Ashley Bloomfield Competence

Chuck Schooner (Account suspended) made this Official Information request to Ministry of Health

The request was partially successful.

From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)

Dear Ministry of Health,

Recently New Zealand Herald reported that an Auckland man failed to obtain a vaccination exemption which was supported by his GP and his Cardiologist. As per the reporting Ashley Bloomfield declined his application based on "I am not satisfied, based on the evidence provided, that you meet the specified Covid-19 vaccination exemption criteria". Regardless of people having to obtain an exemption to avoid an experimental gene therapy that can likely have lifetime impacts and it already doing so to this individual then we need to understand if Ashley is qualified to do this in the first place.

- Can you please provide Ashley's current resume, annual practicing certificate, areas of expertise
- Can you please provide all financial disclosures since Ashley assumed the position of Director General of Health
- Please provide a list of actual and perceived conflicts associated with Ashley
- Please provide a copy of the job description that was used to employ him
- Please confirm who was on the panel that approved Ashley
- Please provide a copy of the report that recommended his placement in this position
- Please confirm Ashley's experience in private practice and when he last saw, diagnosed and treated patients and what his specialties were (if any)
- Has Ashley worked in the private sector at all or always been associated with public medicine?
- Total annual remuneration, bonuses, perks, pension since he has been in the position
- An annual performance review/KPI's etc since he has been in the position

To add to the above I understand Ashley has an annual practicing certificate and specialises in Public Health. To go with that and on his Medical Council profile it states that he may work outside of the scope but must do so within a collegial relationship. Given this information can you please provide the following. The hyppocratic oath that doctors swear by and as an example in the above given the person seeking the exemption has a diagnosed heart condition from the first experiment they were forced to take is Ashley in breach of his hyppocratic oath being first do no harm. The experimental gene therapy has seen people die and so it appears Ashley is gambling with this persons life is he not?

If you believe he is not and given the limitations on his Medical Council profile can you also please provide the following.

- Total number of exemptions requested
- Total number of exemptions refused with Ashley as the signatary
- Total number of exemtions approved
- Who countersigned if anybody - as a collegial relationship would be required if Ashley is working outside of his scope which leads into the following queries
- If nobody countersigned as an example if the person dies following his next experimental gene therapy can charges be laid for negligence, gross misconduct and does the MOH want that on there table
- The field in which Ashley trumped the request for exemption - eg the example above was supported by a Cardiologist and GP and Ashley supposedly has more experience than the cardiologist given his public health background
- Reporting completed by Ashley for a sample of exemptions refused - note personal information of the patients impacted can be directed. And can I add to that my sympathy to all the people whose lives have been permanently altered from the experiment that has been forced onto the public for political rather than health reasons

Please also seek input from Ashley.

Yours faithfully,
Chuck Schooner

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From: OIA Requests

Thank you for your Official Information Act request. This is
an automatic reply to let you know we received it.

In accordance with the Act, we'll let you know our decision within no more
than 20 working days. If you'd like to calculate the timeframe, you can
use the Ombudsman's online calculator
here: [1]

Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic response, the Ministry is experiencing
significantly higher volumes of queries and requests for information. This
means we may take some time in responding to your request. The Ministry
regularly updates information about the COVID-19 situation and publishes
OIA responses considered to be of public interest:

Please also refer to the Unite Against Covid-19 website for copies of
papers, minutes, and key advice for the decisions the Government has made
relating to COVID-19.

Sometimes we may need to clarify aspects of a request. You can expect to
hear from us soon if that is the case here.

Ngā mihi,


OIA Services

Government Services

Office of the Director-General

Ministry of Health

E: [3][email address]



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From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)

Dear Ministry of Health,

Please provide this information immediately as it is overdue. A complaint with the Ombudsman will be lodged tomorrow.

Yours faithfully,

Chuck Schooner

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From: OIA Requests

Thank you for your Official Information Act request. This is
an automatic reply to let you know we received it.

In accordance with the Act, we'll let you know our decision within no more
than 20 working days. If you'd like to calculate the timeframe, you can
use the Ombudsman's online calculator
here: [1]

Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic response, the Ministry is experiencing
significantly higher volumes of queries and requests for information. This
means we may take some time in responding to your request. The Ministry
regularly updates information about the COVID-19 situation and publishes
OIA responses considered to be of public interest:

Please also refer to the Unite Against Covid-19 website for copies of
papers, minutes, and key advice for the decisions the Government has made
relating to COVID-19.

Sometimes we may need to clarify aspects of a request. You can expect to
hear from us soon if that is the case here.

Ngā mihi,

OIA Services

Government Services

Office of the Director-General

Ministry of Health

E: [3][email address]





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From: OIA Requests

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Attachment Extension of your official information act request ref.H202200479.txt
0K Download View as HTML

Attachment image001.jpg
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Attachment image002.jpg
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Attachment image002.jpg
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Kia ora Chuck,
Thank you for your email. Please find the attached extension email you
were sent on 14 February 2022. Your requests have been consolidated under
section 18(A) of the Act. 
Under section 28(3) of the Act you have the right to ask the Ombudsman to
review any decisions made under this request. The Ombudsman may be
contacted by email at: [1][email address] or by calling 0800
802 602. 

Ngā mihi


OIA Services Team


[2]Ministry of Health information releases

[3]Unite against COVID-19


From: Chuck Schooner <[FOI #18215 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, 16 February 2022 15:27
To: OIA Requests <[email address]>
Subject: Re: Official Information request - Ashley Bloomfield Competence
Dear Ministry of Health,

Please provide this information immediately as it is overdue.  A complaint
with the Ombudsman will be lodged tomorrow.

Yours faithfully,

Chuck Schooner

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From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)

Dear OIA Requests,

Please respond to this urgently - I specifically want answers to this Ashley Bloomfield request ASAP and all answers/information to be provided in full.

Yours sincerely,

Chuck Schooner

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From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)

Dear OIA Requests,

Complaint made to Ombudsman.

Yours sincerely,

Chuck Schooner

Link to this

From: OIA Requests

Attachment image002.jpg
3K Download

Attachment H202200479 Response.pdf
251K Download View as HTML

Kia ora,


Please find attached a response to your official information act request.


Ngā mihi 


OIA Services

Government Services

Office of the Director-General

Ministry of Health

E: [1][email address]




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From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)

Dear OIA Requests,

A follow up on this specifically relating to the vaccine exemptions. Please provide.

Of the 747 TME applications that were declined

Please provide

- Who supported the application - eg GP & Cardiologist
- Who declined the application - Ashley Bloomfield as the only signatory? Or were other doctors / experts involved? - for example this article states Ashley Bloomfield declined the application
- I assume there is reporting completed by the person(s) that declined the application and reasons why?
- Please provide a sample of reports completed by the signatory for the application being declined - personal information can be redacted - I would accept 5 reports - if possible can you include the reporting that was completed for the refusal in the above case
- I want to know the context for why these applications were declined

Yours sincerely,

Chuck Schooner

Link to this

From: OIA Requests

Attachment image001.png
7K Download

Kia ora Chuck,


Thank you for your follow up request for official information. The
Ministry's reference number for your request is: H202204611.


As required under the Official Information Act 1982, the Ministry will
endeavour to respond to your request no later than 20 working days after
the day your request was received. If you'd like to calculate the
timeframe, you can use the Ombudsman's online calculator
here: [1]


Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic response, the Ministry is experiencing
significantly higher volumes of queries and requests for information. If
we are unable to respond to your request within this time frame, we will
notify you of an extension of that time frame.


If you have any queries related to this request, please do not hesitate to
get in touch.


Ngā mihi


OIA Services

Government Services

Office of the Director-General

Ministry of Health

E: [2][email address]


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Rikki left an annotation ()

Bloomfield was trained by the Army.

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From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)

Dear OIA Requests,

Please provide this information immediately as it is now overdue.

Yours sincerely,

Chuck Schooner

Link to this

From: OIA Requests

Attachment Outlook t4ptyfmg.png
14K Download

Attachment H202204611 Response.pdf
1.5M Download View as HTML

Kia ora Chuck
Please find attached a response to your request for official information.
We apologise for the delay in this response being provided to you.

Ngā mihi


OIA Services Team


[1]Ministry of Health information releases

[2]Unite against COVID-19

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Virginia Crawford left an annotation ()

Surely details of "supporting comments" from a few applications that were declined, can be supplied, without revealing any private information.

The public wants to know WHY so MANY seemingly legitimate applications are being declined. I would assume that these applications are not being made frivolously by members of the medical profession.

I note that in a recent judgement, it was revealed that a man who'd had THREE heart attacks was not given an exemption!

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From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)

Dear OIA Requests,

Just a follow up on this - I am aware that applications must be submitted by a medical or nurse practitioner, my initial request alluded to that. I am trying to ascertain why when these have been supported by a medical practitioner or two why applications were then declined - why can Mr Bloomfield trump another medical professional. In the context of the news article I submitted Mr Bloomfield seemingly is more qualified that a cardiologist and a GP. I will refine the scope of my request to the following. With regards to the example outlined in my initial request and reported on by the NZ Herald are you able to provide in the context of his recommendation

- The Panel recommendation - personal details can be redacted
- Supporting comment by the panel for the reason this exemption was declined

Please also include 5 other examples of the reason for the application being declined and the panels comments along with the medical professionals who supported their application.

To include in this request, of the 747 TME applications that were declined can you please provide

- Following the declination of the exemption did anyone die within 21 days of one of their jabs
- How many of the declined applications saw an adverse reaction that was recorded in the Medsafe data
- Were there any adverse reactions that resulted in claims to ACC for adverse reactions

Yours sincerely,

Chuck Schooner

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From: OIA Requests

Attachment Outlook pmpks3j0.png
14K Download

Kia ora Chuck,  


Thank you for your request for official information. The Ministry's
reference number for your request is: H202206716.  


As required under the Official Information Act 1982, the Ministry will
endeavour to respond to your request no later than 20 working days after
the day your request was received. If you'd like to calculate the
timeframe, you can use the Ombudsman's online calculator
here: [1] 


Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic response, the Ministry is experiencing
significantly higher volumes of queries and requests for information. If
we are unable to respond to your request within this time frame, we will
notify you of an extension of that time frame. 


If you have any queries related to this request, please do not hesitate to
get in touch. 

Ngā mihi


OIA Services Team


[2]Ministry of Health information releases

[3]Unite against COVID-19


From: Chuck Schooner <[FOI #18215 email]>
Sent: Friday, 20 May 2022 13:50
To: OIA Requests <[email address]>
Subject: Re: Response to your request for official information, ref:
Dear OIA Requests,

Just a follow up on this - I am aware that applications must be submitted
by a medical or nurse practitioner, my initial request alluded to that.  I
am trying to ascertain why when these have been supported by a medical
practitioner or two why applications were then declined - why can Mr
Bloomfield trump another medical professional.  In the context of the news
article I submitted Mr Bloomfield seemingly is more qualified that a
cardiologist and a GP.  I will refine the scope of my request to the
following.  With regards to the example outlined in my initial request and
reported on by the NZ Herald are you able to provide in the context of his

- The Panel recommendation - personal details can be redacted
- Supporting comment by the panel for the reason this exemption was

Please also include 5 other examples of the reason for the application
being declined and the panels comments along with the medical
professionals who supported their application.

To include in this request, of the 747 TME applications that were declined
can you please provide

- Following the declination of the exemption did anyone die within 21 days
of one of their jabs
- How many of the declined applications saw an adverse reaction that was
recorded in the Medsafe data
- Were there any adverse reactions that resulted in claims to ACC for
adverse reactions

Yours sincerely,

Chuck Schooner

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From: OIA Requests

Attachment Outlook r1mmqc1u.png
14K Download

Attachment OIA H202206716 Response.pdf
217K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Chuck,

Please find attached the response for your request for official

Ngā mihi 


OIA Services Team 


[1]Ministry of Health information releases 

[2]Unite against COVID-19 


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Things to do with this request

Ministry of Health only: