We have received your OIA, which asks:
How many FTE disabilities support staff are at each university institution and if relevant why
there are discrepancies in these numbers; and
What is the allocation for these staff at each institution, how many minimum are required?
At the University of Otago, the FTE for disability support staff was 17.92 in 2021 an increase
of +1.96 on 2020 figures. The number of staff working in disability support varies due to the
number of students with disabilities registered with disability services, the number of
supports available to students and the nature of the courses that the students are enrolled
The Tertiary Education Commission expects all tertiary organisations to provide support to
make sure disabled students succeed in tertiary education, and the Commission provides
funding (“equity funding”) to make this possible. Equity funding is based on student
numbers or EFTS, so larger tertiary institutions receive more equity funds than smaller ones.