Enforcing laws for medical harm in New Zealand
D Swift made this Official Information request to Ministry of Health
The request was refused by Ministry of Health.
From: D Swift
Dear Ministry of Health,
I made an OIA request today via the FYI.NZ portal, which was deleted without any reason given. I will try a second time to get my questions answered.
The New Zealand Govt has chosen Pfizer as it's "vaccine" provider of choice. I spent approximately 45 minutes researching Pfizers criminal history, via the US Dept of Justice website, and cross checked my findings with several major law firms, and other govt depts to verify the data was accurate, which it was. The data was alarming, and spans many countries, and with fines for convictions, and settlements totaling billions of dollars. The criminal cases include deliberate misrepresentation of data for drug suitability to the regulatory bodies, fraud, bribery, pay offs, dumping of toxic waste into waterways, illegal human experimentation, contravention of the Nuremburg Code, and knowingly selling toxic and harmful medicines, without any warnings of the known side effects. Pfizer currently holds the US record for the largest single criminal fine given in the field of medicine @ 2.3 billion dollars for deliberate sale of drugs not approved by the FDA for the purposes that Pfizer advertised and sold them for. For some bizarre reason, vaccine manufacturers are exempt from litigation in the USA, meaning they cannot be sued, so all compensation is paid by the Govt.
My questions this time will be simpler.
Q1 - Was the above information, which is freely available to all whom seek it, taken into account when selecting Pfizer as a Covid "vaccine" supplier?
Q2 - What legal recourse will NZ citizens have to claim compensation in the event of adverse reactions or serious harm caused by the Pfizer "vaccine".
Q3 - Will the NZ law be upheld, and applied to any govt official whom has recommended this Pfizer "vaccine" be suitable for the team of 5 million, if it causes harm or death?.
In reference to Q3. - In my workplace, I am liable for hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines if I am negligent and cause harm or death, and can face imprisonment. Lack of research into the relative laws, or pleading ignorance, is not a defense when it comes to these laws, which I agree with,
Yours faithfully,
D Swift
From: OIA Requests
Kia ora,
Thank you for your request for official information received on 24 June
2021 for:
"I am writing to obtain the name of the person, or persons
within our government responsible for deciding on Pfizer as a vendor for
the Covid "vaccines" being used in New Zealand."
A second request was received on 24 June 2021 for:
“Q1 - Was the above information, which is freely available to all whom
seek it, taken into account when selecting Pfizer as a Covid "vaccine"
Q2 - What legal recourse will NZ citizens have to claim compensation in
the event of adverse reactions or serious harm caused by the Pfizer
Q3 - Will the NZ law be upheld, and applied to any govt official whom has
recommended this Pfizer "vaccine" be suitable for the team of 5 million,
if it causes harm or death?”
We will combine these two requests and the Ministry's reference number for
your request is: H202107681.
As required under the Official Information Act 1982, the Ministry will
endeavour to respond to your request no later than 26 July 2021, being 20
working days after the day your request was received.
If we are unable to respond to your request within this time frame, we
will notify you of an extension of that time frame.
If you have any queries related to this request, please do not hesitate to
get in touch.
Ngâ mihi
OIA Services
Government Services
Office of the Director-General
Ministry of Health
E: [1][email address]
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D Swift left an annotation ()
It is time to answer these 3 simple questions Labour Government.
D Swift left an annotation ()
3 months on, and nothing. It's blatantly obvious this government has no interest in answering the people it is supposed to report to.
If this is the team of 5 mil, my guess that only applies to us lowly peasants.
Next winter will be when it becomes very obvious how stupid it was wearing masks, and taking experimental gene injections. Then the people might understand why some of us didn't want a part in this stupid charade.
From: OIA Requests
Kia ora D Swift
Please find attached a response to your official information act request
of 24 June 2021.
It appears that the response to this request had been incorrectly sent to
your other FYI email ( [1][email address])
Our apologies for this oversight.
Ngā mihi
OIA Services
Government Services
Office of the Director-General
Ministry of Health
E: [2][email address]
show quoted sections
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. mailto:[email address]
D Swift left an annotation ()
OK, I see how this all works. Re-classify a yes-no question to opinion,. and then refuse to answer it. Cowards, the lot of you.
Paul Jones left an annotation ()
There is a bit on an art to rewording your questions to get around such a rejection, for example you need to ask for documentation that covers your purposes, eg:
Q1) Please provide documentation, meeting notes, and emails discussing Pfizers reputation, past legal actions, fines paid for illegal behaviour when considering the Pfizer vaccine.
Q2) Please describe the process to claim compensation for adverse reactions or harm caused buy the Pfizer vaccine.
From OIA requests I have seen this year on FYI, your first two questions were answered by the government. If you search for them here you may find them, but I recall the response.
A1) They had no documentation discussing Pfizers reputation, this means they never considered it.
A2) Claims for compensation are redirect to ACC.
A3) Kind of a pointless question as we have seen when the government broke the law, they just changed it and wrote in new legislation retroactively.
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence
D Swift left an annotation ()
I listed 3 simple yes/no questions, but me, being the vulgar and profane, are being told these simple questions are "opinion". What utter rubbish. If I was in a court of law, I would be told to deliver yes or no answers to questions like this, and if I did not, I would be reprimanded severely for evading the question.
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