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