Use of $40,000 funding awarded to Noise Control Entertainment Ltd, Dec 2020
John Kelly made this Official Information request to NZ On Air
The request was successful.
From: John Kelly
Dear NZ On Air,
Can you please provide information as to how the $40,000 awarded to Noise Control Entertainment Ltd; December 2020, on behalf of Jason Kerrison Music Projects was utilised?
Yours faithfully,
JPA Kelly
From: NZOA Info
NZ On Air
Tēnā koe John,
This is to acknowledge receipt of your official information request dated Thursday 7 April 2022.
We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and no later than Tuesday 10 May 2022, being 20 business days after your request was received. If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of an extension of that timeframe.
Noho ora mai,
Simon Hubbard (he/him)
Office Administrator/ Kaiwhakahaere Tari
NZ On Air | Irirangi Te Motu Follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram
PO Box 9744 | Wellington | New Zealand 6141
Mobile: +64 21 224 8109
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From: NZOA Info
NZ On Air
Tēnā koe John
An update on your OIA request.
NZ on Air is experiencing an increase in the number in the volume and complexity of OIA requests.
However, due to staff capacity some of the current requests may not be able to be met in the statutory timeframe.
As such, we are currently extending the response time for all currently logged OIA's by another 20 days.
Rest assured your OIA has been noted and we will endeavour to answer as soon as possible.
NZ On Air
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From: John Kelly
Dear NZOA Info,
It's disappointing to be told on the final hour of the final day that NZ on Air would like another month to answer this request.
One reason stated is the volume of requests, unless I'm mistaken there would appear to be two OIA requests made in April, both now put off until June.
As to the complexity of the requests, I will accept your assertion on that.
We further await your reply.
Yours sincerely,
John Kelly
From: NZOA Info
NZ On Air
Tēnā koe John
Please see attached for correspondence relating to your OIA request below.
We appreciate your patience as we work through our OIA backlog.
To note that we receive requests in a variety of manners, as outlined on our how to make an OIA request webpage (
The total number of requests via the FYI website does not reflect the volume that we are dealing with at any one time.
Nāku, nā
Hilaire Carmody
Kaiāwhina ki te Tumu Whakarae |Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive
Irirangi Te Motu | NZ On Air
Pronouns: She/Her
DDI: 04 802 8301 [mobile number] Follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram
PO Box 9744 | Wellington | New Zealand 6141
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From: John Kelly
Dear NZOA Info,
Thank-you for your background information dated the 12th May, 2022 which was in reponse to our OIA request dated 7th of April, 2022.
Our information request was financial in nature and no finances have been addressed in your reply. We will therefore make a second attempt to secure answers as to how $40,000 of tax-payers money has been used by the award by NZOA to Noise Control Entertainment for a music project by Jason Kerrison.
Your own criteria demands that:
Project funding requires the involvement of a third-party NZ-based professional music company in the project. Confirmation of this involvement will be required in writing.
The company must be a third-party separate entity from the artist
and not connected via a related-party (e.g. family member). Applicant
artist owned companies are not considered third-party and cannot act
in this capacity for the purposes of a Project application.
Your NZ on Air Music Projects funding decisions web search highlights the following:
Jason Kerrison - Home In Me
Funding type:
Music Projects
Production company:
Noise Control Entertainment Limited
Dec 2020
A company search concludes that Jason Kerrison is the sole director of Noise Control Entertainment and is therefore a non-compliant third party production company.
Furthermore, you refer to a YouTube video of Jason Kerrisons' 'The Timing' dated the 8th of June 2021. This song with a single frame video with 399 views to date, makes no mention of NZ on Air funding and is therefore also non-compliant.
This is our second attempt to seek answers from NZOA regarding an apparently non-compliant funding decision that we would like to see reversed and the $40,000 returned to the NZ tax-payer funded NZOA to be used for compliant applications.
We believe that any further non-response will give us grounds to proceed to the ombundsman.
Yours sincerely,
John Kelly
From: NZOA Info
NZ On Air
Tēnā koe
Please see attached for further correspondence relating to your OIA below.
Nāku noa, nā
NZ On Air Admin Follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram
PO Box 9744 | Wellington | New Zealand 6141
Mobile: +64 21 224 8109
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence