Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Records

Tom Galloway made this Official Information request to New Zealand Defence Force

New Zealand Defence Force did not have the information requested.

From: Tom Galloway

Dear New Zealand Defence Force,

Under the Offical Information Act 1982 please provide the following:

A: Any and all documentation you hold pertaining to unidentified aerial phenomenon in New Zealand airspace that remain unexplained.

B: Any and all information you have on unidentifiable aerial phenomenon pertaining to our overseas allies that remain unexplained.

C: If the New Zealand Defence force does not keep record of any incursions into New Zealand airspace by anomalous objects, then kindly advise me with whom I should be making such requests.

Yours faithfully,

Tom Galloway

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From: Ministerial Services
New Zealand Defence Force

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Good morning Tom,


In 2010 the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) released to public libraries
fifteen volumes containing all accumulated correspondence then held
relating to reports of unidentified aerial phenomenon or sightings (UAS) /
unidentified flying objects (UFO) 1952 to 2009 inclusive, suitably
redacted to protect individual privacy. Copies of this information were
provided to: the Dunedin Public Library; the Hamilton Public Library; the
Marlborough District Libraries; the Alexander Turnbull Library; and
Infofind (the Radio New Zealand library).


The NZDF has no role or responsibility relating to reports of UAS/UFO. It
is standard practice that any such reports received by the NZDF are to be
referred to the Civil Aviation Authority. The NZDF neither investigates
nor maintains records relating to UAS/UFO sightings.




Corporate and Ministerial Services

OCDF, Office of Chief of Defence Force
New Zealand Defence Force





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